Broken Smile

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Book: Broken Smile

Chapter: Is this a joke?!

Izuku's POV:

Nezu: Now can you show me the notebooks you were talking about?

I watched Aizwa put all the 42 books I had on the table and I knew that questions will come up. Now the question was how do I evade them all successfully?

There was no way I would tell them why I had 21 suicidal notebooks at all! No one in their right mind would do that at all. I had my reasons why I had 21 and why I had soo many ideas of how to do them. Somewhere even extremely creative like death thanks to a glitter bomb or death by eating flowers....

Aizawa: This one are some analyzing notes he has on heroes and classmates but these one are s-

Me: How about let him figure it out himself.

I hated the word suicidal.

Am I suicidal?



But why suicidal let's just say death is my hobby and an end state I want to end up.


Don't just lump me with the other kids that gave up!

I didn't gave up!

I just grew tired of living that's all!

Aizawa: Are you evading the topic again.

Me: Maybe.

Aizawa: Kitten...

All of the sudden the tea on the table became more interesting to me and so I took it and began sipping on it. It was again an earl gray with lavender and honey. As I was drinking my cup I also began thinking of all kind of ways to evade their question or answer them in a way that they wouldn't get any information out of me. It was all about how I phrased my sentences.

While I started to think of various ways I could also see Aizawa how he was watching me carefully. However he wasn't the only person doing so. Nezu also was looking at me with glittering eyes and I knew that he was ready to ask me question which I would probably rather not answer at all.

Nezu: Izuku tell me how long have you been writing these notebooks?

Me: Depends on which one you mean.

Nezu: How about both stacks?

Me: One of them since I learned to write.

I didn't wanted to tell the other one since it was only as of recently. The idea of being a hero always stuck in my mind but now having a quirk, I wished nothing more than to be quirkless again. All Might had high expectation of me. Bakugo and Todoroki are using me as some kind of therapy substitute and judging by them they would give me full 10 star ratings. I am breaking my bones on a daily basis too thanks to my quirk.

Live wasn't easy being quirkless but it sure is a lot hard having one now. Back then everyone called me useless, an abomination of nature and a waste of space but I could live with that. Now they are like learn to use your quirk!


Really how?

It's not like I have a teacher for that or my whole life to even learn how to use it!

There were way too many expectations I needed to fulfill. I had a duty as a hero in training after all and to be quite honest it sucks.

Nezu: And the other one?

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