Chapter 31

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Not half a second later, a cold voice was heard calling for us harshly.

Jennie squared her shoulders, opened the door and entered the room with me in tow. Inside it was plain and gray. There were several shelves along the walls and in the middle of the room was a large desk that somehow didn't really fit in with the rest of the room. It looked very old and there were several picture frames on it, unfortunately I couldn't see the photos in them because they were turned away from me. Something in me made me feel like those pictures meant a lot to Jennie's dad, maybe because they were the only ones in the office at all.

The man who had called us in stood with his back to us at a wide, floor-to-ceiling window and looked out. I was thinking about ways we could get his attention when he started talking.

"Jennie." He said and slowly turned to us. His features were still and reminded me of my father's, except that the alpha had deep wrinkles etched into his face that made him look a lot older than he probably was. His hair was the same dark tone as Jennie's and they also looked very similar in terms of body structure.

"You summoned us, Father?" Jennie asked curtly. You could see that she didn't want to be here a moment longer than necessary.

"I thought it was time to get to know each other better." He turned away from his daughter and ignored her question. He stared at me, looked me up and down, and finally continued. "So you're Lalisa Manoban, Jennie's mate."

I nodded, although I wasn't sure if that was even a question. I didn't like his voice tone and looks at all, which is why I looked uncertainly at Jennie next to me, who was, however, fully occupied with stabbing her father with her eyes.

"I haven't even introduced myself yet. How rude of me." He said, but it sounded wrong coming out of his mouth. "My name is Kim Jiyong, the alpha of this pack and as you've probably gathered, Jennie's father."

There was an eerie glint in Mr. Kim's gaze as he spoke. In general, I had a bad feeling about him, it seemed to me that he knew something, and whatever it was, I wasn't naive enough to believe that he would keep it to himself.

"You surely know that some of the pack had their doubts about you..." He continued with a completely exaggerated sadness in his voice.

Jennie, apparently tired of watching her father talk, interrupted him.

"I can assure you, father, that she has only the best of intentions. The concerns of the pack members spring from the purest imagination and prejudice, in which there is not the tiniest spark of truth." She defended me.

The moment Jennie said that, I thought I saw a malicious grin from Mr. Kim and I realized that everything was going according to his plan. Just as quickly as the diabolical smile had appeared, it disappeared again and a regretful expression was substituted for cloth.

"Unfortunately, today's incident doesn't portray your Lisa in the best light." The alpha suddenly spoke.

How did he know about today? Did Jisoo tell him how I drank from Jennie, did she really betray us? Jennie also seemed surprised, but quickly recovered.

"It doesn't matter what happened today, I wanted it. Lisa did this under my approval." She immediately clarified and gave me a look that should tell me that she actually meant it. She didn't blame me, and I was incredibly grateful to her for that.

"Oh I didn't mean that awkward event during school days. Sorry for being so imprecise, I'm talking about the incident this morning... or no, I should say last night. Do you remember, Lisa?" Mr. Kim corrected himself. His eyes locked into mine as he spoke and my mouth opened a little in shock as he talked about tonight's 'thing'. I remembered all too well hitting that guy and sucking his blood out of his body. Guilt overcame me again. But also the question of how Mr. Kim found out. Was he shadowing me? Was anyone else there?

"What happened last night after you left, Lisa?" Jennie tore me out of my thoughts and only now did I realize why her father had brought this up in the first place. Not because I drank from a defenseless human, but because Jennie didn't know about it. I hadn't told her and now she was going to find out in a completely wrong way.

I quickly looked at Jennie and tried to save myself from the situation.

"I... after waking up... I didn't mean to... but I was so thirsty and I thought if I drank from him the craving for your blood would go away..." I explained, feeling terrible. It was the truth I told, but it was a cruel truth.

I slowly took a step towards her and tried to take her hand that she had let go while I was talking, but she avoided me. Her eyes reflected disappointment, sadness and anger.

"You promised me. You said you wouldn't do it anymore. For what do I give you my blood, give you my trust, forgive you, for what? Why, if you immediately run to the next guy who comes by, if we don't get along well?" Jennie spoke. There was a silence, then she said quietly, her eyes fixed on the floor. "The thing about the two of us... I don't know if that was such a good idea, maybe... maybe you really should go with your dad, not just because of the dangers but because of us. I... we need time to think about it and if it even can work out with us."

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