Chapter Two

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A knock at the door disturbed our breakfast. Not like I was enjoying it anyways. My father gave me a pointed look, silently ordering me to open the door. I scoffed and pulled out my chair, cursing under my breath. I whipped the door open, to let out another groan. I already knew who it was. It'd been a week already, and this silly girl would not give up. Not that I would admit it, even to myself, but there was something different about her. Something that I liked.

"You again?" I sneered at this insolent girl, "Why won't you leave me alone?" Veronica, I think her name was, flinched at my tone, and lowered her head.

"Well, I thought you and your family might like some muffins," she piped up, raising the basket to show me. I noticed her raspy voice and frowned. She's had that raspy voice since the second day and it hasn't gone away. Was she sick? I peered into it, and true to her word a dozen or so muffins were piled to the top. I took them out of her hand and set them on the porch.

"Anything else?" I questioned, hoping she would get the hint to leave.

"Um, well, I was wondering what your name was. It's just that you never told me. You don't have to tell me. Again, it's not like we're friends. I just thought that since I told you mine. But actually, this was rude. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked. That was mean of me. I'm just gonna go," she rushed out. Veronica turned to leave, and I finally realized that I didn't want her to. Why did I suddenly care where she went?

"Henry," I quickly responded, stopping her panicked movements, "My name is Henry Creel."

"Henry. I like it. It sounds sorta like friendly, and I like friendly people. I'm Valerie, but you knew that already. Sorry," Valerie, not Veronica, affirmed. I wondered whether I should tell her I wasn't friendly, but decided against it.

"I hope you like muffins," Valerie continued, taking me out of my thoughts, "I didn't know whether you were allergic to anything. Oh darn, I should've asked first. Sorry." This girl apologizes way too much. I snarled at that as I grabbed the muffins and turned to go back inside.

"Oh ok. Bye stranger," Valerie yelled as I shut the door, an emotion I didn't recognize lacing her voice. The last thing I saw before the door shut was her turning around, wiping something off of her eyes. 

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