Chapter 29

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"These are the blueprints of the venue. There's about six stories, plus a basement."
Amelia whistles as she looks at what we're dealing with in amazement, "The largest library in Milan. Ooh look, and there's the cathedral underneath. I'm guessing that is where all the good stuff goes."
Emily shrugs, "Sì. This was built when our family first joined the mafia business. The library and cathedral were built as a front to store valuable information and to smuggle our goods. It's the biggest asset towards the alliances we make."
Amelia and I look at the images in awe before Nico snaps us out of it, "It doesn't matter what's inside it. We should be more worried about how to get out of it."
Joseph scoffs, popping another slice of toast in his mouth, "Yeah libraries are cool and all but it also means it'll be a fucking maze in there."
His eyes dart across each page taking it all in. With his amazing memory and great attention to detail, there's a reason he's a huge asset to our family's security detail.
He points to the blueprint of the upper level, "And see? All of these are rooms, which means people may be staying here. Does anyone know the headcount of this thing?"
We all shake our heads 'no'. There's only so much information we can get as outsiders. We're lucky enough to even know the location. Speaking of...
"How did you manage to get these?" I point to the blueprints curiously.
Emily blushes under the attention of us all and shrugs, "Toni was looking over them. It was easy to distract him long enough to get copies of everything."
I raise my eyebrows in question but don't push the subject any further. Amelia, however, isn't as subtle.
"Distract him? Sounds sexy."
Nico groans in frustration, "Jesus fuck Amelia."
Joseph laughs and Emily only blushes harder, "No! I- it wasn't like that."
Amelia hums in agreement but doesn't look convinced. You can always count on her to make all the inappropriate comments.

About an hour later we decided to take a break to get out of the house for dinner. Sergio goes as our chaperone once again, and when we get back he tried his best to convince Amelia for some alone time. She was hesitant at first, but with a nudge from me she happily agreed.
The rest of us finished with our plans. Nico and some men will keep an eye out for any open opportunity to sneak away. If that opportunity fails to come, they'll find someone sketchy enough to frame an issue on. If that happens, Vincenzo will be forced to face the issue and I'll be 'tucked away safely'.
From there we will head out the building, down to the meeting point across the street where a car will be waiting. We'll stop to switch cars about three times just to be extra sure before finding our flight to head home. Once we're there we'll be untouchable.
It's past midnight by the time we've run through every scenario. Emily is passed out on Nico's shoulder but he seems unfazed by it. He finishes jotting down notes of all the exit points and the dirt he learned on potential guests who may attend.
He sighs, rubbing his free hand across his face. I can feel his eyes on me, silently watching as I tidy up the room.
His voice is raspy with the sleep he's fighting as he whispers, careful not to wake Emily, "Are you sure you want to do this? If we go through this, you may break his heart."
Do I want to go through this? It's clearly not the ideal situation, but it's all that can be done.
I bite my lip trying not to think too much about it. Then I say the only thing that I can say. As if when I say these words out loud I can convince myself it to be true, "I'm not sure he has one."

Nico and I take our morning run this morning in silence. Typically we are able to take the runs early enough no one bothers us. Aside from the occasional watchful eyes from Vincenzo as he peers at us from his balcony. Today? Men and women are up by 4:30 packing and loading things into cars to take to the venue.
Despite the less than peaceful run, I'm glad we don't have room to talk. My mind is filled with a quiet buzz, too busy anticipating the evening to come. As I run I try to coach myself into how the night should go. Convince myself I can't chicken out. I can't get too hasty and ruin the plan either. And whatever I do, I can't punch Victoria in her stupid face no matter how badly her ugly butt deserves it.
We cut our run short, not wanting to over tire ourselves for the day. Once we get inside Nico checks on me for a second time to make sure I'm okay, before we leave to shower.
As I walk further into the house the halls get less and less busy. Soon all can be heard is my heavy breathing and the sweat dripping onto the wooden floors. Once I make it to my destination I hesitate. I'm not stupid. He was picking up the dress today. So I'm sure his petty ass would have left it in his room, forcing me to get ready in "our room".
A part of me wants to still be the hard headed brat I am and go back to Emily's room and wear the pantsuit I bought with the girls days ago.  But I know better than to test Vincenzo this morning. Especially if I want things to go my way tonight.
I hold my breath as I push the door open. The room is silent aside from the creaking of the door. Thank god for that.
The room sets a feeling of nostalgia in my chest, as if it's been years since I've stepped foot in here. I brush my fingers across the sheets, his side seems wrinkled from sleep but my side seems untouched. No, my mind is just being dramatic and playing tricks on me.
I stop in my tracks on my way to the master bathroom. Dark beauty hangs elegantly against the door frame. It's a work of art. Although it seems almost completely different from the dress I tried on days ago, I can see it holds the features I loved most about it.
The loose off-the-shoulder sleeves replaced the skin tight, lace sleeves I once admired. Instead of the low cut neckline, it's been turned into a sweetheart neckline with a see-through corset. The skirt itself, although has more tool than the first, will be the perfect length for me with my heels on and still has the slit I loved so much. As much as I'd hate to admit it, Vincenzo knew exactly what I'd want and this is entirely the perfect dress for me.
Damn him. I bet he didn't even need me to try on dresses. Knowing him he most likely had this picked from the start.
I try to keep my makeup natural looking, staying with more neutral colors and finishing the look with a light smokey eye. Then I curl my hair to fall past my shoulders in loose waves.
By the time I strap my heels on the door to the room creaks open. The hairs on my arms rise as his presence fills the air.
"Sei bellissima amore mio."
I take one glance at the devastatingly handsome man through the mirror and it takes all of my strength to look away. Damn him. It's not fair for one man to hold the beauty of one hundred gods.
"You changed the dress." I smack my lips pretending to be busy touching up my lipstick in the mirror.
"I thought you would feel more comfortable in this."
He's right and I hate it. As sexy and confident I felt in the dress at the fitting, this is more my style. I feel like a princess, a sexy one at that, and I love it.
"I'm not your doll to dress up as you please Vincenzo." I try to force as much venom as I can, but he only sighs.
"I only want what is best for you princessa," he pulls me into his arms and tucks a curl behind my ear, "I love you, bella."
The words are a punch in the gut. I try to push back the tears as I sigh against his hand on my cheek, "You haven't said those words to me in months."
The car outside blares its horn to remind us of the time. I jump back, his grip luckily loose enough for me to escape, "We're late."
Before he can protest I storm out of that suffocating room. I have one job tonight. I have to leave this life behind and get back home.

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