chapter 3

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i had sobered up a lot since that happened. it was so scary, i tried convincing myself it wasn't real, but it felt so real.

"were you smoking" eddie finally asks me, after some silence.

"er.." i reply, i didn't know if i should tell him or not. he obviously knew what i was thinking.

"it's fine if you were, i was just wondering" he said.

"yeah, i was" i said.

"are you high?"

"not really, i was but not now" i explained.

"have you been there all this time? from the start of pe i mean" he asked me. how did he know i skipped pe?

"yeah, how do you know i was there?"

"oh, i saw you walking towards that direction, i guessed you were going there"

"oh" i replied.

"so, after the campaign, wanna come to my house? you don't have to, of course, but i thought maybe we could smoke? it's fine if you don't want to but i never have anyone to smoke with and it's a lot more fun with someone else, trust me" he laughed.

"yeah, why not. where do you live" i asked. i didn't exactly have anything else to do tonight apart from sit alone and be lonely so i agreed.

"er, do you know the trailer park?"

"yeah i do, i live there" i said. maybe it wouldn't be so bad here. i always thought people would make fun of me for living there, but now i've met someone who lives there too.

"really?!" eddie exclaimed.

he also seemed excited that someone else from school lived near him.

"cool, i'll drive you there after, unless you have a car?" he asked me.

ha, like i can afford a car.

"no, i don't have a car, i have my bike though, i can cycle" i told him.

"nah it's alright, i have a van, you can put your bike in the back" he said, and smiled at me at the end.

"alright, thanks" i said smiling back at him. he had managed to make me forget about the voice for a second. only a second.

eddie stopped walking suddenly and opened a door. we entered and saw mike, garret, dustin and jeff all sat around a table.

"sorry we're late, someone got a little lost" he smirked, looking at me.

"hey, it's my first day!" i defended myself.

he laughed and told me to sit down.

seeing the board brought back memories, of my and my mom playing together. i missed her so much. i kept it together though, i knew i'd cry myself to sleep tonight.

time skip to the end of the game, pretend it goes how the one in the show went, and replace erica with y/n.

"wow, you do know how to play" eddie said as we walked out the building. we all said our goodbyes to everyone as they left their separate ways.

"yeah, well i did use to play a lot" i said.

"why did you stop playing" he asked me curiously. i wasn't exactly ready to tell him my whole story yet so i made something up, that wasn't entirely untrue.

"i used to play with someone, then they left, not much fun playing on your own" i explained.

"ah" eddie said, like he was deep in thought.

we got my bike and put it in the back of his van.

he drove to the trailer park, we didn't talk much but we had ac/dc playing, so that was good enough.

we pulled up outside his trailer and got out. it looked exactly like mine, maybe a little bigger.

we walked inside, i noticed that it was pretty messy. even worse than mine. i didn't mind though.

he started rummaging through his drawers, in search of weed probably. he didn't seem to be finding it though.

"are you sure you have some?" i asked him. i was a bit on edge, i felt almost as if someone was watching me. i shook off the feeling.

"yeah.. somewhere" he said turning around.

"wait here" he said, putting his finger up and walking to what i guess is his room.

i stood there waiting, i couldn't keep still, the feeling of being watched only kept getting worse.

suddenly, i heard it again.


this time, there was no convincing myself it wasn't real. eddie's whole trailer went dark, those vines appeared everywhere and the white stuff was floating around.

it turned cold and i could even smell and taste the air, it smelt mouldy and decayed. not a nice smell.

i nervously looked down the hallway to see the same man as before, walking towards me. this time he was closer, i could see him easier.

he had a blond curly mullet, and quite a nice face. that is if you wouldn't include the dried blood dripping from his mouth, and the blood all over his white tank top. i think there was actually a hole in his chest.

i built up enough courage to speak.

"what do you want" i said, surprised about how my voice didn't shake.

"you" he said.

he was right in front of me now, i could feel his breath on me.

"why" i asked, genuinely confused. why would he want me? up close he didn't seem as scary. sure he could bite my head if at any moment, but he didn't look that type. he looked almost.. needy.

"i need you to help me" he said, breathlessly.

"how, why me?" i asked, wanting answers.

"we don't have that much time, you need to be able to control it fast" he told me.

"what are you talking about, control what? what do you want me to do!?" i asked, raising my voice a bit from the lack of answers.

"you need to bring me back" he said, more breathlessly now, almost like he was getting weaker.

"how do i do that? where are you? bring you back from where?" i asked again.

"you'll know. i'll contact you again soon." he almost whispered. then he put one hand on my heart and one hand on my head.

"er.. what are you doi-" i asked confused, until pain shot through me.

i felt as if someone was pushing something inside of me, but it felt like a million red hot daggers stabbing every inch of my heart and brain. then it stopped.

i fell to the floor. i realised i was back in eddie's trailer, the real one. eddie was standing over me and quickly crouched down.

"y/n, are you ok?! what happened?!" he frantically asked.

"i'm aight" i tried to spit out, but it ended up being not very understandable.

every inch of my body felt drained, and my eyes were drooping. then it all went black.

hey yall, i updated two days in a row, wow

are yall actually enjoying this? it gets better i promise.

thanks if you are reading this, and thanks for like 100 views lol, i didn't think people would actually read this

bye guyys

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