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Sunshine. The word that instantly comes to mind whenever Jimin thinks about Aeri. And just earlier when she got handed her diploma, the sun have never shined so bright than that very second. Amidst all of the parents and friends of the graduating batch inside the auditorium Jimin was certain that her heart soared the most once her best friend got a hold of the piece of paper that marks the end of her schooling years in their university.

One by one the crowd has dispersed once the ceremony has ended. Scattered congratulations and well wishes floated in the air as an endless series of handshakes were exchanged. In the back chairs, a lone figure sat watching the scene unfold. Her eyes never leaving a specific Japanese girl who just graduated.

It somehow frustrates her that the number of people to greet Aeri seems to never cease since it's already been over an hour ever since the event has ended. But at the same time it also warms her heart knowing that Aeri is getting the appreciation that she deserves.

Another fifteen minutes have passed before her eyes met Aeri's. Just like a reflex embedded in her very core, Jimin's lips automatically turns upwards at the sight of her best friend. After a long wait, Aeri is finally making her way towards her direction still with her graduation gown on.

"Finally." Jimin says handing the a bouquet of sunflowers to the Japanese girl that she has been waiting for.

"Sunflowers?" Aeri asks confused but still accepting the flowers anyway.

Jimin cocks her head to side before smiling slowly. "For my sunshine of course."

Aeri tries to fight back the urge to smile but the view before her is just too much for her heart that her muscles couldn't contain themselves which made her end up smiling anyway.

So how do I move on from you? Aeri asks herself internally as her grasp on the bouquet tightens. After their talk last week, Aeri has finally accepted the fact that Jimin doesn't see her in that way anymore. But that doesn't mean that she have in a way forgotten her feelings about her. In a sense, knowing that the love that she have always wanted have passed by her eyes unknowingly brought more hurt than ever before.

"So what's next?" Jimin questions after Aeri reciprocated her smile.

"Singapore. My grandfather wants me to go there to check out the family's architecture firm before I fly to the states to complete my degree over there." It didn't come as a shock to Jimin that her best friend would be flying to another continent since Aeri has been vocal about her plans for her studies. What brought her eyebrows to shoot up was the word Singapore.

"My flight is on this coming Wednesday." Aeri answers the captain's unspoken question. Jimin nodded in understanding. Knowing that it was her grandfather's request, she's certain that Aeri couldn't say no.

"Why can't you just finish your last year here in our university? I know MIT is the best but..."

"What?" Aeri asks laughing at her best friend's whines.

"You only deserve the best, Aeri." And that's it for Aeri. Jimin's love language. Praises. Compliments. Assurance. Kim Minjeong is so damn lucky, Aeri says to herself because if she's being showered by these compliments just by being Jimin's best friend how more...

"You sure are the favorite granddaughter huh?" Jimin mutters confidently cutting off Aeri's thoughts.

Shaking off the idea, Aeri answers humbly, "Come on there's no such thing, Jimin."

"You can't deny it, Aeri. Plus this sending you to Singapore? I'm a hundred percent sure that once you get your license, you'll be the one to handle that firm of yours."

Dancing With Our Hands Tied: The SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now