sayians that love to fight

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chapter 1 Goku reads a dc comic from dbz is and gets bored so he trains with vegeta in the time chamber for one day both get new forms wish to go to the dc comics universe to fight for fun
2 saiyans goku and vegeta want to be challenged in the dc comics universe and get new forms to see how far they have come also broly wants to come to finally have some fun goku happly happly agrees they vegeta says no cause of brolys power bring broly goku warned vegeta of strong opponents of dc comics universe so they bring broly just in case if anyone interferes
and it becomes a battle of strength power levels and new transformations
so they get sick of training and get the dragon balls to go to the dc comics to play around
chapter 2
Goku: hey broly what are we gonna call our new forms ???

Vegeta: well i was thinking something like Dragon, or Veggie... I don't know what to call you.
Goku: yeah me neither but let's find out broly!
Vegeta: hmm okay lets see how good we can really be then.
Goku: broly is already on my lips dude I don't even wanna think about calling myself Veggie or Dragon I feel weird calling myself Veggie haha.
Vegeta: Dragon?
Goku: sure lets go with it.
Vegeta: okay Dragon it is then.
Goku: yay! Let's start training then broly!
Vegeta: okay Dragon it is then.
Vegeta: wait why am I calling you Dragon anyway??
Goku: uhhhhh broly doesn't matter as long as we're together broly is fine.
Vegeta: whatever broly.
Goku: hey guys look at this cool new form we got!
Vegeta looks at the description of their new forms and he is shocked at how different they look than they were before. They aren't quite the same but he isn't sure why. Their eyes were green but now their eyes are black. They also seem more buff and taller than usual. It's kinda funny when they realize it though.
Vegeta: oh fuck.
Goku: oh yeah that sounds like a cool name man I wonder where we will be able to fight?
Vegeta: let's try fighting each other first.
Goku: ok broly lets do this!
Vegeta: Dragon I summon you!
Vegeta summons his monster, a giant yellow dragon which has six claws and four heads. He looks at Goku with an evil grin on its face.
Goku summons his own monster, a pinkish blue fire dragon. The dragon turns its head towards Vegeta and growls, showing sharp fangs and sharp horns. It opens its mouth and spits flames toward him. He manages to dodge the attack but gets hit by the backfire blast. He falls down with an "oof" onto his butt.
Vegeta: ha! I win.
Goku: but i thought you had the advantage of being bigger.
Vegeta: it seems like the advantage was lost.
He laughs at Goku's pouting expression. They decide to continue training instead. They try to use the same tactics again and again without any results. Eventually, they stop trying to defeat each other. Instead, they focus on improving themselves. They are determined not to lose to one another once they are allowed to enter the DC comics universe. They train with new forms every single day. Sometimes they work better than others but they make it work. They are still learning how to improve each other's skills.
The first couple times they train with new forms, it's only after practice that their abilities change. For Vegeta, he improves his speed and control, and is able to dodge attacks better. For Goku, he improves his reflexes and flexibility, and also can attack from multiple angles. For Vegtson, his instincts kick in and he is able to respond in time to attacks faster. They learn and adapt as much as possible to each other. They are determined to be the best, the strongest, the fastest duo. If there's anything to aspire to after they leave the world of comic books, it's to be unstoppable.
Chapter 3
Goku from dbz has been waiting for this moment since he heard that people wanted to meet him. It took a bit longer than expected to prepare but today's meeting is going to happen in a few hours.
goku grabs the dragon balls to get 3 magical wishes
first wish if they die or get trapped or cursed they come back with no problems secound wish for broly not to kill goku or vegeta
3rd wish to go inside the dc comics universe
they travel inside the new universe of dc comics and dont fight anyone just yet they pick a hide out just in case they dont want to be beaten to quickly by everyone else on site they find a cave and stay in it for about a week until it gets dark enough to sneak out and check out the world of DC comics. They spend most of their time watching tv and eating, they train a lot and sometimes play video games when they are bored. They also study about the DC comics universe through textbooks, online videos, and anime.
Chapter 4
It's getting closer to the end of summer and Goku has been practicing his powers all summer. His friends have gotten used to him having more than two forms so they didn't think it was that odd. Now, though, he is getting stronger and more confident as well. He has been taking classes for over half a year but he still hasn't found his true form.
Goku: broly!! Broly wake up!!! I wanna show u something!
Vegeta: what?
Goku: it's a surprise broly!!!
Vegeta rolls over and continues sleeping. Goku shakes his shoulders, waking him up. Vegeta sits up groggily and rubs his eyes.
Goku: brolly come on wake up! I wanna show you something!
Vegeta: what do you need?
Goku: I want to tell you something and I wanna tell you it super secret. No one knows except you!
Vegeta: who told you to tell me? Who is it?
Goku: I haven't told you because it might ruin your surprise. Come on broly get up already you won't believe what I made to help me learn to use this power!
Vegeta: what power did you make?
Goku: this. Here. You'll see. Come on, let's go.
Goku takes his hand and leads him outside. There is a crowd of people on the edge of town gathered. When Goku sees them, he gasps excitedly.
Goku: there are so many people!!
Vegeta: wow... it is amazing.
Goku: broly look!
Vegeta looks at the crowd and sees a bunch of people dressed in all sorts of costumes. Some of them are wearing masks and some are wearing normal clothes.
Vegeta: wow... it is amazing.
Goku: broly look!
He points at one particular person and starts laughing quietly to himself. Vegeta realizes he is probably talking about the hero known as Batman.
Vegeta: ohhh he looks like a badass
Goku: yeah!!!! he's so cool!!!
Goku: broly, broly look!
