Chapter 14

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"Oh mon Dieu! (oh my god) I mean he's truly perfect. Too good to be true, really." Amelia fans herself and sprawls like a starfish across her bed. I only laugh at her behavior. Who knew Sergio could make this wild girl so smitten?
"Lunch is ready," Nicolas knocks on Amelia's door with a tired look on his face. He's been acting strange for about a week now, even weirder than before the game night with everyone.
"Thank you Nico," I grab his hand and skip down the stairs to find the kitchen. Vincenzo is working today so I'm going to enjoy my free day with my two best friends, and maybe Emily if she's free.
Nicolas made his famous Chicken Cordon Bleu Quesadillas. He knows it's one of my favorites. When I say famous, I just mean he's the only one who makes them for me, my dad thinks it is more of a snack, or picnic food. Which I find totally absurd, but Nico would always make them and serve a little picnic in the backyard for Amelia and me. The memory of home makes me smile.
Emily is already sitting at the counter with her own plate with a wide smile on her face. I guess Nico had already invited her to spend the day with us. I'm glad he's at least getting along with someone here.
"Just imagine poor Nico bawling his eyes out because the elephant got separated from its heard. It was for like one day but boor little guy couldn't handle the suspense of the documentary." Amelia pout and squeezes Nico's cheek maybe his swat her hand away.
Emily stifles a giggle and I try to hold my food in my mouth remembering that day.
"It's not funny." He glares at his empty plate
"It kinda was." Amelia nudges finishes her last bite then walks her plate to the sink.
"Well your opinion doesn't count, you once started cry laughing during an interrogation because you thought of a funny joke you saw on your phone.
I quietly agree with Nicolas's comeback and Amelia just sticks her tongue out at us all. Emily and I finish our plates last, and she jumps up scaring us all. This girl is so shy, yet has random bursts of energy that I doubt I'll ever get used to.
"Let's go to the Zoo!" When was the last time I've been to the zoo? Amelia, Nico, and I were expected to grow up so quickly I can't remember the last time we were free enough to go out and do things like visiting the zoo.
Suddenly I feel myself filling with bubbly excitement, "That sounds like a great idea! I'll clean up while you guys go get ready."
The girls disperse to their rooms, but Nico stays behind. He rummages the counters for a dish towel and drying rag, "Let me help you."
I only laugh. He's really gotten in the habit of treating me like some kind of doll and I don't understand why. "Nico there were only four of us. I think I can handle it."
He raises an eyebrow at me, "I wash, you dry."
Without another word he scrapes away at our dirty dishes. I don't know what I would do without someone like Nico by my side. He's always watched over me, even as we were kids. Whoever wins his heart will be the luckiest woman out there. 
"How are you liking it here?" Nico side glances at me trying to read me. How do I like it here?
"I think I really like it. Some of the people here are a little hostile, but that's understandable, we are foreigners. But the people that really count are extremely nice and amazing to be around." He can be protective over me so I know what he really wants to know. How's me and Vincenzo, but it don't need to explain any further for him to know I'm happy.
He opens his mouth, ready to say something but the scoff of another female takes his attention. Speaking of hostile people, Gabriella waltzes in without a care in the world.
"I got the rest from here Nico, thank you. Can you steal those cute ripped shorts Amelia said she got for me but kept?" I give him my famous puppy dog eyes and he walks out, mumbling how he doesn't like rummaging through his sister's drawers.
"I wouldn't get too comfortable ya know." I roll my eyes behind the cupboard door, placing the last dish back in its place. I swear I don't know what I did to get on her bad side, but she's quickly climbing up the list of my bad side.
"And why is that?"
Her cold eyes pop under the thick layer of eyeliner surrounding her emerald eyes. She flips her long braid over her shoulder. Is she trying to intimidate me? Because whatever she's doing won't work.
"You're just a political pawn. Vincenzo's done it more times than I can count. Once he finds a better arrangement to put his time into you'll be out of here." She's lying. What benefits would Vincenzo really get out of playing me? My father reached out to him, he didn't need to add me to the equation, that was his own choice. Right?
After pouring herself a glass of orange juice she leaves with a smirk on her face, satisfied with my silence. What's wrong with me? Why would I let her have the last word?mi kick myself for my moment of weakness, my father taught me better than that.
My phone buzzes in my pocket ripping my thoughts away from me.
V: Can't stop thinking about you... should've come to this meeting with me to make it more exciting.
Me: Nope sorry too busy having fun over here, should've stayed home ;p
I don't have to wait long for him to respond, but I leave it alone so I'm not the last to be ready for the zoo.
V: What could be more fun than me?
Me: Penguins! We're going to the zoo!
V: Well that does sound very fun baby. Be safe, I'll text you once my meeting is over.
I don't know why I was worried. If I were just a pawn then I'm very sure he wouldn't spare me a fraction of the attention and time he gives me. Vincenzo has proved over and over how much he cares for me. He didn't need to steal my heart in order to become allies with my father. She's just another petty girl who spends her free time being psycho. I bet she drinks orange juice after brushing her teeth!

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