Living to Succeed

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Complete the schooling to receive the smart tickets because to be a part of the social train

You have to be able to tell the complete difference between Theology and Science

Never sleep in the same bed as the man or else...

He will charge you with 2 counts of "betrayal" and 3 counts of "lies"

Know your place, silence is the best form of action...if they don't get it, that-that their harsh tones inflict deep wounds...leave it be

Only, and I mean ONLY, raise your fists when she likes your man's posts or when she claims that you took her man OR-- *laughs* OR when she says she wants to raise her hands-- that were met for loving-- for an "owed ass whoppin"

Realize that life is your wife, she will fuck you over 60% of the time, and her bitchy best friend Karma will fuck up the remaining 40... But she will always come crawling back with her "I need you" s and "you know I love you right?"

Learn that caring too much will either: a) get you fucked up b) get you fucked over or c) get you FUCKING FORGOTTEN!

Love is best known in action. So, gentlemen-- buy the mother of your child, and your side piece...and the women from the club last night, red roses that blossom when she smiles,

When the tears become unbearable to hold back,

When the ache in her anomalous chest becomes the only sound that soothes her

On her dreamless nights

Don't think I forgot about you ladies,

May it be 2:30am and he still isn't back with his boys,


May he claim that you are the only one,


May he harass the living SHIT out of you.


Love may not be his first intention, but be still,

He will learn.

Now, my final chance to save you from the screams and flames that may lick at your feet,

Disregard me,

For I am not God,

Or Allah,

Disregard me,

For I am nothing and everything.

I am that fellow crossing the road,

The clock that ticks and tocks,

That eventful night you had,

I am Silence,

I am Screams,

I am Clumsy,

I am Clever,

I am Peace,

I am Havoc,

I am Dumb,

I am Wise,


I am One.

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