Chapter 2

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It suddenly became clear to me. I saw her thoroughly black eyes, which only had a bright red ring on the very outside, which indicated that not only was he a supernatural being, but that she was very, very powerful. And let my gaze wander once more to her muscle-bound body.

Her eyes suddenly became huge and her face reflected recognition.

She had also seen that I was not normal.


And I was gone.

I vanished in a flash, as only vampires could. I ran and didn't stop until I was in my street. From then on I walked normally until the houses became fewer and I stood at the end of the street. Here was a modern bungalow, my home. I went to the front door and unlocked it. You were immediately in a spacious living room. The whole house was kept in a kind of loft style. It was very simple and yet very elegantly furnished, with a large couch and flat screen TV. My father and I moved here about a month ago. Although, more like just me. He didn't even have a room and sometimes came here a few days a month. I don't think I need to mention that I didn't mind.

When I finally took off my, in my opinion, completely unnecessary shoes, my gaze immediately wandered towards the refrigerator, which I had a perfect view of thanks to the open kitchen. Immediately, this unbridled thirst rose up in me and in a matter of seconds I was at the refrigerator and tore it open. I couldn't wait to sink my teeth into the blood bag.

Heat rose in me and my throat went dry. I already felt my teeth getting a little sharper and more pointed, before I pulled back the cooling compartment with a pull and brought the blood bag between my teeth, before I finally started to suck with relish.

It wasn't nearly as good as fresh blood, but it was enough to make my head fall back and get me high.

Even if it was different this time than usual, the whole time the girl from just haunted around in my head.

How good she would have tasted...

Shut up, cut the shit. I can't even think about doing something like that.

She was a werewolf and probably in the position of an alpha or beta wolf. I didn't have a chance, she would recognize my intentions immediately, just as she had probably immediately exposed me as a vampire. And fighting her would be suicidal, I was only a half-vampire, besides, it was just some blood...

Just some blood, just some blood!!!

It's fresh, tasty, warm blood. From a girl who wouldn't mind a few liters less. I immediately put my blood-thirsty voice in my place.

Satisfied with the blood, I slowly lowered the empty bag and threw it in the garbage can under the sink.

I licked my lips again and then strolled out of the kitchen, through the adjoining hallway, into my room.

It was of normal size and tidy like the rest of the house with no personal belongings other than my mother's picture. But that was in the drawer of my bedside table and therefore not visible. I still had it on my childhood. Back when I missed my mother so much, the picture was my only connection to her. Because she died when I was born.

Giving birth to a half-vampire was probably not as easy as people thought, and a friend of hers gave me the photo for my seventh birthday.

I hurriedly check my messages in which my father reminded me that school would start tomorrow and told me that he had already enrolled me. I took note before going to the bathroom to get ready for sleep. Yes, I needed sleep too and even more so than 'real' vampires. A thoroughbred slept about two to three hours a day, and me about five hours.

First I freed myself from my still somewhat wet clothes and put on short shorts and a loose top. Then I washed briefly (I would shower tomorrow morning) and brushed my teeth.

It was already two in the morning, so I lay in my bed and stared at the ceiling for a moment before closing my eyes.

I knew in a few minutes I would fall asleep and for almost exactly 5 hours I would be in some sort of parallel world where there was nothing but bottomless depths.

Dem creatures without feelings, without proper personality, or the ability to love, could not dream...

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