32: Spookylicios

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Eli POV.

We had agreed, that Diego would stay with us over Halloween, but then he said he needed to go back home. 

Halloween night, I was dressed as a pirate. The only time I actually took my brother's money without feeling so guilty I wanted the ground to swallow me up whole. I took Halloween seriously, I always did. Even, when I didn't have money, I did amazing budget costumes. I was Howl, from Howls Moving Castle once. All I need was a red coat, a white shirt, and black pants.

That year, however, I had the whole package. A wine-red button-up shirt, dark brown pants, dark gray, long coat, the jewelry, the belt, the bag, everything. I must say, I looked absolutely flaming hot.

Diego went as Mike Wheeler, from Stranger things. I know he isn't supposed to be allowed to watch it, but I'm his sibling, not his mother, in theory. He let me straighten his hair, so it looked exactly like season one Mike. I had a beige jacket, that I got from an old woman in Finland, who I used to work for, and my brothers bought him a colorful polo shirt to go underneath.

I was gonna go trick or treating, with Diego and Gabriele, who begged to go with us. After that, there was a party at someone's house. He was on the football team with Travis, Marcus, and Damian, but I didn't really know him that well. I knew he was a bit older than me and his name was probably Mike. No that's the dude from stranger things, that Diego was dressed as.

Anyway, all of my friends were going, so I thought it would be fun. Gabriele was also going, so Alessandro reluctantly said yes to me going. I felt a bit guilty about leaving Diego, but when I told him, he was excited for me to go.

"Go get some, you whore!" I believe were his exact words.

Diego was getting candy in a bag, we had matched with his outfit. Who am I kidding? I matched it. I got it in my bag, and Gabriele, who was dressed as a skeleton, had a pumpkin bag.

he didn't look that bad. He wasn't wearing any store-bought outfit, but he had on black clothes, and I painted his face to look like a skeleton, so he could pretend to have a costume. it was a costume party after all.

The people in the area gave out a lot of candy. If I was a kid, I would've been in heaven. They gave out candy bars for fuck's sake. Candy bars! Diego was ecstatic and put on his cute puppy face every time someone opened the door. I had taught him that trick. When he was younger, I told him to act shy and maybe cry a bit, and we got so much candy that year.

"you sure you'll be able to carry all that?" I asked as I walked with Gabriele a bit behind Diego who was basically skipping down the street.

"'Cause, I'll be happy to take some weight off of you," I joked, earning a grin, from Gabriele.

"Sure thing!" Diego says as he stopped dead in his tracks.

Then without a warning, he jumps on my back, like the little bitch he is.

"Forward oh noble horse o' mine," he said pointing down the street.

"One of these days, I'm gonna drop you in the ditch,"  I said with an eye-roll before continuing walking.

"Oh, no you won't. You love me too much," Diego joked, as he kissed my cheek.

"Oh, that's just playing dirty," I said with a gasp.

After we got back home at nine, with our bags full of candy, we blobbed down onto the couch and put on the Corpse Bride. Alessandro and Matteo had just gotten back from work, and Antonio hadn't yet left for a party, so they came down with us. Lorenzo had a nightshift at the hospital, which sucked, but then he pointed out, that the scariest place you can be is the operating room.

Eli BorrelliWhere stories live. Discover now