Vegeta follows his finger and sees a guy in red and blue with a cape on. Goku grabs his arm and pulls him close, making Vegeta gasp in surprise.
Goku: look!
Goku starts moving closer to Vegeta to keep him close. He whispers into his ear.
Goku: yes vegeta
its superman
broly I like the flash he is my favorite too
They continue walking around with Goku pointing at the costumes, explaining to them what they are. Vegeta tries to pay attention to everything that's happening around them but mostly he tries to keep track of Goku. He always seemed to be getting lost in his own thoughts when he wasn't running laps, doing push ups, or just training. That was the first thing Goku does when they are together, and that was exactly what happened that day. It seems like he wants to run off and do more things but somehow Vegeta manages to stop him before he goes anywhere. Goku smiles at him happily and Vegeta smiles back softly. He puts his hand on top of Goku's head.
Vegeta: broly it's getting late we should probably go to are cave soon.
Goku nods enthusiastically while rubbing his eyes. They walk towards Vegeta's house with Goku carrying all his bags. As they approach Vegeta's cave. Goku jumps in happily.
Goku: broly it's so cool here, you really live under the mountain! How do ya stay warm when the weather changes so often? Is it cold in the cave? Can you fly? Can you move really fast? What kind of stuff can you eat? Where do you sleep? What food do you like? Can you talk to plants or animals?? Do you live in caves all year round? Can you turn invisible and move really fast?? Oh! Do you have any weapons???
Vegeta laughs at Goku's excitement. He knows he should stop him but he doesn't seem to care. This little Saiyan never seems to have a worry in the world. He's always happy and smiling. Its hard for him to picture him not smiling right now especially since he doesn't even know why Goku is looking so happy.
Goku: you're laughing at me aren't you? Well I don't want you to laugh at me!!
Vegeta: I would never laugh at you, I just can't imagine why you would have this many questions
Goku: well I have questions that need answers?!
broly interrupts and says hey let's do something fun goku and vegeta. He then proceeds to take his backpack full of magic items and place it on a rock near the cave entrance. Goku runs over to it excitedly to see what's inside. He opens it up slowly.
Goku: its full of cool stuff!!!!!! Oh!! I bet you guys wouldn't be interested. Sorry
vegeta no goku we will only bring those magical items when were done or lose either way we will fight with are own strengths! goku ok fine what do you think broly? broly I agree as well. Let's get started
They start throwing things inside the bag. Vegeta throws things into the air, Goku uses his ki to catch them, and they both shout in excitement. Vegeta notices Goku isn't picking up all the items he threw. So Vegeta picks them up for him, but he leaves the extra ones behind and lets Goku pick those up without saying anything.
Goku: broly these things are really heavy! You should have told me that sooner!!! What did you put in them anyways? Are they dangerous? Does any of it work?
Vegeta: its magic items i'm sure that whatever you put in them will work. Go and give them to me.
Goku hands him the last item and gives him a questioning look.
Goku: why is he asking you to do it instead of me?
Vegeta: because you can't carry these yourself. Go and give them to him.
Goku nods and hands them to him obediently.
Goku: alright broly thanks! We will be back later!!!
Vegeta: ok. See you tomorrow.
Goku: see you! Broly bye
Goku runs away from the cave and disappears into thin air. Vegeta turns around and finds his backpack empty. Vegeta stares at it confused before turning around to go back inside the cave. He notices the extra magic items in his hands. Vegeta walks over to the backpack and places them down on the ground.
chapter 5 :
As Goku walks down the street, he is trying to figure out how he ended up getting roped into being bait for a group of gang leaders.
Goku: so this whole deal is just to lure me and my 2 freinds out of hiding? Why the hell did they decide to target ? I mean you'
the main leader of the gang of illusionists
says what the hell are you talking about we tricked you in to eating food to trap you to kill are rival gang with a fake!
Goku: you guys tricked me?
What I thought you guys were trying to save me??
Why would you lie to me?
I hate liars
Goku: what makes you think I lied to you? You could have seen us coming! listen dude you were just there at the luck of the draw at the wrong place at the wrong time! you are nothing you are not powerful enough because it's not about strength its about magic to get out of our trap Haha!!!! goku transforming to ssj4 but nothing works not even ssj god!? but then he remembered his newest form of the dragon that is not only spiritual but also magical and destroyed the trap in 1 minute and 30 seconds and scares the gang of illusions!!! he beats all of them so insane the main leader jack 97 went in to hiding in his magic but goku uses instant transition to find him and kill him! but after going through everything to get him to stop being such a coward he finally killed him and turned to his other form of the dragon. Now everyone is running around looking for goku and trying to stop him from killing them but all they find is a dead body, all of which is the body of jack 97!
chapter 6 :
After listening to Goku's explanation, Vegeta is still surprised. Goku tells him everything that he has done since the morning. The gang of illusions has been trying their best but Goku has easily managed to evade them for weeks now. It's unbelievable what Goku has been able to do all alone. After hearing Goku explain this Vegeta gets an idea of how Goku is supposed to help him get rid of Vegeta. He is already aware that the only way he is going to be able to control the dragon is by using his powers in battle. Even if he is strong enough to use his power to defeat the illusionist, he knows very well he would die.
Vegeta: so your plan is to convince me that this gang of idiots is trying to kill you when in reality it is a gang of assassins trying to steal your abilities?
Goku: yeah! I promise you it's true! They're trying to hurt you so you need me to help you!
Vegeta: no Goku you are not helping me.
Goku: no?
Vegeta: I am trying to destroy the illusionist gang myself so if I go with you you won't be a part of the problem anymore
Goku: what? but what about the other gangs that are out to get you?
Vegeta: they aren't worth my effort!
