Magenta - Love

465 27 48

there was a time that I was blue

and when I met you, you were red

you touched my heart and I turned magenta



"She's absolutely precious," Stefani leaned over to observe the sleeping infant. She spoke in a soft tone, as not to wake her.

"May I?"

Bradley nodded and carefully, she reached into the crib, gently stroking the apple of Lea's cheek. The baby stirred, a tiny smile turning up her mouth.

"I'm sorry, beautiful girl. Sleep now."

They made their way out of the nursey, Bradley shutting the door silently behind them. He guided her to the living room, his hand resting on her upper back.

"Can you believe she's here?" She gushed as they settled on the couch. "All that waiting..."

"I can't believe she's mine," he confided, hushed. "I've wanted to be a father for a long time now, and here she is."

She touched his hand, resting hers on his. "Scared?"

"Oh, God, terrified. What if I screw up? What if I screw her up?"

"You won't."

"You don't know that."

"Did your parents screw it up with you?"

He smiled tiredly. "That's up for debate."

"You're one of the most patient, most caring people I've ever met.  There's no way you could do anything but raise her with love."

His features darkened and he dragged his eyes to the ground. "Shit's pretty tense around here. I thought maybe once she was born, things would be better."

She swallowed, lifting her chin to the ceiling to search for the correct response. "Maybe you just need time. All of you---get into a groove, you know?"

Picking up her fingers, he touched each one as he spoke. "I'm sorry for all the what-ifs. But they feel so fucking real. I don't---"

"Yeah. I think the unknown is honestly scarier than anything else. But I promise you, Bradley, she'll grow up loved. No matter what. And that's most important."

Studying him closely, the dark circles under his eyes were as plain as day. Every word, every movement was saturated with pure exhaustion. He didn't get enough sleep on a good day, but she was positive having a newborn added to the mix. He was surviving on coffee and fumes at this point and she knew it.

"When's the last time you got more than two hours of uninterrupted sleep?"

It was a rhetorical question and he shrugged.

"Irina's on a shoot in Paris, mom's in Philly with Holly. I could call the nanny we use, I guess, but I dunno. She's my daughter. My responsibility."

"Mmm," her eyes narrow. "And what good will you be to Lea if you're on the verge of collapse? Tell you what," she willfully ignored his protest, "I'll hang out here tonight, let you off duty."


"No, I don't wanna hear it. You need to sleep. We're not arguing."

Obviously too weak to put up a fight, Bradley sighed, shoulders slumping.

"You sure?"

"A hundred percent," she held up the baby monitor situated on the end table.

"Okay," he said, and she could immediately hear the relief. "Bottles are on the rack by the sink, formula's in the second cabinet above the stove. Her diapers and wipes and everything are underneath the changing table, in that drawer,...are you really sure? Christian..."

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