Chapter 4

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When i woke up, it was almost like, i don't know i just didn't feel the same. i heard voices while i tried opening my eyes.

"are you sure you didn't do anything to him? give anything to him?" a female sounding voice asked

"no i did not do anything, i was out of this room for a minute and i saw him on the ground when i came back in" said eddie

"i still don't believe you" whispered the female voice

i managed to pry my eyes open.

"heyy, how are you" eddie said when he saw me awake.

i had a look at the girl, i saw her at school earlier today, i think her name was max?

"weird" i said truthfully

"what happened, and i swear if eddie gave you something i'm gunna kill him" max said seriously.

i sighed.
"you wouldn't believe me"
i wanted more than anything to tell someone, but i know how crazy it sounds, and i don't want people to think i'm crazy.

"try me" she said.

me and eddie both looked at her confused.

"why are you here anyway?" i asked her

"all the lights were flickering and it reminded me of.. never-mind. but anyway i saw eddie in his trailer holding an unconscious you, so i thought something has happened and came to check"

"oh, alright."

"are you going to tell us or not?" she said sassily.

"ok, ok but it's really weird and it sounds crazy. don't tell anyone."

"we won't tell anyone, don't worry" eddie told me.

"so it happened first behind the bleachers. i was smoking a joint and completely lost track of time when i heard my name. someone was calling me. for a second it went dark and cold and then it went back to normal. then it happened again, and everything around me changed that time."

"what did it look like?" max asked curiously, but also as if she knew something.

" it was like dark, very dark and cold, vines everywhere and little white things floating around, it was weird."

max's face dropped for a second but she then tried to cover it up with a comforting smile.

"what else happened?"

"i saw a guy, walking towards me, saying my name, and then eddie came from behind me and everything went back to normal."

"what did the guy look like?"

"i didn't get a good look at him then, but i did just now when i saw him. he had a blonde curly mullet, a white tank top, very bloody and may have had a hole through his chest, quite good looking and blood dripping from his mouth."

"billy" i heard max whisper.

"sorry?" i said

"oh, doesn't matter"

"max i'm telling you all this, if you know who this is could you please share?"

she looked at me for a second before sighing.
"fine. he was my brother. my brother who died last year in the summer break."

"i'm so sorry" i said, she looked like she really didn't want to talk about it."

"anyway, what happened just now? why did you collapse?"

"i was stood here, waiting for eddie to come back, when the whole room turned dark and cold and stuff again. that guy, your brother, was here again. this time he was closer. he told me he needed me to help him or something. and that i needed to bring him back. he then told me i'm going to need to learn to control these. these what? i have no idea. he then put his hand on me, and a wave of pain went through me, i guess that's when i passed out."

"wow, i don't know what to say." said eddie.

"i have dealt with these kinds things before, but not exactly like this. why did my brother come to you, and what did he do?"

"what do you mean you've dealt with these things before?" i asked her.

"i'll tell you, but in my trailer."
"without eddie"

"why, why can't i know as well?" eddie asked in a childish way.

"because it doesn't concern you. even knowing about this is dangerous, and you don't need to know."

"how come y/n can know?" he asked again, sulking.

"because if you weren't listening to anything he just said, he is connected to all of this!"

they argued back and forth for a while, while i just lay down trying to figure something  out. i had a banging headache. there arguing was really making me annoyed.

just shut up. shut up! SHUT UP!

suddenly a cup broke. a cup all the way on the other side of the room. no one was near it. everyone turned to look over there.

then max turned to look at me.
"we're leaving" she said and grabbed my hand, walking me out.

"what the hell was that!" eddie said.

"probably broke by you too arguing" i joked.

"bye" i said before the door closed.

we started walking to max's trailer.
once we got inside she turned to look at me.

"did you do that?" she asked.

i wanted to laugh but then i saw the serious look on her face.

"what break that cup? no of course not, i'm not magic"

"i think you did" she said, in a matter of fact tone.

"what makes you think that?" i said. now i think of it, i was shouting shut up in my head, and i felt something as the cup broke. but no, powers can't exist. especially on me.

"i had a friend once, who could move stuff with her mind. her name was el"

i wanted to laugh but something about her told me she was telling the truth.

"how?" i asked.

"i don't know, she just seemed to concentrate really hard on something and, it worked i guess. maybe you try it?"

"i'm not sure, i'll try if your convinced i have these magic powers." i laughed.

i concentrated on a pillow, tried to make it float. it didn't.

"sometimes she put her hand out, maybe that will be easier?"

i put my hand out, pointed at the pillow. i imagined in my mind the pillow floating up into the air. i pulled my hand up in a quick motion. i couldn't believe it and by the look on max's face she couldn't either. the pillow went flying up to the ceiling, then back down.

"shit" i said.


hey thank y'all for reading , sorry i haven't updated in ages, hope you enjoyed this though

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2022 ⏰

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