Red- Passion

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And when you turned to me and smiled
It took my breath away
And I have never had such a feeling
Such a feeling of complete and utter love
As I do tonight

-The Lady in Red, Chris De Burgh

"Shhh," Stefani puts a finger to his lips. "No one knows you're here."

He begs to differ. He's fairly certain Bobby caught them leaving together, despite best efforts on their parts to pull the old one person sneaks out first, then the other. Likewise, he's equally convinced no one bought their story of going to this event together as friends. His own mother smirked when he told her as much.

They'd agreed it was easier keeping silent for now. The very public speculation had convinced them being under the radar was the best possible choice.

When she had asked him to come as her date, he remembers asking if she was sure. It seemed the anthesis of being careful.

But Stefani was firm. "I want you there. My team knows we're friends. So does everyone else close. I don't give a fuck what anyone outside thinks."

He knew that wasn't entirely true. She was human and sometimes shit people said hurt. It was just a natural reaction. And being in the business they were in, gossip mattered.

Still, he loved her so much that he couldn't really refuse her anything. Nor could he keep his eyes off her when she came into the room in a red dress that looked as though it had been painted over her curves, lips scarlet to match. She glided over to him, the notes of her perfume trailing after her.

When he bent to allow his lips to graze her cheek, struggling to be as chaste as possible, she encircled both wrists, whispering in his ear.

"I say we make an appearance and then get the hell out of here."

He was tempted, very tempted. Being surrounded by people in a stuffy setting contradicted what he wanted to do, completely.

"We have to stay for a little while," he murmured softly into her temple, glancing around.

"I know." Her reply was resigned. "Guess I'll go bullshit then. See you soon?"

"Mmm," his eyes dragged over her form; he couldn't help himself. Every inch of fabric hugged a supple curve, clung and spun out at her cleavage. She glowed.

Of course, she noticed and the look she gave him in response caused his mouth to go dry.

Off she went and as much as he tried to stay engaged in conversation, keep his head in the game, every so often he'd catch a quick glimpse of Stefani. Taking to someone, tipping her head back while she laughed. Her voice, the way it carried clear across the room. He'd stop to watch, his concentration totally blown, fucking mesmerized.

It had gotten to border on insanity, just the idea that they actually could leave, just say fuck it and go, how stunning she looked and the deliberate holding of his gaze whenever their eyes met.

He found himself on edge, overcompensating by conversing a mile a minute (not completely unusual behavior from him, but still), hands flying in the air as he told a story.

It wasn't until he saw her crane up to speak into Bobby ear that he realized she was planning her exit.

He knew he needed to buy his time, so he waited, discreetly texting when the moment seemed right. It felt vaguely like being in a James Bond film and not for the first time, he had to chuckle at the measures they were taking to ensure privacy.

"Hey, man," Bobby tapped his shoulder, a worried expression drawing his mouth into a frown, "Stef headed out a little while ago. I wasn't sure if you knew. Said she wasn't feeling well. I offered to leave with her, but she said to head back to the house later on, she was just going to rest."

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