He looks over to Goku who is staring at him in shock. Goku's expression quickly turns to one of anger and determination.
Goku: I won't accept that!!!!
Goku grabs the arm Vegeta had rested on the ledge. Vegeta stares at Goku curiously. He doesn't say anything at first until Goku pulls the sleeve of his jacket down. He sees Goku grab at his mark. His eyes widen slightly when he realizes Goku must have recognized his symbol. Vegeta removes his wrist from Goku's grip and pushes him off the edge of the cliff. Goku quickly falls down. His scream echoes throughout the forest.
Chapter 7
Goku lays there motionless, his body is completely limp and he doesn't move. Vegeta runs towards where Goku was falling. When he reaches the edge of the cliff he sees Goku lying unconscious. A dark feeling fills him as he thinks of what could have happened. Goku could have landed wrong or hit his head on some rocks or fallen through the hole in the ground. Vegeta kneels next to him, and touches him. There is no sign of breathing.
"Goku?" broly comes and helps goku and heals him with his new transformation and great care and vegeta watches Intel he gets better. Goku starts waking up, groaning a bit in pain.
Vegeta: hey, you okay?
Goku: yes...just a bit sore, I guess haha.
Vegeta: come on lets go home and get some sleep. I don't know if it's wise to stay here for too long with what happened.
Goku: wait, what happened? Wait I remember I fell off the cliff! How did I survive a fall like that?
Vegeta: your body reacted fast when you fell and protected you. The fall didn't injure you.
Goku: wow. That's awesome! But how did you know what to do?
Vegeta: I read that you should close your eyes while jumping from high places. Then concentrate on your speed and force and the result will be instantaneous.
Goku: oh! Yeah! Thanks!
Vegeta: it wasn't a problem. Let's get back.
The duo goes home together and they immediately lay down on their bed, sleeping soundly till morning.
Chapter 8 - Vegeta's plan
In his dreams Vegeta is standing at a huge mansion surrounded by hundreds of people watching a large screen playing live footage of some kind of show. The whole house is filled with people laughing and cheering for something. Vegeta feels himself smile at the sight of all these people happy and enjoying themselves. He suddenly hears loud voices screaming. The noise is so loud, so full of joy and joy. Vegeta can feel the warmth spreading through his body and making his heart thud faster as the people cheer and scream louder. Vegeta can see two figures fighting each other in front of the crowd and he starts moving closer to the action as the two people fight against each other. They start fighting against one another and soon blood spills from both their bodies. Everyone around him starts cheering. Vegeta wants to cheer along but he can't let himself do it. His vision slowly fades away as the cheers grow quieter and softer until he wakes up with a start. He stares at the ceiling trying to steady his breathing. He can still hear all the cheers around him.
Goku: broly what's wrong? Are you awake?
Goku turns over and looks at him with concern in his eyes.
Goku: what are you doing up?
Vegeta: just dreaming.
Goku sits up in bed and rubs his eyes tiredly.
Goku: I wish I could dream as cool as you do!
Goku smiles and looks away blushing.
Vegeta: I said, I wish I could dream as cool as you do!
Goku: well now I want to sleep!
Vegeta: but I thought you wanted to talk.
Goku: no! No, not right now! Go to sleep!
Vegeta: win, you can sleep.
Vegeta looks over at Goku. He notices that he seems really tired. Vegeta decides not to bother Goku any more and closes his eyes for the night. The events of his dream replay in his mind as he drifts off into a deep slumber.
Chapter 9
It takes Vegeta awhile to wake up again. He opens his eyes and sees that it is already the middle of the day. He turns over and finds Goku sleeping peacefully. Goku isn't moving much, except for the slight rise and fall of his chest. Suddenly a sense of uneasiness hits Vegeta and he gets up as quietly as possible before walking over to Goku. Goku doesn' look like he is having any problems.
Vegeta: he doesn't look any different, why is he ok?
Goku's eyes open slowly revealing beautiful blue eyes. Vegeta feels the color of those eyes.
Goku: hello broly...
Vegeta: good morning!
Goku: hurts to speak...I'm hungry and thirsty sits up and holds a hand to his forehead and tries to stand up but loses his balance and falls back onto the pillow as pain shoots throughout his stomach and head. He feels a hand rest on his shoulder and he looks up. so broly and vegeta get food and drinks a lot of it and they eat all of it 4 hours later goku and Vegeta are getting ready to leave to go hunt down the assassins rival gangs.
Vegeta: so are you ready to fight?
Goku: yep!
Vegeta: ok then follow me.
Vegeta leads Goku to diffrent locations!!!
Vegeta: you have to listen closely because we're going to take them all down.
Vegeta and Goku walk through a forest near the mountains.
Goku: what exactly do we do once we've captured them?
Vegeta: the leader will give us information about his organization's location which will lead us to its hideout.
Goku: ok...well let's go then!
After following the leader's directions for what feels like hours they finally reach their destination.
Vegeta: we have arrived. Remember what I said. This place has many hidden tunnels and caves that connect to the main building. We need to search for their hiding spot.
Vegeta walks in front with Goku behind him. The leader is leading them to a cave that is covered with vines. As soon as he is about to enter the cave Goku stops him.
Goku: wait!! Why do we need to go this way?
Vegeta: we can't just keep chasing after this guy if we go the right path he'll probably just turn right around and head to another area where he might lead us right to his headquarters! It may not be an option. Besides we need to search for the leader' hideout and make sure that there are no surprises waiting for us.
Goku: but you already know where we need to why does the boss still insist that we continue on this path?
Vegeta: I don't know....we have to follow his orders.
Goku: okay.
