Chapter 25

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              "That ass..." Emily has been seething ever since I came to her room in tears. She paces in front of me as I wipe away my tears. Usually I would go to Amelia for this type of thing, and I will soon, but Emily is the one who can truly understand just how badly all of this is hurting me.
              She looks at me, full of pity, "I'm so sorry Bunny."
              Her words make me sink deeper into my pillow. I can't speak. I can barely move. My stomach feels like there is a rock sinking deep into it. I'm not sure if I'm strong enough for the hurt and betrayal that I'm feeling.
              "What are you going to do?" I shrug. What will I do? I can't go back to him. Now while my trust is still wounded. The ache in my heart is too painful, I need time. I need... to go home. "Well, you can stay in here with me as long as you want. Or we could find you a guest room far away from his as possible."
              I think she can feel how tense I am at the thought of staying here, and her next words are full of hesitation and hurt in her voice, "Unless... you- d-do you want to go home..?" Tears spill out my eyes once again as I nod. At this point there is nothing keeping me here. I have a stranger threatening my loved ones if I don't leave and the man I thought I loved just betrayed my trust and heart. As much as it pains me to leave Emily behind, home with my family is where I need to be right now.
              Emily sighs and scoots in under the covers next to me. She plays with a loose strand of my hair lost in thought. The action puts my nerves at ease, making me feel like I can breathe a little again.
              "Well then we'll figure something out. It'll all be okay."

         Guards were doubled the next day, but Vincenzo made no attempt to come near me. The action almost makes me angry. He can't even face me after what he did. But he'll make sure to treat me like a prisoner so that I can't leave.
          "He just knows he fucked up. I'm sure he'll come around and apologize for being such an asshole, and then we can go back to normal." I just shrug as Amelia finishes up her hair for the day. She dabs on some concealer on her neck making me inwardly chuckle.
         "So where were you last night?" I try to push myself to be happy for my friends. Not let them know just how much my own love has hurt me.
       Amelia blushes, and I'm not sure I've ever seen her act this way! Emily skips out of her closet with a sing- song voice, "Sergio!"
       "Oh shut it, snitch!" I look at my two best friends in surprise, glad to see them so happy this morning, "I mean, sure we've been having some fun for a bit... but it's not that big of a deal. Who am I kidding? Us? It would totally be a mistake."
      Emily and I roll our eyes in sync. A blind person could see the connection between those two. They're like two happy little puppies madly in love.
      Two knocks echo through Emily's room making my heart jump. Emily hesitantly opens her door, and his green eyes make me sigh in relief. It's not necessarily that I'm afraid of Vincenzo but my heart needs a few more moments of peace.
       "There you all are. With all the bodies roaming the halls I was worried you three did something." Amelia throws a pillow at Nicolas making us laugh.
       "His little princess threatened to leave him for not treating her like a queen, so he's pissed." Amelia plops on the bed, but Nicolas looks right at me.
       "What did that bastard do?" He rushes to me checking for any wounds, but the only true wound is in my heart... and well my ass... not that he'll ever know that.
        "Nothing Nico, it's fine... I... just want to go home." My family isn't safe. This needs to be done.
        "Are you sure? I mean I know if my man let some other girl walk all over him I'd be pissed, but that doesn't mean it can't be fixed." Amelia looks at me with a bit of sadness. And now I feel even worse. If I leave she'll feel like she has to come back too. Never giving her the chance to figure things out with Sergio.
         "It's not just that... I'm worried about papa. I just... feel like something is going to happen that we need to be there for."
        Emily looks at me wide eyed, "Well did you ask Vincenzo for help?"
       "I did... and he promised he would try to see if he could send some spare men, but he's been so busy with this new business and I- I don't know... I'm still worried."
        Nicolas brushes a loose strand from my face, "Then we'll figure something out. Yeah?"
         I nod, the pit in my stomach growing with every second. Even with what Vincenzo did... I'm torn between here and my home.
          "I'll make some calls, see what our options are. You three should go get something to eat. You've been locked away in here for too long." I look at Nicolas, trying to smile at him, trying to muster up my courage to face the one man who can make my walls crumble.

           The kitchen is empty, aside from the obvious guards watching my every move. Emily squeezes my arm in reassurance and leaves to find supplies for some sandwiches. His voice is the first thing I hear through the thundering footsteps.
          "What now Stephano? I'm busy."
          "She wanted me to remind you the venue is opened for this weekend, are we still planning on that being our location?"
           "Of course, go ahead and set the reservation. Make sure everything goes to plan. And I want that extra room stocked with our supplies."
          "She also suggested we bring over any men we can spare to get things rolling on her side. Is this even something that's possible?" Stephano looks at Vincenzo slightly annoyed. Most likely not a fan of being the messenger boy.
           Vincenzo is too glued to his phone to truly notice Stephano's annoyance and waves him off with his hand, "Sure it's no problem. Send Barnardo. Worthless shit isn't doing anything. Have him gather about ten men to go with him."
            I can't seem to tear my enraged glare from him as Stephano rushes away. He has to fight with me to take a few men to my father but he's okay with sending ten men instantly to that two faced bitch? At this exact moment Vincenzo glances up from his phone, meeting my gaze. He makes his way towards me, making the blood violently pump through my ears.
            He goes back to staring at his phone and coldly acknowledges me, "Where were you last night?"
            I want to scoff and roll my eyes. Tell him it's none of his business, "Busy."
            "Busy with what?" His tone is impatient but he makes no effort to look at me. I stare at him long and hard. Just a few weeks ago we were professing our love for each other. He laid in bed with me as he treated me like a queen. And now? Now I feel like a burden he's forced to drag around with him. A prisoner that is losing its importance. How did this change so drastically?
           "Girl's night." At the exact moment the universe is against me as Sergio walks in to greet Amelia. He pulls her in close and quietly tells her what a great time he had last night making her giggle.
          Vincenzo looks at them with a raised eyebrow then looks at me. Clearly letting me know I was caught in an obvious lie. What? Does he want me to tell him I was busy crying my eyes out in Emily's room all night? Too hurt and afraid to face him,
          "Listen Aria-"
          Saved by the bell. Well, not exactly, more like saved by Nico, "Hey Ari, we still down for our plans tonight?"
           I know exactly what plans he's talking about making my chest tight. I only nod and that's all Nico needs to go on his way to make phone calls.
           "Are we done here?" I keep my tone cold, just like him, "I have a busy day. I'm sure you do too."
            Vincenzo's jaw visibly tightens at my newfound courage. His hand raises to my face and it takes everything in me not to flinch and the threatening action. I brace myself for contact but nothing happens. He scoffs, and his demeanor shifts back to his stoic cold manor, "We have a ball on Saturday. Be sure you're presentable."
            Without another word, he storms off leaving me fuming. Who does he think he is?

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