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➶ 。˚ ° ➶ 。˚➶ 。˚ ➶ 。˚ ➶ 。˚(𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐒 𝐅𝐋𝐘)CHAPTER TWELVE——>

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"I know, I screwed up." Iskra sighed, for probably the twelfth time in the past fifteen minutes. Matt Murdock had warned her that running would not help her case any, however, it was one of the only things she knew how to do.

But now that she was home, her decisions were causing issues, with just about everything.

Iskra took a sip of water, ignoring Maria's stare, while the two of them waited for Matt to get off the phone.

"You've made things incredibly difficult Miss Romanoff-Hill," Matt sat back down at the table, "Their evidence against you the last time we met was completely circumstantial, however, they found your DNA on the weapon used to kill Mikhail."

"How the hell would my-" she started, before a certain realization popped into her mind, "дерьмо" (shit)

Matt and Maria both looked toward Iskra waiting for her to continue, "Mr. wouldn't happen to be familiar with Wilson Fisk would you?"

There was a brief pause of silence, "Yes...why?"

"I may have screwed up a bit more than I originally thought..." Iskra trailed off, Melina popped in the room to grab her car keys muttering something to Maria about Jessica cutting her own hair. 

"You've got to be kidding..." Maria muttered, "Ok, we'll see you at dinner."

"Everything ok?" Iskra arched an eyebrow, "Not according to what you just said."

"Could Fisk have planted my dna on the is that something that is physically possible?" Iskra asked, avoiding eye contact with anyone sitting around the table.

"It would be incredibly difficult to prove, but yes," Matt paused, "All of the other evidence is circumstantial if I can prove that it was planted, you'll be in the clear."


"I do have to warn you- it is very hard to legally make any progress when Wilson Fisk is involved," Matt stated.

"Yeah- I've gathered that," Iskra tucked her hair behind her ears, "So what's the plan of action?"

"Let me handle that...just stay out of trouble." 

Maria looked over to Iskra, "Trust me...she will be staying far from trouble." 


"Mom," Iskra whined, "It's MJ. I've been to her house countless times, and I only got into trouble a handful of times." 

Maria handed Iskra another plate from the kitchen table, "Iz, I just think spending some time here, while we get all of this cleared up is a good idea."

"I'm an adult, Mom." Iskra scrubbed at the plate, soapy water circling the drain.

"I know you are, sweetheart." Maria frowned, she really had missed so much in the five years that she was dust.

"No...don't think like that Mom." Iskra leaned against the sink meeting Maria's eyes, "You may have missed some things, but I'm right here."

"Maybe I shouldn't go to MJ's...we can watch a movie or something." Iskra turned off the faucet, drying her hands on a paper towel.

"No, it's ok. Have fun, tell MJ I said hello."  

Iskra could tell that Maria was upset, but decided to leave it alone for now. She would press on the issue more, later.

Iskra pulled her hair into braids, about to teleport once again, it was cheaper than flying would ever be...even if she had sworn off superhero-ish stuff, her magic was a big part of her.

"MJ," Iskra whisper-shouted from just outside of the other girl's window, MJ's expression was unreadable when she opened the window, Iskra was welcomed with a slap to the arm, "You scared me! I didn't hear anything from you and I was worried."

"I'm sorry, I know I owe you a huge apology and everything in between but it's been a rough month." 

MJ nodded, and reached her arms around her friend, "I really missed you." the redhead whispered.

"I missed you too," MJ pulled back from the hug. 

"You better still be in for sharing a dorm room, because I don't want to deal with some girl who's going to come back at two in the morning smelling like cheap beer."

"That was a very vivid image that I did not need...And yes I am so in. I'm done with all things hero. As soon as this case is over, it will be out of my life." 

MJ looked skeptical, "Iskra, that's like throwing away anything you've ever done."

"It was all a lie anyway...who the hell cares anymore."

"I feel like you need another hug," MJ opened her arms again. 

MJ was not the touchy-feely type but then again neither was Iskra, but they both knew she needed it.

"Clint's my bio-dad." Iskra spoke into the hug, "Everything has gone to shit."

"Well, I am right here. And we are going to have the full- probably sucky college experience in a few months." MJ stated, "But in the meantime," she leaned over grasping a picture.

"I found this in some photo book-" she handed it to Iskra, "Is that us in sophomore year?"

"Yeah- recognize him?" she pointed to a guy in the photo, "Is that the guy from the coffee shop?"

MJ nodded, "Yeah, and there's more," 

"Damn, who is he? And why can't I remember that?"

"That's what we're going to figure out,"

"That's what we're going to figure out,"

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Sparks Fly; K. Bishop² ✓Where stories live. Discover now