chapter 2

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break finished and i went to my third period lesson-english. i walked in and saw dustin already sat down at a desk. he waved and gestured for me to come and sit next to him.

"hey" he said smiling. he was a very smiley person.

"hey" i said smiling back.

he asked me the usual questions, where are you from, why'd you move, i just answered vaguely and said i wanted a fresh start. i wasn't lying, but i left the part out about my family, or lack of.

we talked about random shit for the rest of the lesson, including d&d. he was trying to convince me to come to hellfire, but i wasn't convinced.

"come on, it's fun!" he said persuasively.

eventually i gave in.
"fine, fine i'll go if you stop begging me" i laughed.

the lesson finished and i walked to science.

i only just realised what i agreed to. shit. i don't want to do this.

i walked into the class and looked around. every seat was full except from one. sat next to eddie. i went and sat next to him.

"hey" he said, smiling.
i smiled back.

"i have been informed that you have agreed to come to hellfire tonight"

i wanted to say i couldn't come, but judging by the smile on his face he really wanted to do this campaign, and it wouldn't go ahead if i didn't go so i had to agree.

"yeah, i am, where do i go? what time?" i asked, realising i knew nothing about it.

he explained to me where to go and what time. (7:00pm).

"alright thanks" i said.

we talked for the rest of the lesson, not listening to the teacher, getting told off a few times. we were actually very similar, we liked the same kind of music, both played guitar and stuff like that. we got to know a quite bit about each other by the end of the lesson.

when the bell rang we walked out the lesson together.

"what lesson do you have next?" he asks me, as were walking down the hall.

"er, music i think" i say.

"really? me to!" he exclaimed. he seems to get excited quite easily.

we walked there together. it was quite far away and to be honest, we didn't walk very fast.

"your late again" the teacher exclaimed angrily looking at eddie when we walked in the classroom.

"oh you must be y/n" she said when she saw me, her expression softening a little.

"yeah" i said.

"go sit down then" she said, almost shooing me away.

i went and sat down next to eddie.

"yeah, she can be a bit of a bitch sometimes" he whispered to me.

i laughed.

we were told to learn make our own song in a duet.

"do you want to work with me?" eddie asked me.

"well actually, i have to choose from the masses of friends i have" i said.

"oh.." he said, looking a little disappointed.

"yeah oh course i'll work with you" i laughed, punching his arm.

"you really think i have anyone else to go with?" i laughed.

he smiled and took me to the guitars. he picked two up and gave one to me.

"so the school guitars are shit so your gunna have to play an acoustic sorry. we can switch if you want?" he told me.

"nah it's alright i don't mind, you can use the electric." his face lit up into a bright smile and he went to an amp and plugged the guitar in.

we started by creating some chords on the acoustic guitar, and we added a electric guitar riff on top of it. it actually sounded pretty good.

the bell rang, signalling lunch time. me and eddie both walked out and into the cafeteria. we found our table and sat with everyone again.

we talked for lunch until the bell rang for last period. it was pe. great.

i really didn't want to do pe, it was wayy to hot as well, so i snuck behind the bleachers and sat down on the floor.

i went to thinking about tonight, about how i had decided to go and play d&d. i thought back to the times where i used to play with my mom. i missed her so much, she was the sweetest and most loving person i ever knew.

i hadn't thought about her for a long time, whenever i did i wanted to cry. and now i was, i felt a tear roll down my cheek. i couldn't cry, especially at school.

i rummaged through my bag.

"ahah" i said when i found it. it was a joint. i want planning on smoking on my first day of school, but i wasn't really thinking straight, i didn't really want to think at all.

i lit the joint and took a big hit. i enjoyed smoking, it was gasified happiness. i knew it probably wasn't the best for you, but i didn't really care, as long as i didn't have to think.

i wasn't exactly addicted, but i was kinda addicted to the feeling of being relaxed, of not having a bad thought in the world.

i don't know how long i was sat there, i wasn't that high ( i had quite a high tolerance ) but time didn't really work normally. it seemed it had hardly been an hour, when it was nearly time to meet eddie. of course i didn't know that, i still thought i was skipping pe.

suddenly i heard something. the air around me got colder as i heard it. i brushed it off, saying it was just the weed until it happened again.

"y/n" the voice said. it got cold again, and dark. until it went back to normal.

"y/n" it said again. this time i could see how dark it actually was. the sky was grey, and thunder was in the sky. everywhere was covered in vines and there were little white things floating in the air.

i saw a figure, not too far from the bleachers, walking towards me. he was the one who said my name. he was wearing a white tank top, all bloody, from what i could see. my heart was beating fast.

suddenly i felt a hand on my shoulder. i quickly turned around, breathing heavily. it was eddie.

"woah, you alright" he asked me concerned, when he saw my face and my heavy breathing.

i was back in the normal world now, bright, no vines. i just passed it off as the weed, as a hallucination. even though nothing like that had happened before.

"yeah i'm fine" i tell him, trying to smile.

we walked back into the school. what was that, that's never happened before, it felt so.. real.

thoughts were running round my head as i walked next to eddie, as he kept giving me concerned glances.

heyyy guys, i know i haven't updated in agggessss sorry sorry i've been busy with stuff and my other story.

i will try my best to update this more often, and my other story.

thanks everyone for all the reads though, i wasn't exactly expecting that.

yes this is a will x male reader not eddie x male reader, eddie and y/n will just be good friends, you will meet will later on.

please tell me, are yall enjoing this?

thanks for reading!

together - will byers x male reader Where stories live. Discover now