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You don't need to read this. This was just something I scribbled on a piece of paper while waiting for a very long and very boring test to end. Don't expect another chapter. 


She sighs for the thousandth time today as he continues to drum his fingers annoyingly against the desk. The rhythm had long been drummed into her memory and she was getting sick of it.

'Please, stop.' She grabs both his hands and lifts them off the desk to prevent any more irritating tapping.

'If you wanted to touch me, you should've just asked.' the mischievous glint in his eyes was clear as day as one side of his mouth raised to form a crooked smile.

'STOP.' She warns him for the tenth time since class started. Which was only twenty minutes ago.

'Not anytime soon, sorry.'

'Why?!' She was getting tired of this.

'You've tweaked my interest.' He shrugged.

'Then un-tweak it. I don't need unnecessary distractions.' She says as she looked him dead in the eyes, indicating that she was serious.

His tall broad form complimented his cocky demeanor as he sat facing her. Of all the students taking up advanced maths classes, she had to have him sit right beside her.

'Now leave me alone so I can work out this problem.' She motions at the stack of papers neatly piled and stapled on the desk before returning her attention to it. 

Judging by his usual annoying character, he probably just stuffed the assignment into his bag to do later, she thought to herself. 

'Why can't I figure this out?' She mumbled to herself as she scans through the equation for what felt like the millionth time. It made no sense. She followed the rule of operations, combined the like pro-numerals with their bases. She even broke it all apart and pieced it back together, twice! But she still couldn't find the value of "y".

Sighing again, she rubbed her temple. She would have to go out for another cup of coffee if she was going to pull an all-nighter. Again.

'You misplaced the "x" in the third line equation.' He leans in with an elbow on the desk and points to a spot on the paper.

Annoyed, irritated and very much sleep deprived, she glared at him. 'No. I didn't. I've reviewed the problem over and over again and I never,' her voice growing louder by the second, 'not even once, see that I misplaced the-'

Her eyes grew wide.

She grasps the paper and holds it up to her face. 'How..?' her jaw dropped at the sight of the little letter she accidently put out of place. How had she missed it?! She was so sure she'd checked every piece of the equation. But now it all fell into place.

'Pie squared to the fifth power! "y" equals pie squared raised to-' she shuts her mouth when she sees his smug expression. 'You were just lucky, spotting it by chance.' She folded her arms.

'I finished an hour ago.'

No way. She didn't believe this. This immature man-child who looked as though he benches one-ninety a day actually figured it out before she did. No one can be both good looking and smart. It's not humanly possible. But if this is the case, she was pissed at puberty for not giving her the same treatment it gave him.

'Now go hand in your paper so it can lay next to mine.' He winks at her.

And there he was, the flirtatious jerk.


After handing in the assignment that had been ruining her life for the past two days, she returned to her seat to collect her things. 

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