Vegeta and Goku follow the leader deeper into the cave. They eventually come across a dead end. Goku stands on the floor and looks around. He can't believe they didn't find this earlier. Vegeta walks in front of him.
Vegeta: we need to search for another way to continue going forward.
Goku: but the leader said we would only be able to follow the path until the end. He wouldn't tell us anything else.
Vegeta: well, the leader obviously knows more than we do. If he doesn't know everything he should've known the exit wouldn't be so far from the point where we got caught.
Goku nods and thinks about how they got trapped inside the cave. He begins looking for a light switch in the room that they entered. Vegeta walks closer to him and follows Goku to see what he is doing.
Vegeta: I think I see a light switch over here.
Goku turns towards him and nods. Vegeta approaches it and flicks the switch on. A bright light fills the room causing Vegeta and Goku to shield their eyes with both hands for a minute. Once their vision adjusts Vegeta sees Goku opening a door that reveals stairs going downwards. The stairs seem to go on and on forever and it's hard to see where they are going.
Vegeta: so the leader told us we were going down to look for someplace hidden or maybe something important. What is it Goku? Do you know?
Goku shakes his head slowly.
Goku: nope..but that sounds really cool to explore a secret underground tunnel!
Vegeta: yes.
They start descending down the stairs and they eventually come to a dead end. They look around and try to figure out where they could possibly go to get out. After searching for a long time they blow up the stairs and the illusion ruins out and they beat up all the rival gangs because there all there the fight was very intense!!!
The enemy was so strong and had more people then them too and they were outnumbered but they managed to defeat them and everyone ran away to avoid capture. But the leader stayed and took part in the battle. There was blood everywhere.
Vegeta: well, the fight was awesome! I hope they never return.
Goku:" certainly was!"
Chapter 9 broly wants to do some exploring by himself for fun goku and vegeta agree because the illusionists and there rival gangs are destroyed so he can handle himself, and even if he gets in trouble goku can use instant transition with vegeta for help. broly goes to the city and gets modernized a bit more. he feels power from some one else that is not a hero but dosent know he is a super hero!! he is a villain broly used his magic to be invisible and his power level not to be felt.
Broly sees top dc villains black adam reverse flash doctor doom brainiac and finally sinestro and many more!!! he has been keeping track of them and they are all extremely powerful and he can't let his guard down because they could be plotting something but he hasn't found out anything yet!
He uses his magical power to create a portal to the next dimension and travels across dimensions in order to find a way to fight back so he doesn't lose his friends.
Broly arrives at the next dimension and sees a group of people standing in front of a giant tree.
Broly: hey guys!
Everyone turns around and looks at him.
Broly: who are you?
One of the men steps forward.
Man: well I am the president of the underworld. Who are you?
Broly: Broly. I'm just visiting.
Woman: and how did you get here?
Broly: well I went to earth. I'm sorry to intrude but is there someone I can talk to? I want to know more about this dimension.
Man: you may talk to anyone here as long as you promise not to reveal our secrets.
Broly: ok. Well I don't know your secrets, but how did I get here anyways???
Woman: the dimensional rift that connected earth to this dimension has been closed for almost 10 years. So you must have been created by someone from here who came through a gateway between dimensions.
Broly: what dimension is my new home in?
Man: this is the fourth dimension we live in. This is earth.
Broly: wow...that's pretty cool!
Suddenly something hits Broly on the head. He looks over at one of the man in shock
Man: you shouldn't be talking to them! You're a danger to earth.
Broly: ok...ok....look can you please let me know who sent me here?
The man looks at Broly skeptically. His face changes to a blank expression and he stares off into nothingness without saying anything. Suddenly the ground below him begins to shake and Broly grabs the edge of a ledge for support. He looks down expecting to see a bottomless pit but there's no sign of anything. Before he can say anything another man with a large black hat appears.
Black Hat: what brings you here?
Broly: I was looking for someone.
Black Hat: what were you looking for?
Broly: oh...nothing...I um...I heard some rumors that I was gonna travel in another dimension called Earth so I wanted to meet this person.
Black Hat: interesting. Well then welcome to earth. You may call me Black Hat.
Broly: I'll remember that. Can you please tell me your name?
Black Hat: yes I can. It's very nice to meet you Broly.
Broly: thank you.
Black Hat: now I suggest you leave. You're not wanted here.
Broly: ok thanks again.
Broly quickly leaves and Black Hat disappears from sight.
chapter 11
Goku wakes up from his nap and finds that he is sleeping in the living room.
Goku: what happened?! How did I fall asleep? Did anyone wake me? Was it the king's henchmen? Or was that a dream??
Vegeta enters the room and sees that everyone else is awake.
Vegeta: good morning everyone. How is everyone feeling? Are you hungry? Does anyone want to eat goku broly ??
Goku rubs his eyes and stands up.
Goku: yeah I'm fine, i guess.
Vegeta: well that's great I'm glad you are all feeling better. Then you better prepare yourselves. We will be leaving in an hour so be ready.
Vegeta exits the house. Everyone slowly starts getting ready. Everyone except for the prince. He sits on the couch alone staring out the window. Suddenly he snaps out of it and quickly gets dressed.
The prince: I need to find someone! And i need to find them fast! so they go to the city.
Vegeta: I'm sure they will come to the party.
Goku: right right. They might come at any moment.
Goku: but it might be too late by then!!
The prince:...what do you mean by too late?
Goku: because you can go hey broly would you like to go party,? broly party yes with vegeta and goku thank you freinds!!!
Goku walks over to the fridge and takes out an apple, bites into it and starts walking outside. He heads towards the gate leading to the forest. When he reaches it he stops to think.
Goku: oh yea broly could come with me to party with us! It would be a lot fun. Broly party with us!
