Chapter 3

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It is now 10:46 AM and Avery is still in bed. The sound of the doorbell wakes her up. Who could it be? She wasn't expecting visitors, the only visitor she was expecting was Mason.

But that was yesterday, not today. Plus, he already had made clear yesterday that he wouldn't be able to come.

Avery gets up, still looking rough from her 12 hour sleep, and makes her way down the staircase, weakly trying fixing her hair to look more presentable.

She looks through the peephole only to see Mason leaning against the doorframe, with an object that is indecipherable, due to the limited amount of sight through the peephole, in his hand.

Avery opens the tall wooden door and recognizes the object in his hand. A bouquet of flowers. Could it be? Is he asking her out? What if he asks her to be his Valentine? Or maybe it's just as an apology for not being able to come last night.

Avery stares at him, thoughts rushing through her mind. 10:49 AM is the time displayed across her watch. It's too early for this.

Mason breaks the silence and Avery notices how embarrassing it is for her to be staring at him like that, "So, be my valentine?" There's a slight hint of sarcasm in his voice but Avery chooses to ignore it because they joke around all the time, even in serious situations like this one.

"Oh my god," she pauses, "Oh my god! Oh my god! Of course! I've liked you for a while now! My dreams are finally coming true!"

"You actually thought I was for real?" He let out with a chuckle, "I would never!" He throws the bouquet at her as she starts to tear up.

His laughter echoes through the house as she runs back into her room, sobbing. She just embarrassed herself in front of her crush who happens to be her boy best friend.

After this is he even still her best friend?

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