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Aubrey pov: I took odell into the gym and did his exam first. Asked him a whole bunch of questions and typed my notes into the system. Then I started him with some simple strengthening exercises, just to see what we need to work on and get better at. We did that for about an hour and a half before I got ready for his massage.

Odell: It's surprising that you haven't fan girled yet (Laughs and sits on the table)

Aubrey:(laughs) because I know how annoying that must be for celebrities. Don't get me wrong it's an honor to be your therapist but I like to be professional at all times

Odell: well, I appreciate that

Aubrey: you're welcome(starting to massage his leg) let me know if anything hurts

Odell: you're good, that's a beautiful ring, he must be a lucky guy

Aubrey:(starts blushing) thank you. He's so amazing

Odell: marriage is a wonderful thing. Me and my wife been together 2 years now and just had a baby. What about y'all?

Aubrey: we've been together since we were 13/14. We got engaged 2 years ago but our wedding is in a few months. We have 3 kids though

Odell: wow, y'all soul mates for real (smiles) congratulations!

Aubrey: thank you

Aubrey pov: odell was a really nice guy and I look forward to really helping him with his recovery. Before he left I did ask for a picture because he's Cory's favorite football player . After that i took a hour break before my next client so I went to check on coco.

Aubrey:(coming in the office )
Doing okay baby?

Corina: me sleepy

Aubrey:sits in her desk chair) aww come here

(Corina climbs into her lap and lays on her chest)

Later that day:

Cory pov: I took journey and Cortez to work with me and let them play in the daycare. This job works because they let us bring our kids and on days Aubrey can't take them with her I can take them with me. Anyways I had just pulled up to the house and saw her truck in the driveway. I got the kids out and we went inside.

Cory: hey baby

Cortex:(mocking him) hey baby

Aubrey:(laughs ) hi baby how was work?

Cory: it was good, these two had a good time ain't that right?

Journey: we played in the Bouncy


Aubrey:oooh sounds so fun

Cory: where's coco ?

Aubrey: she was sleep so I laid her down

Cory:how was your day?(sits next to her ) gimme kiss

Aubrey:(kisses him) my day was good, you won't believe who I met

Cortez: babe (tapping Aubrey )

Aubrey:( giggles) yes baby

Cortez:( holds up cup) juice

Aubrey pov: Cortez is just like his daddy. It's cute he cause me babe cause Cory says it all the time. If he hears Cory say it he'll copy it. I put some more juice in his cup and sat him on my lap.

Cory: so who did you meet?

Aubrey: pulls out her phone and shows him the picture) and I got you box tickets for the game this weekend, who's the best fiancé ?

Cory: no way , you met OBJ !

Aubrey: not only met him but he's my new client (smiles)

Cory: what! That's amazing baby

Aubrey: the tickets in that side pocket of my purse

Cory: oooh I love you so much, thank you beautiful. You're the best !

Aubrey: you're welcome (smiles ) think of it as your early Father's Day gift. I want you to go and enjoy yourself.

Cory: wait you not coming with me?

Aubrey: no, I gotta work, plus you always wit us when you not working. You need time wit ya boys.

Cory:nah i want my girl to go wit me

Aubrey:you sure ?

Cory: yes, when is the game?

Aubrey: Saturday at 3

Cory: soo go with me, you don't work Friday or Saturday anyways. We can get somebody to watch them and drive up there it's nothing but a couple hour drive

Aubrey: smiles) okay

Cory: smiles) come on let's get them cleaned up and I ordered food so it should be here soon.

Aubrey:smiles) okay

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