Goku continues walking towards the forest.
Goku: broly party with us!
Goku: broly party with us!
Goku: broly party with us!
He keeps repeating these words over and over until he reaches the edge of the trees. He looks around and decides it's safe enough. He climbs over the fence and heads into the woods. Goku runs along the path and sees a familiar blue blur in the distance. As soon as the blur is in view Goku has joy.
Goku: broly!!!!
oh yeah party vegetai: hello sir! Glad to see you made it alright. I was worried when I couldn't find you after the explosion, though I was a little relieved when we found are names on the list!?
chapter 12 the party of !!!
the prince is currently in the backyard drinking punch and eating cake while sitting in a lawn chair. The party has started already and all of the guests are dancing around enjoying themselves, well mostly.
The prince: so why did you come here today?
Vegeta: well I needed to make sure that there were no hidden dangers, or if there were I wanted to be prepared. I also didn't really know what to expect from the future so I thought coming here might help.
Vegeta drinks the rest of his drink, wipes the juice from his mouth and puts the glass onto the table before speaking.
Vegeta: but why do you still come to this place every year? I don't understand. Why not go to other dimensions where you can experience adventures.
Goku: I dunno man, i guess I liked coming to this dimension. It was relaxing and i love this planet. I love to spend time with everyone here and it's always interesting to watch the different things going on in their lives. I just enjoy the atmosphere and the people I met there are amazing :)
The prince: well I am happy to hear that. But what about the future? What do you hope will happen.
Goku: well it's hard to say honestly. I wish that everything stays peaceful for a little while longer but if that doesn't happen then I' will challenge random heros or villains! uh hey goku and vegeta hey broly both say, so who is at this party broly says. goku it's all the human heros and vigilantes.
The prince: humans?
Goku: yeah! There are two different kinds in our world! The strongest, which is me and the weakest are human heroes.
The prince: so you have two types of heroes in your world? That is really strange. But who are these two humans?
Goku: oh yeah they're called heroes and villains, well they are basically humans that act super powerful but aren't strong. They only appear for special situations and they never get involved unless it's necessary.
Vegeta: wow that sounds awesome, why would those beings choose to fight each other?
Goku: because they have to do that. Because they are fighting for control of the planet. But anyway they are awesome and super strong. They save millions of lives every day.
The prince: I would love to meet them! Is it possible for me to meet them sometime?
Goku: I don't know man! You'
chapter 13 talking to the human level heros, vegeta talks to green arow
goku talks to katana
and broly talks to Cassandra Caine
each hero/vigallinte explain there storys of there past and why they became heroes or at least be on the good side.!
so goku broly and vegeta explain there stories as well there life of not only fighting but of nature and development of being sort of modernized.! the 3 saiyans and heros talk about martial arts each showing of skills and talking about what it means to be a hero. the 3 saiyans ask if they can help for vengeance of revenge or some type of justice!!! green arrow tells vegeta that the island is over but the city is his to protect vegeta agrees. vegeta teaches green arrow about pride and to never give up!!! goku ask kitana if the sword is cursed or if he can find the guy that killed her husband. kitana says I killed that man and there clan of gangs all I want is my husband to be brought back to life. goku tells kitana to give him the sword kitana is kinda shy to do so but goku talks and tries to comfort her and says he wont break the sword,!? so kitana slowly draws the sword and gives it to son goku goku smiles with the hint of heroism!! he can feel the energy in the sword so he ask kitana which one is her husband she points him out. son goku transforms into his dragon form and consintrates with meditation and power challenging the soul of a dead lover of kitana!. kitana can't believe what she is seeing and her hope of him coming back is supernatural. goku can feel the other souls struggling in between so he puts a barrier on kitanas dead lover for protection his soul slowly comes out and it's out of the sword! goku opens his eyes and sees the soul going in a circle around his hands?! kitana is shocked surprised happy and sad dosen't know what to think and asks goku if he can transform the soul in to a human? goku try's hesitation hardest of manipulation of magic and the supernatural power all he could do was contain it in a different dimension within hes own power just a small dimensional window to not intefer with his power and the soul. kitana asks what happened to her lovers soul if goku did everything he could do. goku tells her that he is safe and if he can't get the soul to a human body he will get the dragon balls for resurrection!!! kitana asks what are these magical orbs of magical spiritual energy!! goku says its kind of a wish maker I promise that will be the first wish for you kitana. kitana smiles and hugs the saiyan and tells him that she is in forever in his debt goku is just being as friendly as he can and says you don't have to do anything for me you deserve some closure from your pain. so kitana said well can i at least be a student of your teachings and methods so the saiyan says sure but we can be more like friends than anything laughing hehe. kitana agrees and leaves giving goku one last look!. broly and cansandra kane one a savage beast broly the other is kinda shy but helpful person read for action!! they talk about being friends broly dosen't really know what friendship is so Cassandra explains and broly agrees. Cassandra wants to hang out with broly so broly thinks and has nothing better to do so they slowly become friends. Cassandra sees that broly is shy and quiet so she thinks of fun things to do with him broly is listening and being peaceful and would be glad to try new things with this new friend Cassandra. so the 3 saiyans and the 3 heros meet together have fun and leave when the party is over?!!
chapter 14 the 3 sayians explaining the conversions of friendship heroism and what to do know??
the trio were now sitting around a campfire and drinking tea and talking to each other! They decided to talk about each hero of the 3. vegeta says that green arrow is a man of code and honor I spoke about pride and to never give up we agreed. goku that doesn't sound like you vegeta opening up to the green arrow guy. vegeta he was a man true warrior we are the same so I gave him advice. goku that's the vegeta I know laughing Haha. vegeta what about you broly anything interesting happened between you and the girl. broly her name is Cassandra aka batgirl she is good enough to be a hero a misguided soul just like me both of us good and that start but turned by others. so we talked and thought about friendship and agreed to hang out.
