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SEVEN ᵃᶜᵗ ⁱⁱⁱ

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AVIVA BLACK didn't know whether she should be worried or not as she watches the fight between the wolves and vampires.

She holds the baby closer to her as she blocks out the rough noises of growls and punches from the outside with a soft melody, her voice soft and rough from the hushed tears pouring from her eyes.

"De la sierra morena — Cielito Lindo vienen bajando,"

"Un par de ojitos negros — Cielito Lindo de contrabando,"

"Ese lunar que tienes — Cielito Lindo junto a la boca,"

"No se lo des a nadie — Cielito Lindo, que a mi me toca,"

"Ay ay ay ay, canta y no llores,"

The soft melody gets cut off as her phone buzzes, and it's then that she noticed the fight has stopped.

She looks down at her phone — reading over the text Elena Salazar sent her.

Elena Salazar: Just checking in. I know you said you were stressed and busy recently, so I don't expect a text back. Just know we love and miss you ♥️

It warmed her heart knowing her family was thinking about her, but no matter how hard she wanted to; she could never truly forgive her mother.

As the Cullen family rushes into the house — each one with a small smile of relief resting on their face; though the new father seems to be the only one with a slight glare on his face.

"I'm assuming everything is okay?" She questions rhetorically, turning her tear-stained face towards the pale faces.

They nod at her in confirmation.

"Thank you — for watching Renesmee,"

"Of course,"

Her attention toward the Cullens' is torn away as Seth and Jacob walk into the room.

"What caused them to back down?" She questions as she stands up to give the small child to Rosalie Hale, smiling softly as the blond looks at the child with adoration coating her features.

Jake looks around the room quickly, scared of his sister's reaction to the words he's about to say.

"I imprinted on her they can't touch her it's our most—"

"absolute law," she cuts him off.

She glares slightly at him — she knows he can't control it; no wolf can but that thought can still make her sick, especially knowing his and Bellas' history and the fact that Jacob wanted Renesmee dead.

"Well congratulations, Jake."

She says kindly — though she barely means it.

"Any news on Bella?" The tan girl quickly changes the subject.

"The morphine is what caused her to stay still, if you listen closely you can't hear two faint heartbeats, one being Renesmees' and one being hers."

"So she should be transforming soon?"


She nods then turns her attention towards a tired Seth.

"C'mon Seth let's go to bed," she mutters lowly as she quickly grabs his hand and drags him towards the spare room they were occupying.

"Keep the door open," Jacob warns.



"What's wrong, pretty?"

"Nothing—why?" She asks turning her head to the side so she can look at the young shifter.

"You looked almost disgusted with Jake," he explains resting his head on his hand so he can now look over the girl.

"Just weird to think that he was so stuck on Bella and now he's all for her daughter,"

"Yeah I know, but you know it's not like that, right?" He asks making sure she understood the full situation.

"Trust me, Seth — I'm well aware." She says tiredly and slightly annoyed.

She doesn't like feeling dumb, and to her, he's making it seem like she is.



"Did I say something wrong?"

"No, Seth. Let's just go to sleep — I'm tired,"

"You're sure I did nothing wrong?"

"Yes, Seth. I'm positive."

"Okay, sorry."


Authors note:

and we are done with Breaking Dawn pt 1 😱😱😱😱😱



𝘽𝘼𝘿 𝙍𝙀𝙋𝙐𝙏𝘼𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉  𝙎.𝘾𝙇𝙀𝘼𝙍𝙒𝘼𝙏𝙀𝙍Where stories live. Discover now