...The escape...

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Intense. To. The. Max.


**Luke's POV**

We're home.

I've been thinking and I know what to do. I will get into Jack's house, but first I will distract him by setting his backyard flower garden on fire.

I will get in the way he got out, and I will find Ryden. From then on, we will find a way out together.

I've got the materials, I have worked up the courage, I have the motivation.

Here we go.

**Ryden's POV**

Today is the day. Day seventeen. I have all the materials.

Jack hasn't noticed me sneaking around and collecting all my items, but I can only thank Emily for that. She has been looking over me, thank you Emily.

Here is my plan.

I will keep the map that I have drawn close by, so I can look at it if I need to.

I'll use the knife to get out of this shower and to use it for protection.

I'll use the fire as a distraction.

And I'll use the key to get out.

I have the materials. I have worked up the courage. I have the motivation.

Here we g-

"AAAAAAAH FUCKING HELL!!!" I heard Jack scream to the top of his lungs, I saw a slight glow out the window in the backyard, Jack had run outside... Fire. Somehow it has already made itself a distraction. It's time.

I held the knife in both hands firmly and stabbed the lock on the shower door over and over, finally it broke and I got out! I kicked the bathroom door down and ran out into the house.

Before I knew it, I was slammed to the ground. I screamed from the pain, I had sprained my ankle when it twisted on the floor boards.

"GET OFF ME JACK GET OFF ME!" I yelled as I attacked the body on top of me.

"Stop! Stop I'm not Jack! I'm Luke! I've come to help you!"

I stopped as he told me to, and just stared. He was beautiful, actually like an angle. He had come to save me, to rescue me.

But no, this isn't the time fo-

But. Wow.

I have heard of love at first sight, but I never thought I would actually experience it.

**Luke's POV**

I set the flower garden on fire as I waited for Jack to run out. As he did, I ducked around him and locked the door behind me, also putting a chair in front of the door just incase.

I turned around and as soon as I did, I started running, I needed to find Ryden.

As soon as I turned the corner, I smashed into a girl, RYDEN!

She screamed and struggled, but I explained as much as I could in as little words as possible.

She was stunning, beautifully perfect.

I've heard of love at first sight, but I never thought I would actually experience it...

**Ryden's POV**

I snapped out of my little trance, and explained to Luke my plan as quick as I could.

We took out the map and decided quickly to exit through the side door, it was the simplest way.

We ran through the house together until I stopped in my tracks. It was Jack's victim room. All those poor girls, they don't deserve to be held here. Their souls, they need to be free.

"What's wrong?" Asked Luke, anxious.

"Can you help me carry a box out of here?" I asked, keeping my eyes plastered on the locked door.

"Sure, let's make it quick." He answered hesitantly.

I unlocked the door and peeled all the descriptions and photos of the walls, putting them in the box. Like carried the box out and we made it to the side door.

I put the key in the lock, I turned it, *click*.

And... We ran.



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