How it all starts....

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A/N: The chapters I use for this book are all written by me and you wil find the title of the book as well as chapter name in the A/N at the start of each chapter they are :)

Greenightronix3400 thanks for helping me out with the reacting part!

Izuku's POV:

I was about to get home since school ended and everything. The only reason I was still in the classroom was because I saw noticed something about Tokoyami's quirk. It seemed to be that Dark Shadow was easily distracted like a cat. So today I wanted to try it out and had a small feather toy with me and it worked. So now I was noting all down so I wouldn't forget that. Tho I was sure I wouldn't as forget it that easily since playing was pretty fun.

Can't believe Dark Shadow reacted this way.


It sure was fun.

I wonder if I should get a bell....

Nah better not do that.

Aizawa would mind the ringing in the class room.

As I finished writing it all down, the door to the classroom was thrown open and Mei was standing there looking around till she saw me.

Mei: Found ya!

Me: What's up Mei?

Mei: Come with me!

Me: Ahm okay....

Come on...

Calm down girl!

Nothing gonna happen and no one is gonna steal anything form ya.

I could tell how exited she was to show me something even tho I was sure that it meant that I was a guinea pig for her inventions. Of course I didn't mind that since she was my friend and all and I loved helping her out soo much too.

This was how we basically ran down the hallway to the gen ed course classroom wich was a floor down and at the end of the floor to their classroom. Once inside she showed me a syringe and a tablet.

Me: So what's this?

Mei: Power Loader gave us an assignment about someone's true desires and I thought I might as well invent something that can show clothes true desire.

Oh that sounds neat.

I wonder how you did that...

Are there nanobots in there?

How are you connected to them?

Is this just a liquid like hypnosis stuff?

Me: Tell me more about it!

Mei: See this!

Me: Mh!

Mei: These are nanobots which will once you inject it make their ways to your brain and connect to the part which is there for you desires.

Me: And how are you communicating with them?

Mei: Oh that? All of them are sending the packages to this little fella right here.

She showed me another one which was a bit bigger but still like a millimeter of length. They were all very small and the nanobots were something I just guessed seeing as there is a tablet right next to the liquid and there couldn't be anything else besides that.

Me: Cool. I just inject them?

Mei: Yeah and then this guy will collect the data and send it over via BLE (Bluetooth low energy) to the tablet and I will see it.

Me: See?

Mei: Yeah, it kinda makes you sleepy and you will be experiencing it as a dream.

Me: Will I remember it tho?

Mei: Don't know.

Me: Whelp, one way to find out.

That was all I said before I took the liquid which had every bot inside and injected it directly into myself. I basically just injected them in my veins and then looked at Mei who was kinda shocked that I did that this fast.

Me: Why you looking at me like that?

Mei: Ahm... how about you sit down for now.

Me: Oh yeah, gonna make me sleepy right?

Mei: Something like that...

Me: So they gonna knock me out.

Mei: Yeah...

Me: Welp, I am honestly exited about this.

Before I knew what was going on, I felt as if someone just hit me and knocked me out. Everything went dark in seconds and I fell over before I could say a thing

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