broly asks goku what he did with kitana. goku says that he learned her past and was felt emotionally to help her. so he did by transforming and giving her a promise of bringing her lover back to life! the 3 saiyans go to sleep for the next day.
chapter 15 the friendship of broly and Cassandra cain!!! broly and Cassandra help each other slowly having control on their life not just on power or violence just on life being friendly and sharing funny happy moments. learning martial arts was hard for broly but Cassandra had patience to teach. she says to fight her on her strength broly doesn't want to fight her but does just for sparing. they fight over and over Intel broly finally wins. Cassandra falls in love with broly because he beat her in a fight. broly dosen't understand the concept of love beyond food or so a type of abstract version that he doesn't know. Cassandra try's to get broly to like her a bit more. but broly dosen't catch on to her love seeking and just laughs. Cassandra leaves broly alone to do his own thing but broly follows her around watching everything she does. Cassandra gets into a big fight she beats everyone up Intel she gets traded so broly comes out of hiding and saves her. broly has Cassandra cain in his hands levitating Cassandra blushes! so they talk eat play some of Cassandra's favorite games Cassandra teaches new techniques to broly and broly gives some of his ki energy to Cassandra! Cassandra is shocked at the power boost she gets and thanks broly. broly says that he will go home to the cave Cassandra asks if she can come with sence she is used to caves when she lived with batman. broly questions if to do so he tells her the location and any time she can come over!!! chapter 16 new place to live same location. vegeta dosen't want to live in the cave underground anymore but goku doesn't mind or want to leave the cave. so vegeta reasons with goku and blows up a hole in a mountain for a new place to live! goku says he will miss the old cave vegeta says he can go to the old cave anytime if he wants vegeta dosen't care. vegeta grabs his bag with 3 capsule corps and 1 is for training the 2nd is for meditation and the 3rd is for entertainment and stats!!! chapter 17 broly and Cassandra come to the cave broly dosen't know were goku and vegeta are. vegeta and goku power levels are lowered by mediation with there dragon forms. Cassandra feels kinda at home but old emotionally felling of darkness. broly try's to fix the place for Cassandra to make it look better Cassandra helps as well. Cassandra gets somethings for broly like TV and video games! she even brought some food already made to eat broly only eats some. Cassandra try's to eat the rest but she can't so she leaves the the rest for broly. Cassandra wants to stay with broly at his cave space home broly say would you like to fly. Cassandra was confused at first how to but she remembered that he can do that. broly told her to sit in a semi circle and close her eyes and focus on meditation. she does these broly makes energy into one focused energy and made a small dragon and went inside Cassandra. broly says open your eyes she dose and she slowly levitates Cassandra slowly learns her powers but quickly adapts like she always dose just like in combat. they to friends fly together and have fun and go back to the city and Cassandra even shows him the batcave when batman wasn't around. listening to music like Asian pop and rock and roll. finally watched some anime Cassandra points out that he looks familiar to a character and says wait your name is broly your broly. the reason for this is that the new dragon form changes the way you look even if your not using it as long as you control it. broly explains why the 3 saiyans himself broly son goku and prince vegeta are here for!!! Cassandra dosen't know what to think broly reassures her with a promise that the planet will be safe Cassandra says fine by broly and broly teleports away.
chapter 18 vegeta goku and broly decided to agree to fight of the earth and fight somewhere else so get there dragon forms to show a place and go inside there own universe world in there new dragon form!!! goku that's it we will fight here vegeta fine by me broly its good just gotta do one thing?. vegeta ok go ahead just don't be late goku same by broly. broly teleports to Cassandra and shows her what he and the other two sayians are doing she agrees but broly says I will miss you, because if we win or lose we go back to are earth are universe I will miss you new friend!.? Cassandra hugs him tight and lets go and leaves saying goodbye broly. broly goes back to the other two saiyan dragons and tells them that he is ready to take on the world!!!!! they all head off into the sky as the earth shakes from where they are fighting against the world!!! after many hours of meditation getting stronger with a new form perfecting everything that form has to offer!!! so goku makes a public challenge to all villains and heros. all of a sudden multiple villains and heros show up and form a line goku and vegeta explain the rules. goku ok the first rule is uh think of something ok got it the first rule of the 3 saiyans tournament is not kill any one. alright vegeta you choose the second rule hmmm alright kakrot. all right everyone the second rule is to make 3 lines one for kakrot one for me the prince of saiyans and the final line for broly the legendary saiyan!!! the final rule the 3rd and last take it away broly!!! broly the final rule is no one can fight in the lines except us 3 if you do we will send you out with magic that is all. chapter 19 questions from both heros and villains were are we fighting how long do we fight and is there any thing in return for them. goku vegeta and broly look at each other and talk so they come to a conclusion.! goku ok you well get one wish from the super dragon balls any wish you want!! all the heros and villains are shocked that they can have so much just for fighting in a weird tournament?! vegeta says don't worry your pathetic planet will be safe. broly we will fight in a different universe that we found within are power.
chapter 20 let the tournament of sayians begin!!!! broly goku and vegeta grab the universe energy inside and make a portal and teleports everyone inside it!!! all the opponents see a kind of a big universe of 8 and a half times the size of the solar system!.so time to pick a line broly waits for goku and vegeta to choose he doesn't care which line he is in. goku chooses the first line vegeta chooses the 3rd line because he chooses the opposite decisions of kakrot and broly in the middle!!! goku has mostly villains vegeta has some heros but broly has both an equal amount of heros and villains!!!!
