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FIVE ᵃᶜᵗ ⁱⁱ

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AVIVA BLACK, never understood why her biological father taught her a certain way to talk to police officers, or why he always changed his heavy Spanish accent to an American one in front of cops; But that was when she was ten, now she's a fourteen- almost fifteen year old ordering in Spanish, a language she was taught to barely acknowledge, shocking most of the pack.

"Si, y el helado de vanilla también, por favor." She smiles at the older lady, the women warmly smiles back.

"Okay, ¿algo más?"

Aviva looks back to count how many people she's with, and how many orders are on the small screen,

"Uh— no, gracias señora." The old women smiles at the polite girl, then replies.

"De nada, amor."

"Tú total es veinte, setenta y cinco."

Aviva turns to look at Sam, "20.75" she said, sticking her hand out for his card. With an eye roll he complies, handing her the blue card.


"Buen provecho!" The waiter says cheerily, as she walks away to serve other costumers.

"How come we didn't know you spoke Spanish?" Paul asks with a mouth full of his burger, Aviva rolls her eyes at the improper boy.

"You never asked."



"What the hell do you mean newborns?" Aviva asks, she didn't know why she was kept out of the loop, only figuring out about a battle after Seth accidentally let it slip.

"Vee, just calm down." Sam demands.

"Sam, your alpha voice doesn't work on me. Maybe on your dick riders, but I'm not one of 'em."

"Vee, they're coming for Bella, we have to protect her." Jacob stated.

"Bullshit." The young teen whispers.

"So you're risking your life for some human who chose her blood sucking boyfriend over you?" The young girl questions, trying to purposely antagonize her lying brother.

"Aviva." Jake warns.

"Jacob." She fires back.

"Shut up. Shut up right now or I'll—" he gets cut off.

"Or you'll what?" Seth steps up and asks sternly, the possible threat being aimed towards his imprint causes him to tense, and become protective.

Jacob Black goes quiet.

"We're leaving." Seth announces to Sam, grabbing Avivas' arm and pulling her out of the room.


"He's full of shit." Seth says angrily.

"Calm down pretty boy." Aviva laughs out.

"I'm sorry, I love you."

Aviva pauses, not having said it to him.

"Me too."

He swings her hand kissing her cheek. "Let's go to the beach." He suggests. "Mkay, but no throwing me in this time, 'm wearing a white shirt." He sends her a confused glance, "What does a white shirt have to do with throwing you in?" He questions innocently.

"Nothing, Seth, lets just go." She says cheerily.


Authors note.

I'm freaking the freak out it's my first day of school, but I love this book and the people who read it enough to post.

Also it's really really short today my apologies.



𝘽𝘼𝘿 𝙍𝙀𝙋𝙐𝙏𝘼𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉  𝙎.𝘾𝙇𝙀𝘼𝙍𝙒𝘼𝙏𝙀𝙍Where stories live. Discover now