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Aubrey:so what time you getting off tonight ?

Cory: probably 9:30 or 10 the team having a late practice cause they got in trouble

Aubrey: okay(eating her food ) corina stop jumping on the bed baby

Corina: sorry mommy

Cory: oh, her day care gave out the application for the head start program

Aubrey: ooh, you ready to go to big girl school pumpkin ?

Corina: no, me stay home

Cory: you don't wanna go to school and make friends ?

Corina: mommy come with me ?

Aubrey: oh no baby mommy too big to go with you. It's going to be fun

Cory: they will have snack time (smiles)

Corina:(starts smiling) snack time?

Cory:(laughs) mhm lots of snacks ( feeding journey a bottle)

Corina: yay!

Aubrey:(laughs) she's gonna love it

1 hour later:

Cory: alright bae I'm Finna head to work, you need anything before I go ?

Aubrey: nah baby I'm good, have a good day

Cory: I will try.(leans down and kisses her ) I love you

Aubrey: I love you too

Cory: take care of mommy til I get back coco, okay

Corina:mhm (laying with Aubrey)

Cory: big girl (kisses her forehead) daddy loves you


(Cory leaves. Aubrey's phone rings)

Aubrey:(answers) hey mama

A/m: hey baby, how are you?

Aubrey: well I'm on bed rest the remainder of my pregnancy. Today was my last day of work

A/m: good take advantage of it, you've been going through a lot lately

Aubrey: I'm fine mama

A/m: you say that now, but I can tell you're not. You sound so tired baby

Aubrey:(sighs) I am, I'm so exhausted. I feel like I'm tryna do too much in a short amount of time

A/m: have you thought about seeing a therapist honey?

Aubrey: I don't need a therapist mama

A/m: Aubrey you've had a panic attack every day in the past 2 weeks you do need to talk to someone. Please honey, you got three babies you gotta take care of and I know how you're feeling. You don't want it to get outta control.

Aubrey: sighs) I'll think about it mama

A/m: I love you honey and I don't want you experiencing these attacks at every little incident. I know it's frustrating. I'm worried about you.

Aubrey: thank you mama I love you too and I appreciate the concern.

A/m: well honey I just wanted to hear your voice you get some rest okay.

Aubrey: mama you okay? You sound winded

A/m: um yeah baby I'm fine

Aubrey: you sure mama?

A/m: yes honey i was just coming up the stairs I'm a little tired

Aubrey: um okay, well take it easy. I'm worried about you

A/m: uh uh don't add no more stress to yourself. I'm good baby

Aubrey: alright well call me later. I love you so much

A/m: I love you too honey bun

(They hang up.)

Aubrey pov: my mama was never the type of person to get sick often. She just didn't sound right to me. I gotta have my brothers check on her. I called my brother Christian and hopefully he can go check on her.

Christian:(answers) hey sis what's up, how you feeling?

Aubrey: I'm alright, but I could be overthinking things but can you go check on mama or have Caleb do it.

Christian: um yeah, what's wrong?

Aubrey: I just got off the phone with her and she sounds really short of breath. She said she was good but I got a bad feeling

Christian: alright, we'll I'm leaving work now. I'll call you back in about 30 minutes alright

Aubrey: okay

(They hang up)

Christian pov: man I hope mama okay cause this is the last thing I need brey panicking about. I made it over to my mama house and rung the doorbell but she didn't answer. I waited a minute then used my key and went inside.

Christian: mama? It's Chris... brey said she was worried about you (walking around) mama?

( Christian finds her laying on the kitchen floor)

Christian:mama !( runs over to her and starts calling 911 and checking for a pulse )

Operator: 911 what's your emergency?

Christian: I think my mother is dead.....

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