chapter 1

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i woke up from bright light shining through my blinds. i turned to look at my clock. it read 7:30. shit. school starts at 8. i jumped out of bed and quickly got ready.

soon after i left my newly bought trailer, grabbed my bike and started cycling away.

i recently moved to hawkins, from florida. it's not that i didn't like florida but it had too many bad memories, i just wanted to start a new life in a small town.

hawkins seemed like the perfect place to do that. i live on my own, after both my parents died. my mother died when i was 10 and my father died recently. i'm 15 now.

i'm not exactly the luckiest person, i don't have any family apart from an aunt that lives in canada. not much use.

i moved into a small trailer in a trailer park not too far from the school. i used the money my dad left for me. he wasn't exactly the nicest man, but i do miss him. it will be hard living alone. but i'll survive. i need a job.

i got to school with not much time left. i parked my bike with other bikes and left to walk into school. this is the last week before spring break, i thought it may be easier to join before than after, and if i hate it i could always move town, i can do what i want now.

i walked into school, got my timetable and went to first period. it was math. i sat at the back, looking out the window. wondering why the fuck i decided to go to school. no one is making me.

i slowly walked to second period, i had german.
i entered the class and sat down at the only empty seat there was, next to a boy with dark shoulder length hair, and a black and white t shirt that said hellfire on it.

'hey' he said as i sat down.

'i'm mike' he said nicely.

'i'm y/n' i said, smiling.

we talked quite a bit through german, the teacher shushing us a few times.

'hey, do you want to sit me and my friends at break?' hey said out of nowhere.

'yeah sure, thanks' i smiled knowing i wouldn't have to sit alone on my first day.

'alright, so there is dustin, who i've been friends since we were young, eddie, who is like 18 i think? jeff and garrett and kas who are around 18/19/20? they got held back.' mike explained to me.


finally the bell rings signalling break and mike leads me to a table where his friends are sitting.

'hey guys, this is y/n' mike says, introducing me.

i hear a bunch of heys and hi's and a few smiles.

they all seem pretty nice, especially mike, dustin and eddie.

we all talk a bit until the conversation goes off into d&d. i used to play that with my mind was flooded by memories of the days where we would play all day.

'y/n, do you play d&d?' eddie asks me.

'i used to, i haven't in a while' i say.

'you should join our club, it's called hellfire' he says, showing me his t-shirt.

'we play d&d, we're nearly at the end of our campaign, but you can still come along, we may need a sub as lucas has been taken by the dark side' he says, looking over to the other side of the cafeteria, where i guess the basketball team are.

i haven't played since she died, i feel that if i play again - i don't think i can play again.

'i'll think about it.' i say, knowing full well the chances of me at doing it are 1 - 100.

hey guys, sorry if this is bad it's only my second fanfic, and i'm writing it at the same time as my other.

will and his family have moved to California like in the real show, but there won't be vecna and all that in this story.

you will meet will a bit later on, but i'll try rush the hawkins bit a little so you get to meet him sooner.

i might not be able to update this every day but i'll try.

thanks for reading ;)!

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