Chapter 17

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An arm wrapped around me from behind. I managed to take my eyes off the tables and looked up at Jennie, who had meanwhile gotten a sandwich and was back.

"In time they will accept you. They just have to get to know you." She spoke softly as she saw her pack and their hateful gaze that quickly scattered you at the sight of her.

I just nodded, because I was sure it wouldn't be that easy. The fact that I was a vampire and they were werewolves reduced my chances of recognition and respect. They may tolerate me as their alpha mate, but not as their Luna, and I was very concerned Jennie would suffer as a result.

"Let's go outside."

She pulled me behind her to the benches outside during the break, although the weather was nice, there was rarely anyone here, probably because they were in the last corner behind the school. Even now there were only a few students here from whom we sat as far away as possible. Jennie unwrapped her food and I watched her take a bite without taking my eyes off me.

"What is? Why are you looking like that?" She asked laughing after chewing the piece in her mouth and swallowing it.

"About nothing, nothing." I defended myself and tried to suppress a smile by biting my lip.

True, I really had no reason to stare at her like that, but everything about her captivated me. And even if I could eat myself, I never did. Watching her do it was interesting. I didn't really care about others, but she wasn't like the others.

"Tell me something about yourself." I asked her, but she shook her head.

"I'm eating now, do it first." She decided.

I didn't like it at all, but I gave up and finally started talking.

"I was born just over 17 years ago. My mother was human and died when giving birth. My father raised me, but it wasn't the same. As a kid I had feelings, it's normal for half vampires, how do they lose over time as opposed to thoroughbreds like my dad. His paternal instinct doesn't go beyond right and wrong." I shook my head briefly. I didn't want to think about my dad because to be honest I didn't know how I felt about him now that I was able to relate with people again. I prefer to talk about the past.

"When I was little I was hurt by the lack of his love, the only one there for me was an old friend of my mother. All the years we met, I confided in her and she meant a lot to me. However, as I got older we moved out more and more and we saw less and less of each other until I broke off contact when I was 15."

Jennie had listened to me attentively while eating her sandwich.

"Why then?"

She leaned a little over the table and looked at me with interest. I took a deep breath.

"By the time I was 15, I would be what I was a few days ago. Emotionally cold."


In anticipation of the afternoon with rosé, I waited at her locker. She had to leave something for a friend and then wanted to leave right away.

The break with Jennie had been nice, after I had told her so much about myself, the remaining time flew by. I had fun and enjoyed being with her. After that we didn't see each other again and I had to admit that I missed her in class. I keep thinking about tonight, when she still wanted to meet me.

In my last lesson in biology, however, the date with Rosé had come to the fore, no doubt because she was sitting next to me and told me with shining eyes what we were going to do.

Full of enthusiasm, she turned into the corridor at that very moment. She grabbed my arm and literally dragged me to her car.

"Believe me, this will work... Legendary, Simply stunning."

I rolled my eyes, but had to pull myself hard not to laugh out loud, I failed completely when she then looked at me with those shining eyes.

"You could apply to 'How I Met Your Mother'. You're awesome." I finally got out.

That she was a fan of it, she had already made it more than clear to me in her endless lectures about it. But how she then imitated the actors. Literally to scream.

Her grin grew even bigger at my words and I was afraid her face would rip apart if she stretched it any further.

"I hope so." She mocked arrogantly and burst out laughing as well.

Arriving at her car, we sat in it. As she drove off, I looked at my cell phone and saw that I had received a message. I opened them.

,Hey, sweetie. I wish you a lot of fun with Rosie. Message me when you're both done, so I can pick you up - Jennie :)'

And again I'm left with the question: Where did she get my number from?!, but it was also really driving me crazy, first Rosé and now Jennie. Rosé stole it from me, but where did Jennie get it from?

Although I was a little confused that I had my number, I was pleased that she answered. But the question remained. Since Rosé was the only one from the school who had my number, I decided to ask her about it.

"I just got a message from Jennie." I began slowly.

She seemed to take that little hint but acted completely clueless.

"Really? What is she writing?"

Her voice sounded a bit higher than usual and her eyes were fixed on the road.

"And you know what's funny about that?" I asked rhetorically, ignoring her questions. She shook her head frantically.

"I didn't even give her my number."

I let my voice sound knowing, considering and I saw her getting even more nervous.

"Rosé, did you give Jennie my number?" I asked this time directly and also accusingly. All of a sudden everything broke out of her.

"She asked and I thought since you're friends it's no problem. But don't be angry now, Lis. Please."

I laughed, she looked so desperate and I just couldn't help it. It struck me that I had certainly laughed more today alone than in my entire life so far.

"Don't worry. I'm not mad. I'm just wondering why she didn't ask me about it herself." I reassured her. And I really wondered that. I would have given her the number, why was she putting Rosé in there?

For the rest of the trip, we fooled around a bit and Rosé once again spoke without a period or a comma.

She stopped at a small, nice looking cafe which we sat down in. She ordered a hot chocolate and a brownie, which I thought was really cute. I myself opted for a cappuccino, since unfortunately blood was not on the menu.

We talked and she told me that she had a twin brother who also went to school and a little dog named Hank.

She was just explaining to me what her bedroom looked like when the door opened and two supernatural beings I knew entered.

What are they doing here, especially together?

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