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AVIVA MOORE hasn't come out of bed in over a week, after the incident in the woods, she's had no motivation to do anything.

The only people she's talked to are Jacob, Leah, and Seth. Or in her words, her smoke buddies. Ever since Billy picked her up that extremely terrible day, Aviva could tell he was hiding something, and she absolutely hated it.

So now she lays in bed reading a true crime blog on her severely old laptop.

Unbeknownst to her, there is a dark grey wolf watching from outside of her window.

'Is she good Jared?' A concerned Sam asks, 'She will be.' Jared says in a hopeful tone, though Aviva can't hear his words of encouragement.


"Okay, get up." Jacob Black says sternly, the young girl gives him a confused glare. "What the hell, what do you mean." She asks with a raised eyebrow, "I-, Billy, is concerned about you. So he told me to get you up, he's gonna take you somewhere." Jacob explains.

"Tell him I'm fine." She states before closing her eyes, "No you're not Vee, and no matter how much you annoy me I'm not gonna let you sit here and pity yourself, just because some cult members on steroids don't believe something you said."

"Just leave me alone Jake, I'm tired." She defends herself, he rolls his eyes as a scoff leaves his open mouth. "Well, you can be tired at the appointment." The Quileute boy said.

She snaps her head towards the annoying boy, a questioning glance painted on her face, her lips move as if she's about to ask a question; but Jake knew what she was gonna say, so before she can even ask anything, Jacob Black, shouts the answer before leaving the room.

"Therapy." He says before leaving out the door.

"Therapy?" She asks no one in particular.


Billy and Aviva, now sit in the lobby, waiting for Aviva' assigned therapist to call her back.

"Aviva Moore?" A slim white woman says. From the looks of it she's in her mid thirties, red hair; but natural not anything from a box dye.

Aviva takes a deep breath, attempting to calm herself down as she follows the doctor down the hallway to her office.

The young girl feels better when she sees a cozy looking room, with a couch and a chair. The couch is a soft blue color, and the fabric of the couch feels like cotton. The ginger haired adult, sits on the chair, as Aviva goes towards the couch.

"Is this gonna be like one of those clichés, where I like lay down, and you write everything I say on a notepad." Aviva sarcastically, and awkwardly states.

The doctors lips turn upwards, "Do you wanna make it a cliché?" She laughs out. Aviva smiles before sitting down.

'Here we go.' She thinks to herself.


Authors note:



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[ the therapist and soon to be mother figure ]

Okay sooooo yeah, also it says soon to be mother figure buuuttttt no her and Billy don't get together, I just want to clarify that bc I know it looks kinda weird.

Anyways Ilyyyy mwah <33333


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