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AVIVA BLACK opens the old brown journal, she had just gotten done practicing with Carlisle — her abnormal skills are only growing and no one knows why or how.

September 1st, 2006

Every day my abilities are growing — no one knows the matter with me, I'm what they're focusing on when Bella has a good day. Tests are run on me constantly by Carlisle, I feel like some sort of mutant.

Bella's getting weaker, I can hear the pain in my brothers' voice anytime he talks to her. Nobody knows when she's gonna pop.

Who knew a vampire could knock up a human? I think I feel better about the whole mutant situation because Bellas' son would honestly be a true mutant.

Bella claims it's a boy. Edward claims it's a monster.

Who's gonna break it to him that 'monster' isn't a gender option?

Esme cooks great food — despite the situation; I think Esme is really happy we're here because she gets to cook.

I barely spend any time with Seth. Womp-Womp.

Jake keeps both of them on patrol while he sleeps peacefully inside with Bella. I wish one of them would grow the balls to tell him that they aren't his servants, they're his pack mates.

Anyway, I gotta go — testing :(.

                Aviva Black

September 5th, 2006

They plan on tricking the pack.

Well, I guess the correct term would be "Uley Pack" since they've separated now.

I miss Emily, Kimmy, and Rach.

And my brothers — every time I stare at my phone I expect a daily joke from Jared, or a message from Paul asking me to hang out.

I went from having no family to having a large one.

And then back to no family again.

I know I have Jake, but it isn't the same.

I don't know when they plan on tricking the pack — they said sometime around the ninth to feed, I know Bella started drinking Human blood. I wonder if that's really where my testing is going.

She's getting stronger! Which is a good thing, because if she dies then the whole town would go crazy.

Jake is still a little bitch for her. You'd think he'd get over it considering she's married and pregnant with another man's child.

I told Jake off. He's currently pissed at me.

Seth is sleeping right next to me, and he's snoring so loudly. He barely gets any sleep now — his under-eye bags are incredibly prominent which wouldn't be a bad thing if they were hereditary, but alas they are not, my lover is just overworked.

I haven't had dinner with Elena, Alex, and Lucas — I think they think I'm mad at them.

I should text her.

What the fuck do I even say though.

"Hey, sorry I've been ghosting you all. I'm alive DW just in a bit of a dilemma, protecting my brothers' friend because my friends want her, her husband, and her husband's family dead. She's knocked TF up BTW."

Eh, that'll work.

Aviva Black

As Aviva listens intently to the — in her opinion — horrendous baby names Isabella Cullen is coming up with, her attention is drawn towards the stairs as her brother runs up them and mutters a few words to Edward Cullen.

"Is Seth alright?"

"Wow — thank you sister for worrying!" Jake says, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

"Okay cool. Where's Seth?"


Aviva sighs in relief — rushing out of the room to go find her boyfriend and best friend.

"Seth," Aviva calls out quietly hoping he can hear her.

"Hey," she hears from behind her — the girl jumps in fear at the sudden voice of her Quileute shifter.

"Don't scare me like that — shitass,"

"You've been so..." he trails off trying to find a word to describe her sudden behavior.

"...jumpy lately, why?"

"I dunno... just scared I guess,"

"Of?" He smiles softly at the concerned girl.

She shrugs not knowing what to say when his eyes are on her.

Suddenly his face shifts to a sudden fear, "What is it, Seth?" He then turns his attention back to her.

"Sh, listen." He says quickly.

The silence causes Aviva to hear everything going on inside.

"Oh shit,"

"Bella's having her baby."


Authors note.

we 🆙

we also be failing school ⁉️⁉️⁉️
getting a Guinea Pig tmrw tho so who cares fr ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🆙🆙🆙🆙🆙🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️😂😂😂😂😂😂.


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