Maroon 3/3

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He couldn't be sure if it was a warning to him or for herself or just the idea that nothing good would arise from his impromptu confession and the old Bradley would've probably backpedaled, maybe even toss out a silly excuse to cover his vulnerability because that's how much he hated being exposed.

It was out there and there was nothing left but honesty.

"I mean it." His eyes searched hers. "I didn't know how to tell you."

For the very first time since he had known her, he could tell she didn't know what to say. The words weren't at her fingertips and she stilled, her face in the palm of his hands.

"I'm sorry that it came out like that. But I'm not sorry I said it. How could I be?"

She was a deer in headlights only briefly and then her eyes flashed, a look coming into them that he definitely recognized.

"Kiss me."

"Right now?"

"Right now."

Her hands grasped at his shirt collar, pulling him in as their lips met with an urgency that completely swept him up, pulled him under.

He hadn't kissed her in years and the familiarity in it was enough to bring him to his knees.

She tasted like Cabernet and a specific sweetness that was just her and he couldn't get enough; a drowning man.

His fingers tangled in her hair, sinking into blonde and he felt her shudder and moan against his mouth, more, more, more until they broke apart, both grasping for breath.

"Shit," Stefani cursed softly, tugging at her bottom lip. "Goddamn it."

His head reeling, he pulled himself together enough to regard her, glassy eyed. "What is it?"

It only took a glance to see that whatever it was, it wasn't good.

"I just went and fucked everything up, didn't I?"

Her question took him for a complete loop and it was all he could do not to gape. "What do you mean?"

"You and I have worked too fucking hard to get to where we are now, Bradley. Both of us...we put in the work to be friends again and most importantly, damn good parents to our girl."

Standing up, pillows falling in her wake, she began to pace, ringing her hands.

"We're lonely and it's totally natural the first person we turn to is each other. It's comfortable, so it makes sense, but listen to me, please. And this is as much for me to hear as it is for you."

She turned toward him, almost apologetically. "Going back or even trying to go back, it's not ---"

"Why can't we?"

His voice sounded thin and unsure, on the precipice of shattering completely and the tears that sat dormant in her irises didn't help.

"Okay, well...what if we go ahead and sleep together? No strings attached. Would that be enough? Would it fill a void?"

"I'm not talking about sex, Stef, and you know it."

"I do know. And I also know how it would affect our daughter if we fell into something and it didn't work out again."

"I would never do anything to confuse her or cause her harm. Not ever."

Her expression softened. "No. You're a wonderful father. There's just too many things. This is complicated."

"You're afraid I'd hurt you again. I don't blame you one bit, Stefani. It's a valid fear. But you have to know," his throat constricted, "I'm not the same person I was when we were together...I don't even recognize him."

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