II. MadMax

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   "So, MadMax," Benny grinned, leaning on his locker next to Max's, "the ghostbusters were wondering if you wanted to go trick or treating with them."

"What's in it for me?" Max asked, ignoring the nickname.

"They know where the full sized candy bars are, not only that, but it's a big deal to go trick-or-treating with them," Benny whispered, still grinning.

"How presumptuous of them," Max laughed.

"Very," Benny hummed. "Better yet, I'm going with them," Benny sarcastically pointed to himself.

"Ooh, you sure know how to sweeten a deal, now I'll definitely consider it," Max joked.

"Maple Street cul-de-sac at 7:00. Where ever the hell that is," Benny finished off before leaving.

Benny had gotten to the address of which Dustin told him, but he didn't see anyone he knew. He'd decided to go as Freddy Krueger, and was now sitting on the curb, waiting for someone. He'd debating getting up and going without them, but he wanted to stay true to his word.

"You look so lonely sitting here by yourself, it's funny," Max said as she walked towards him.

Benny stood up, "I wouldn't look lonely if the ghostbusters were a little more punctual."

"Who cares, just go without them. Y'know what? We can scare them! Can you imagine their faces if Michael Myers jumped out of nowhere!" Max rambled excitedly. Benny could tell Halloween was her favorite holiday seeing as she wasn't being her usual closed off self, but rather more lively.

"You can scare them. I'll just follow behind you." Benny corrected.

"You sure are fun," Max mocked.

"You're really full of it today, huh?" Benny chuckled while looking around, "Where do you think the rich people live? I wanna get their rich people shit."

Max smirked, "I might've heard a thing or two."

"Hey," Benny nudged Max's arm as they left the driveway of their 5th house, "You think that's them?" Benny nodded over to the group of 4 boys.

"Sure as hell is. Watch and learn, Benjamin," Max pulled her mask down over her face and approached them without being seen. When she popped out from behind the tree, all 4 boys, specifically Lucas, screamed in a very high pitch, making Benny double over laughing.

"Holy shit! You should've seen the look on your faces. And you?" She said referring to Lucas, "Who screams like that? You sound like a little girl." Max started walking away while the 5 boys watched her. She turned around, "Hey, you guys comin' or not? We should definitely hit Loch Nora, it's where the rich people live." An excited Dustin and Lucas followed her with Will trailing behind. Dustin and Lucas made it painfully obvious of their crushes on Max, Benny cringed at the boyishness of them.

When Mike sighed and didn't move, Benny looked over at him, "You alright?"

Mike huffed out, "Yeah, fine."

Benny walked slightly behind Dustin, Lucas, and Max, listening to their 'totally tubular' impressions.

"Oh my god, shut up, my ears are burning," Benny groaned.

"Come on, that was good!" Dustin complained. Him, Benny, and Lucas started arguing about the impressions for a bit until Mike passed all of them while walking towards the next house. Not wanting to leave him behind, Benny turned around for Will. Though, even though he was just there, Will had gone.

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