chapter 21 the fights of legendary combat for one magical wish!!!!! goku is the first one to attack because he is the most excited to fight!! vegeta just stands and waits to counter attack or just attack to confuse his opponents. broly just slowly builds his strength Intel some one can push he to that edge but he will use hes dragon form to control it either with portal shield or meditation. goku destroyed multiple robots and androids and playing around with the villains. vegeta is trying to put fear and giving a long speech about pride and sayians!! broly's line is the fastest one that gets shorter and shorter!!! goku doing combos and always transforming in between forms for some heros and villains to be fair but not for all. vegeta is slowly getting beaten but not giving up!!!
chapter 22 broly gets hit really hard and starts to lose control so vegeta and goku decide to make a new rule no more lines everyone can attack at once all heros and villains not eliminated go for it for the intense epic battle!!!! vegeta get the lantern core of the green lantern and goku to senators lantern core. broly desarms brainiac from his main source of power!!! shazam dosen't know what to do because goku absorbed his power same as vegeta to black Adam but instead of absorbing there power they just drain it?! docter fate just watches as a last resort with superman wonder woman and the flash!!!
some gang up on vegeta others distract broly however goku is observing all movements to both his sayian friends!!! Intel goku gets knocked out by superman and wonder woman!! broly and vegeta see him knocked out his power level slowly declining so they power up with anger pushing everyone away to see kakrot son goku!! when they do they fight both superman and wonder woman until goku gets up. they both transform broly In to legendary and vegeta super sayian blue advanced god the fight was great but the flash evens up the battle until goku goes in to mastered ultra instinct vegeta goes into ultra ego coverd in his dragon form broly transforms in to dragon form!!! the flash and goku have a speed battle goku has a hard time catching up flash trying to do damage but gets in a few good hits!!! superman challenges broly, broly quickly moves screaming with a after image and teleportation!! and hits superman in the gut over and over!!! vegeta and wonder woman fighting vegeta slowly losing all 3 heros and 3 sayians fight at each othe together instead of one on one. all 3 heros are slowly gaining the win but then all of a sudden broly grabs superman and vegeta starts punching him repeatedly with speed and power!!!! goku activities his dragon form with ultra instinct something he learned while mediating and doing secret training he did alone. goku put pressure points against the flash from there previous encounter using his spiritual energy from his dragon energy and the flash runs faster to stop it but goku's pressure points are to powerful, and so the flash stops and he is stuck and falls the flash has lost. wonder woman attacks vegeta from the back to stop his hits against superman. superman try's to counter broly but broly throws superman to the ground on the arena but at the same time superman uses his laser eyes to do some damage. broly did get shocked by the blast to be in place but not for long!!! wonder woman beats vegeta no matter what vegeta did no transformation was powerful enough he used all his abilities and tactics nothing worked until vegeta used his rage putting a sudden fear in to wonder woman!!?? vegeta's dragon form goes directly in to vegeta's rage and gets a huge power boost however it made him to barbaric in to insanity!. wonder woman uses her all mighty speed to out smart the beast vegeta clashes louder than the last. vegeta is overconfident puts all his power in one attack and it would beat out wonder women's duribilaity because she hasn't been pushed to limit and she is tired with the thoughts of her fallen friends... she has had enough and decides to counter attack and knocked out both vegeta and his dragon form!!!! vegeta falls and is proud that he made it to the top 3 final heros... broly finally snaps out and slowly looks at his options to finish superman or help goku he waits for wonder women's decisions. goku hasn't mastered ultra instinct with his dragon form struggling for a option in between his base form for his dragon from but releases that he might lose him self just like vegeta so he turns off his dragon transformation and goes to ssj god slowly goes to wonder woman and says look I'm not like vegeta or broly if you want to go all out fine by me!!! wonder woman smiles and says thank you for a friendly moment during all this combat with joy you are remarkibal.! goku alright let's fight goku and wonder woman goku starts attacking her but then wonders why she isn't fighting harder like he would but wonder woman says goku I am sorry for this but this is my last chance to give you a choice, do you accept or reject my challenge!!? Broly thinks to himself and says NO!!! goku switched to superman as he slowly gets up broly flying towards wonder woman she puts her arms up but broly spin kicks her she grabs broly after the kick broly rages and screams wonder woman's hearing is damaged but still holds on Intel broly shots multiple ki attacks of energy balls she lets go but broly attacks launched her to one place to another like ping pong spins her to the floor and finally ends her with a spear tackle!!!! broly and wonder woman are done fighting!!!
chapter 23 the final fight of legends goku vs superman!!!! goku and superman prepares for the fight goku mediates superman charges and harnesses his energy both emerge and fight!! goku transforms to ssj1 to ssj4 each transformation superman battles it out gives goku a amazing fighting experience!.. ssj4 he added it with his dragon form to make sj1 better but the two are too different it will probably take forever to master sj1 but goku has more endurance than sj1 and is more aggressive then sj2! superman is also having the best time fighting goku but goku is going to destroy him!! goku's energy has become very powerful now! sj1 he can turn to the energy of his dragon form and fly with sj3! superman gets tired of fighting goku with his switching abilities technique were goku's dragon form manipulates his transformations to keep his focus to not drain energy a smart decision!?. but the dragon forms biggest flaw that the more you use it the more it consumes you Intel someone knocks it out to be normal also you might stay in limbo. superman hits goku's ssj4 dragon combination power transformation off goku is shocked transforms into god mode!!! then blue kiayoken throwing ki attacks to kamehamehaaaa!!!!! and superman gets pushed back so hard and gets confused by the attack!?. goku quickly kicks superman and thinks he has hit the final blow but superman gets angry angrier than ever before!!!! goku tries to stop this but he is to tired so he try's the dragon form one more time!!??... but goku absorbed the dragons power instead so he gets a huge power boost the multiplier for the form is a 800 times and can only use this multiplier if the user is in danger!!! superman attacks violently goku gets beaten up but his power rises faster and faster ultra instinct burns inside and he moves from every attack!!! both attacking and dodging over and over Intel.
