Chapter 23

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   I could hardly sleep that night. Before I could ask that rat what exactly he had planned for Vincenzo, or what exactly he wanted, the car sped off. It was by far the strangest encounter I've had, and I'm not sure how to go about it. I wish I could call my father, but I'm sure the phone is bugged. How else would he know so much about me? If I wanted to talk to anyone it would have to be as discreet as possible.
Perhaps if Vincenzo could spare a few of his men to watch over my father, they could surely protect themselves. That way I wouldn't have to leave. I've grown too fond of him to just leave, and I'm sure he would say the same. Maybe I'm being selfish, but if I could spare my heart, then I will surely try.

Stress is not something I am unfamiliar with. In the type of family I've grown up in, I've been thrown into the pool of life with no floaties. I had to grow up much faster than most, ready to take over my father's business at any time. When the stress got to overwhelming, something my childhood self always lived by the relief of dancing in the kitchen.
This is the first time, however, I've been able to share this moment surrounded by so many people I care for.
The beat blasting from the kitchen speaker moves me like strings on a puppet. Amelia sways her hips and Sergio spins her in his arms. Emily bounces on her feet and sings out the lyrics to 'Pierre', on the spoon I was once using to mix my cookie dough.
Tony is drumming out the beat, bobbing his head, his eyes never leaving Emily, but she is so lost in the song no one notices but me. I bounce along with everyone else, singing out random lyrics with Emily with no care in the world. It almost feels like we all needed this. Nicolas only laughs at our wild behavior, placing the hot cookies on the cooling tray, all of us too into the music to worry about the stress cookies I was making.
I'm so lost in the freedom I feel as my hair flows through my fingers I don't process anyone else entering until Vincenzo's hands pull me into his body. With no questions asked he sways with me and we hop and spin in circles, hands entwined.
We haven't had small moments like this in along time. I bask in how it makes me feel to dance in the kitchen with him and my friends. Maybe, just maybe, I could live like this.
By the time the song fades into a new one we're all laughing and out of breath.
"I missed you bella." His lips brush mine in a sweet and simple kiss. I've decided, I could certainly get used to this being my life.
"Hello sir." I blush under his adoring gaze, still slightly out of breath from dancing. Then I remember why I was so stressed in the first place, making me frown.
Before Vincenzo can ask what is wrong, his phone rings loudly through the kitchen, "Hello?"
And just as fast as he was here he's gone. With this new alliance he's been working on, he's surely been busier than usual. I turn to Emily and she gives me a smile masking her pity, noticing the change in his attention too.
I don't even want to see everyone's face, as the awkward silence is enough to make me uncomfortable. I follow Vincenzo's trail, hoping he's made his way to our room so I can talk to him.
"No- I already told you I'm not taking any more trips for a while. If they need to see me, they can come down themselves." His back is tense, surely tired from his travels. The purple hues of the setting sun, however, makes him look godly as ever, "I was just there! They will not take my kindness for granted. I have a business to run and they will work around my schedule, not the other way around."
The caller on the other end is cut off, and he throws his phone into the bed. He runs his fingers through his hair, and I watch as his muscles strain against his tight dress shirt. No, Aria, it is not the time to get all flustered. No matter how yummy Daddy is, this is important.
"H-Hi daddy," At the sound of my voice his eyes snap to me, and I swear his whole body relaxes in an instant.
"Hi baby girl. Is everything okay?"
Okay this is where I need to think. Say one wrong thing and I could give it all away. Then who know what the mysterious man will do.
"Well, I- I was wondering... You- erm- well-"
"Baby..." He tries to smile but I can see how tired he is. I'm sure the last thing he needs right now is for me to bother him. Come one, Aria, just get it together.
"I was wondering if we had any men to spare... for uh, you know my father?"
Vincenzo looks at me shocked, as if this wasn't a topic he expecting to be having with me. Sure I may be his little girl, but I still have mafia blood running through my veins, and responsibilities of my own to think about.
"And why is that baby?"
"Well, I just- I know my father was needing the extra protection, and without me there I'm sure they could use the help." In case someone came to harm them due to my selfishness.
"I'm sure your father can take care of himself baby. Besides he hasn't asked for any assistance, but if something dangerous comes up and he does need help I am sure I can spare a few men."
He brushes the air with a wave of his hand, as if the conversation was a fly  he was swatting away. His dismisses me, making his way to the bathroom to get ready for bed, without another word. I'm dumfounded. I wasn't sure exactly how this conversation was going to go, but I certainly didn't think he would brush me off like that.
By the time I'm able to gather my thoughts he's in some red sweats and heading to the comfort of our warm bed. No, I can't let him push this aside. I need this to work out.
"Daddy, please," I'm sure he can hear the desperation in my voice, but I doubt it's registering to his tired mind.
"Baby, enough. I can't afford to send off my men for no reason."
"But I only need a few men. I'm sure that'll be enough, in case-"
"Aria! I am tired. I've had a long day and I can't worry myself with fighting you about this. Until there is a real threat and your father his on his knees begging for support I will not waste my men."
I know he doesn't think there is a true threat but his words still send a punch to my gut. He promised my father support and protection. Why can he not spare a few men to do this one request for me? I ask him this one thing and he can't find it important enough to even humor me with a conversation about it. If he can't protect my family, then I have no choice, blood must come before my selfish heart.
"If you want to just dismiss me that way and don't want to "waste your time" on my family, then I'm leaving." I stand tall, adrenaline pulsing through my veins. When was the last time I defied someone straight in their face? I can't recall such an action. I was a coward at heart, and I'm sure everyone knew it.
Before my hand can touch the doorknob, rough hands spin me into his rock hard chest, "Excuse me?"
"I'm sure you heard me clearly."
"I don't take lightly to ultimatums tesoro (darling/pet)" His grip on me tightens but not enough to hurt, "Don't forget who is in charge here baby girl. You. Are. Mine. And I will not except your pitiful attempts of disrespecting and threatening me. But since I am tired, and feeling generous you will explain your behavior before I decide what punishment is fit for my little brat."
I try to push back my tears of frustration, but they traitorously slip down my cheeks, "I just need to know me and my family will be safe."
His grip on me loosens and he sighs, "La mia dolce bambina... I will see who I can send to check in on them okay? But you need to know you never need to doubt your safety with me. I will always protect you."
I nod letting my body crumble under the comfort his touch gives me, "And tomorrow we will discuss what is best to deal with your behavior tonight. But for now, we sleep bambina."

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