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I have spent the past 14 years or so...

I N H I D I N G.

I have created thousands of comebacks...

Thousands of scenarios...

Thousands of horrible puns...

But I forgot how to L I V E.

I forgot eye contact is a must...

I forgot what goose bumps feel like...

I F O R G O T how to speak...

I can ann-un-c-iate words...

But I can't find synonyms for depression...

I can say, "My heart is heavy"...

But P L E A S E do not ask me to example what that means...

Because I am afraid that those words might crack my ribs...

I lock my jaw, hoping to keep the words rattling in my head...

Hoping to keep myself in check...

But the more I try to do daily activities,

Like chewing gum,

The words make it stiff and impossible to chew...

I want to live in R E A L I T Y...

Not in this fortress I have managed to survive in...

I want to open my heart to someone...

Not chain it to a dog's house with a hole in the roof...

I want to forgive myself...

Not pressing rewind on the remote and analyzing how I've failed again...

I have so many wants,

So many comebacks,

So many tasteless puns...

But not one scenario on how to face R E A L I T Y...

When The World Stops Spinning: Poetry & Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now