goku's dragon form emerges because mastered ultra instinct runs out and if it did goku would die... superman feels overwhelmed by goku's new power and cant fight anymore, goku gives a good punch to the back then a palm strick to the nose a elbow to his shoulder a knee to the leg and finally a headbutt!!! superman stands tirelessly and can really move so goku says kamehamehaaaaa!!! and superman is finally defeated!!!!
chapter 24 all the heros and villains are shocked vegeta and broly wake up and also wonder woman and the flash...!!
they see superman on the ground and goku trembles to walk and almost falls and then collapses... vegeta and broly fly to him carry him and say thank you for the fight and leave!? everyone leaves and goes back to their daily lives. batman and other lowered powered heros and villains here about this. some are shocked others laughed but had questions! the 3 sayians teleport back their universe and say that they loved the fighting experience!!! vegeta has grown from it broly has more control on his emotions and goku was just happy to be in a different world and is grateful for the fight!!.. but goku remembers his promise to katina and broly remembered his friendship with Cassandra also vegeta wanted to study and learn more of the universe of dc comics!!??...
chapter 25 the 3 sayians agreed to go back after 2 years of mastering the dragon form. they gathere the dragon balls and put them somewhere safe and hidden. 2 years past and it's time to go back. they haven't quite mastered the transformation but have made grate progress! so the 3 sayians think of the wishes again and make a conclusion...
goku ok the first wish is to bring back kitanas husband back to life from dc comics right in front of her without any danger!!! shenron the magical dragon says I cant do that wish?? goku screams why not!! the soul is trapped inside you and the energy field within your transformation... goku says oh so that's it so transforms and brings out the lost soul out to its stationary spot. so kakrot asks shenron to do the wish again shenron say it will be difficult but I can do it! there it has been done. goku says awesome yeah I hope kitana is more than happy.! broly gets the second wish he wishes that the dragon form doesn't have such a hold on them but there power would still be strained. shenron granted the wish. vegeta gets final wish and says ok I wish to teleport to any other universe that I want and I can bring as many beings as I want. shenron says wish granted and goes away.!!!. so broly and goku but there hand on vegeta and teleport back in to the comic book!!!
chapter 26 back to dc comics!!! kitana is meditating and training but sees a glowing light she draws her sword and is about to swing Intel!? she sees her husband back in his prime and she drops the sword and hugs and holds to kiss him! they talk and think about their future for love and work together on fighting evil! befor kitana and her lover leave she tells about goku and says thank you son goku.
kissandra Caine misses broly always looking for him hopefully thought he would return. batman looks at her and wonders if that broly character is evil or put a spell on her.? but he waits to see it out. finally the 3 sayians come back and fly to the city. multiple heros and villains show up for a one time alliance if they ever came back, broly and vegeta stand there ground to fight but goku says happily with a smile hey it's okay were not hear to fight again just wanted to come back. broly vegeta and everyone are surprised so the villains leave but the heros stay. the heros say what do you have in mind goku many a party and bring back a bunch of dbz and super characters to the party vegeta okay kakrot!!! broly says well Cassandra be there goku I have no idea better check on the gest list or something. preparations made fast with superpowers everyone is invited that is not a villain. the press and media show up and asks questions goku answers some vegeta just walks away and broly just says uh hi and walks away. fun with heros of both worlds having a blast. bulma Yamcha roshi and many more wonder around comparing techniques and technology!! vegeta shows off goku has fun like no one else with gotten trunks and lord beerus. the end of the party superman batman and the rest of the justice league ask the sayians and their friends and family questions!!! now what are you going to take over will anything bad happen or do you have something else in plan??? everyone from dbz/CBS says no and leave. broly says I got one more thing to do goku says sure me to everyone else says I want to explore this place in a group good idea!!! vegeta says ok fine. goku uses instant transmission to find kitana and is there! kitana jumps like what was that hey it's me goku she says oh hey very happy to see you thanks for keeping your promise goku. oh it was nothing it's what I do for a friend. kitana Is honored to have met such a warrior so dose goku. goku says is that him sleeping, kitana yes its him we fought multiple enemies together. goku if you need anything else let me know ok kitana, kitana just visit whenever you want goku. goku thanks okay by. broly finally finds Cassandra kain. kain hugs broly passionately broly smiles. they hang out and talk about their adventures and have more fun than ever. so broly says if you want you could come to my universe Cassandra thinks about it and says ok! batman watches and lets them go but he put a device on her to see if everything is ok. if not he would use the hell bat! goku vegeta and everyone says ok time to go broly and Cassandra show up. goku and vegeta say oh that is the girl. Cassandra shy's away and kinda hides from broly's back. broly it's okay they won't harm you. everyone else says is that his girlfriend no way wife. Cassandra and broly explain everything everyone likes the story. goku says would you like us to bring you along broly and Cassandra says yes vegeta alright let's go with her back to the universe. Cassandra looks up at the tallest building and sees batman nods then goes away. chapter 27 the end ps if anyone is wondering why the dragon form is a 800 times multiplier and not higher its because of all the other things it can do like manipulation of forms soul bending making a small universe so it would of been 3 and half times of a multiplier. by thanks for reading the story.!!!.???.!

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