7. Sickness n health

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Chris is still sleeping when I realize something by little bit I made a promise I made a promise that I was going to be there for him In sickness and health right I thought Quill
licking my face reminded me that this wasn't a dream this was real life that .

I had to be a good wife and be there for Chris because when me and Maddie and Kairen got poisoned he was the first one there at the hospital waiting and he got so emotional he worked up and the stress that he made himself pass out due to fear and blame It wasn't his fault that.

I got poisoned it wasn't his fault at all I never was his fault he didn't Poison me JYP Did and he denied it the entire time the police even came to crush in him but once but he lied and said that he never did anything he said that we took the head  pieces willing l from his voodoo garage they're please even knew that was a little BS because what type of right man would carry a voo-doo Room and keep it hidden from the public .

I suppose that really pissed me off I never thought much of it I was very very mad that it happened I wanted to cry and be upset but I knew the best person to speak to on the time comes is Maddie maybe I should give her a call . Maddie -hello Liz how's the honeymoon are you feeling OK since being poisoned I'm feeling a little better.

I finally got my appetite back but other than that everything is pretty much in slow motion the hospital food was horrible when we woke up you think that being so they would give you something Kaysie but they didn't and you know Felix said it was a miracle that we came out alive the doctor said.

I was two days away from dying due to my kidney issue because of all the poison he put in our headpiece prior to this and as well as our Chris is sick do you think it's food poisoning no no your okay well if you need anything .

I can free to specialist if you need me to but for now let's just remain a little quiet and pray and hopefully he'll get better.

thanks Maddie you're the best ever yeah I'll definitely let you go we're about to head to the doctors now.

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