Chapter 8

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(Dipper pov)

I groan in pain as I slowly force my eyes open only to instantly shut them again, the bright lights and white walls blinding me. I take a few moments before I strain my eyes open again. I look around realizing that I'm in a hospital bed, bandages covering my arms entirely and wrapped tightly around my entire chest. Glancing to my right I see a pile of folded clothes that I recognize as Bill's.

I wince as I sit up, already imagining how high my medical bill is going to be. I have money saved up that I've been saving for an emergency, like if Mabel needed a hospital trip or anything like that. This one hospital trip will probably cost me everything that I have left. I swing my legs off the bed as I stand up fighting through the pain that surges through my body. I pull the clothes on as a doctor steps into the room.

"You're actually up already? I highly advise against walking around at this state. You were-"

"In a fire, I know. And I know I sunstained heavy injuries." As I brush the hair out of my face, my fingers graze over a bandage wrapped tightly over my right eye. I didn't even realize that I was currently only viewing the world out of one eye. Weird.

"You should really get back in bed and rest up."

"I can't afford to stay in a hospital longer than I have to."

"Your hospital bill was already covered by that friend of yours."

"Of course he would.....either way I'm not staying here another second." I pull on my shoes before I push past him walking out of the hospital.

I walk down the streets, people avoiding me and frankly I can't entirely blame them. I probably would avoid someone who looked like me too. I stop outside a shop window looking at myself in the reflection. I take the bandages off and see with horror, my whole right eye is completely white and burn scars go all the way up starting from my eye up to my hair line. I can't see anything out of that eye at all.

I force myelf to look away from my reflection, my eyes falling onto a nearby bar. I recognize it as the bar where I first made this stupid deal with Bill. Taking a breath in and out slowly I make my way into the bar.

My eyes fall onto the figure at the bar slumped over, a glass of whiskey in hand. I make my way over to him, standing a few feet behind him.


"You should be in the hospital."

"Don't change the fucking subject. I asked you a damn question."

"Why what? You need to be more specific than that."

"Why would you save me from that fire and why the hell did you pay my hospital bill?"

"Because I wasn't sure how much you had left that could be used to pay for your stay at the hospital."

"You didn't answer my first question."

"Because the answer should be deadly obvious. I am madly in love with you, and no matter how much you deny your feelings they won't go away. Can you believe that they actually found the assholes who did it. Found them the next day smelling of moltovs. Most people are happy that they burned down our building. Maybe they're right."

"You had no right to pay that bill for me."

"I didn't have the right for a lot of shit. My family thinks I brought shame to them. My own father threatened to shoot me if I ever step foot near any of his buisnesses or house again. I have lost literally everything. I barely had enough to pay the hospital bill, I'm flat out broke now."

"So you're just giving up then?"

"Yeah, I seem to have caused a lot more pain then good. Just take a look at yourself for evidence."

"You started something and it inspired people. I don't know, maybe for you it was just to make a quick buck. But for me and people like Lettie, it was the chance to be something more than what the world says we are. To be more than the fucking propoganda that society is constantly shoving down our throats."

"I saw the sun begin to dim
And felt that winter wind blow cold
A man learns who is there for him
When the glitter fades and the walls won't hold

Cause from then, rubble
What remains
Can only be what's true
If all was lost
There's more I gained
'Cause it led me back
To you

From now on
These eyes will not be blinded by the lights
From now on
What's waited 'til tomorrow starts tonight

Let this promise in me start
Like an anthem in my heart
From now on
From now on" He lifts his head up downing the last of his drink as he finally looks at me.

"I drank champagne with kings and queens
The politicians praised my name
But those are someone else's dreams
The pitfalls of the man I became

For years and years
I chased their cheers
The crazy speed of always needing more
But when I stop
And see you here
I remember who all this was for

And from now on
These eyes will not be blinded by the lights
From now on
What's waited 'til tomorrow starts tonight
It starts tonight
And let this promise in me start
Like an anthem in my heart
From now on
From now on
From now on

From now on
These eyes will not be blinded by the lights!
From now on!
What's waited 'til tomorrow starts tonight!
It starts tonight!
Let this promise in me start
Like an anthem in my heart
From now on
From now on
From now on

From now on
From now on
Home, again, ooh, ooh
From now on
From now on
Home, again"

He holds his hand out to me, wearing his usual sly grin once again. "Would you do me the honor of being my partner one last time."

I manage a small smile as I take his hand. "Always."

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