Part 5

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Robin sat at the seat she'd been assigned to sit at by Mrs Click. It was next to, none other than.. Keith.

"Hey Robin.." He whispered.

"Hello." She huffed, she was still pretty pissed off about the whole him turning up to her house and running away after telling her about the graffiti.

"I'm sorry about what happened on the weekend." "I shouldn't have ran off like that." He gulped.

"It's okay Keith. I was being an asshole." She had to play it cool, try not to be rattled by the rumours that would come with what was painted on the sign. Plus, Keith was her only 'friend' and she was in no place to be picky about friendships.

"Now.. don't be mad, but there's something else I need to tell you." He murmured cautiously.

"Again! And here of all places.." She rolled her eyes, pushing her seat up so it balanced on only two legs.

"Yeah, I know it's not ideal, but there's something important you should know."

"Okay, what is it?" Robin replied impatiently.

"Last night I was walking home from work, and I saw this.. thing." He hesitated.

"A thing..?"

"It was fucking weird." "It looked like it had flesh on the outside of its body, like it's skin was inside out.."

"Are you serious right now?" She didn't believe a single word that came out of his mouth.

"Is this some kind of stupid prank? Because it's seriously not funny."

"Just fucking listen!" He interrupted, he'd never lashed out like that before, this must've been serious.

Robin was slightly shocked by his outburst but it got her to shut up for a second.

"I think there's something strange happening in Hawkins. Like some supernatural shit." His tone was stern, something uncommon coming from Keith.

There was silence for what felt like an eternity.

"I don't know what to think." "It sounds like you're making shit up."

"Trust me, I know I like to goof around, but this is something I would never lie about."

Robin sat with a blank expression. She didn't want to believe it, because that would mean what she'd seen that night, would've been true.

It was a couple months prior.

Robin had met up with Mrs Click, for what they liked to call 'movie night'. It usually involved Mrs Click changing her appearance so nobody from Hawkins high would recognise her. And her and Robin having risky sex at the back of the cinema.

After their 'movie night' Robin was riding home and saw a.. well, disturbing sight. It was like something straight out of a horror film. Something truly horrifying. She never spoke about it because she didn't want to be seen as some crazy lunatic.

"Was it when you went passed the Byers?"

"Yeah.. wait, you've seen it too?" He questioned eagerly.

Robin gulped. "I think so.."

"Why didn't you say anything!?" He yelled out. Other students turned their heads to get in on their conversation.

"Excuse me Keith! Indoor voices please." Mrs Click called out.

"Sorry.." He whispered with a hand in the air. He huddled closer to Robin.

"Meet me outside the cinema at seven."

Robin nodded.

"Oh, and don't bring anyone with you." He slowly got up as the bell went off.

The students flooded out of the class as soon as they heard the bell, leaving Robin and Keith railing behind them.

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