55: The Grammys

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Eli POV.

All my fears disappeared the second the music started. Once again, I was whisked away to some place, where it was just me, and music. Nothing else could get there, unless I let it, and I never did.

When I started singing, however, I heard cheers from around me and I lifted the veil of my world just enough to see the whole room standing up and dancing along to my music. My music for fuck's sake. A huge grin grew on my lips and I started going even harder.

I went for some high notes and added new things on the go, getting some cheers from the people whose professional opinions I valued most in the world. It was insane seeing all those legends listening to me, and actually liking it.

The stage was pretty simple for me compared to some of the other artists. I had the band, some gold accents to match my outfit, and maybe, just maybe, some fire because, in the end, I am a pyromaniac bitch.

"Thank you so much for making this jacket light," I said as I got off stage to a cheering Jess.

"I knew you'd appreciate it," she said and kissed me.

"What about the lipstick?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Who cares, the photos have already been taken," they said and kissed me again.

We finally got to our seats and they were fucking next to ACDC. I was trying so hard not to freak out, but, when Brian Johnson said hi to me, I squealed like a schoolgirl. They all heard me and started laughing. I couldn't help but laugh along at my stupid mouth.

"Hi, I'm a huge fan," I said trying to explain myself.

"We are too, that was really cool," fucking Angus Young said.

I talked with fucking ACDC for a long time, without shitting myself, which I think is an amazing achievement.

The second it turned to commercial break, everyone ran over to the bar, and we weren't an exception.

We took shots and Jess took a red wine, while I got a whiskey. Not on rocks, never on rocks, if I wanted watery stuff I'd get water. Of course, I didn't say that, I said: If possible, please no ice. Like the pussy I am.

While we were at the bar, I looked around a bit, and then spotted Jacob Collier standing next to me. What I tell you, I almost fainted, I fucking mean it. This man is the music God.

"Hi, I just wanted to say, I'm a huge fan," I said after a small pep talk from Jess.

"Wow, that's so cool! You know I really love that song, Maybe I'm Crazy. How did you get those sound effects? I've been trying to find them, but I can't," he said, and that really got me worked up.

Jacob Collier, my biggest musical idol of all time, was asking me about my work.

"It was just a mixture of things I recorded in the streets, while I walked and shit," I explained trying not to freak out.

For the entire commercial break, we talked about tricks and mixes, that we used in our songs and shared things we had found out about different programs or instruments. I told him about some videos and songs, that I thought he would like, and a few days later, he actually DMed me saying, that he loved them.

"And the winner for Album of the Year goes to... "

It was at that moment, that it hit me. There was a chance that I could actually win. I think the cameras caught that moment perfectly, since the next day it was a fucking meme.

"Young and Damned for Hell Calls!" the host called out and suddenly all cameras were on me.

I froze in my place and got once again locked in that space in my head, where I always went to in order to figure things out.

Eli BorrelliWhere stories live. Discover now