My Irrational Fears

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NOTE: Some fears listed might not make complete sense because the exercise was to write down actual fears or the thoughts that come to mind because of a fear. BUT to make it easier, I will use Italics for thoughts. Have a good laugh-- or wallow with me-- and LEAVE YOUR IRRATIONAL FEAR in the comments! 



My glow pet electrocutes me in my sleep.

My grandmother's deceased friend is haunting my water bubbler.

My sisters watch me as I sleep every night.

I accidently fall asleep on the train and I'm going home with only my pride.

You weren't suppose to say that!

Where did I put it?

Shit…I forgot about that.

Mommy is having ANOTHER kid-- like three demons weren't enough.

You're the "proud" owner of a 1982 station wagon. Smile, oh and don't forget to pump the breaks.

Did that shit just move…oh hell nah!

That creepy voice from that movie wants to comfort you tonight.

I wake up with no hair…bald….*shivers*

The clown wants a hug…

It's gangrene…

Her weave is a little too close to the fan.

Another bad Whitney Huston tribute.

You throw up on your date, he throws up on you, and you're both stuck in this cycle of throwing up on each other.

Your friend caught you slippin' and now her twitter followers AND Ellen know.

You didn't get accepted into college.

You're looking cute today…but the rain ruins that thought completely.

Stop watching the creepy man.

Paid $15 for a bad movie.

You bust your hip while learning to belly dance.

Someone smashes your car windows and you're stuck without heat for the rest of the winter.

You can't graduate high school because of that one bad joke you knew you should've kept to yourself.

Make the eyes stop following me!

Everyone actually finds you annoying.

Your dimples disappeared!

My first dog runs away because I loved him too much.

I wake up in the middle of nowhere *looks over towards a sign* Correction, in the middle of Mexico.

Your stalker quits being your stalker. He's been promoted to boyfriend.

You're new stalker is plotting against your boyfriend.

Vampires are real!

You had to be the one. Seriously?!

 My phone is forever lost in the mist of air mail and after 15 years, it will be discovered in Egypt by gypsies who call the home phone.

More hand-me-downs…yay!

You have a serious problem.

You married your fourth cousin. Congrats!

The bus driver was #TurntUp last night and has a hangover.

Once "Turnt" bus driver is now asleep…on the wheel.

You like main stream rap *Shocked Emoji face*

I'm considered an object now…

The spider you thought you killed is back.

The spider brought a friend.

You end up in a coma because of your soda addiction.

You gave up writing completely.

Technology will one day rule the world and begin to harvest organs. Mmm, brains!

The right to silence is void in this situation, I'm assuming?

They can read your mind and soul.

You win awards for being a "Team Player"…oh, wait, that already happened?!

This list is the map of the rest of your life.

Someone leaves a baby on your door step.

The baby pooped.

It's really you not him.

You date the person you hate…with a burning passion.

The rash is spreading…

You're more monkey than human.

You're not even human. You're a mutated ninja turtle without the cool lair.

You can no longer use sarcasm.

You're life is now meaningless without sarcasm.

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