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3rd POV:

Midnight: SHIT!

Aizawa: I can't believe this happened.

Midnight: Does he feel this?

Nezu: I do not know.

RG: Then make it so he doesn't feel it. You got the controller after all!

Nezu: If I alter the program any it could kill him. Like I said just let it run.

Mic: But he is living through 3 deaths now... .also is that true what he said about you?

Nezu: No...

Snipe: More importantly... What's written in his notebooks!

Aizawa: Just don't look. I don't want to know myself

Snipe: But what if it is ways how to kill himself?

Nezu: Then we persuade him not to.

Snipe: I don't like this whole thing!

RG: No body does.

Thirteen: Let's get back to the topic. You growled at him, Nezu!

Nezu: I saw no such thing

Cementoss: No no, you growled. It was definitely a growl.

Nezu: I did not.

Aizawa: You did.

Nezu: And you started crying.

Aizawa: Something flew into my eyes. What about you?

Nezu: I coughed.

Hound Dog: That is a growl.

RG: How would you even know if something flew in you eye? This is a different reality.

Aizawa: I just know.

Thirteen: Nah I am pretty sure you were crying.

Aizawa: You are blind. Get your eyes checked.

RG: You trying to tell me I am going blind now? I saw the same thing.

Aizawa: *Sigh*

Cementoss: And Nezu you were damn sure growling.

Nezu: *Sigh*

Midnight: But you sure we can't look for those notebooks? Just to see if its true?

Mic: Doesn't he always carry them with him? Soo one should be theoretically in the class room.

Thirteen: Wouldn't that be rude to snoop through his stuff?

Power Loader: You wanna have him being maybe suicidal in real life without us knowing?

Thirteen: No... but still.

Snipe: I am with Power Loader on this one. He also will never know that we did that.

Thirteen: Fine. But i want no part in this.

Snipe: Sure. Anyone else wanna see it?

Aizawa: *sigh* Fine...

Power Loader: I'll go get it. Should be in my class room since Mei came in with him.

Nezu: Come back quick. It might change while you are gone.

Power Loader: Sure.

Just like that Power Loader basically run out of the room to get the notebooks and only returned 3 minutes later.

Power Loader: Got them!

Aizawa: Lemme see.

Midnight: The hell.... This is scary.... Good that he isn't a Sinnamon roll of evil.

Aizawa: True...The fuck is wrong with my whole class.

Nezu: Impressive.

RG: Nezu what the hell is wrong with you?

Nezu: Midoriya's work is very neat as well impressive. I am not saying anything about the actual information but the skill he is displaying here. You can't deny that one.

Cementoss: He's not wrong there.

Thirteen: I don't want to see my page or any!

Aizawa: Fine with me. Though there is a section on you.

Thirteen: Nope. This will be scary as shit. No need for that.

Aizawa: This one is named Hero analysis though-

Thirteen: GIVE IT TO ME!

Aizawa: Here.

Snipe: No need to rip his notes nearly down.

Nezu: Yes please refrain from tearing them. They are quite intriguing.

Mic: We saw a bunch in the video. How many you think he has?

Nezu: 42. It was a question on the written test and his answer was 42.

Aizawa: *Sigh* True just look at the notebooks note and this one is half finished,

Nezu: I see... It also appears he has 7 pencils...

Mic: Oh it started again!

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