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What more than a week had passed. Tweek, Craig and Coffee went on with their normal lives, kind of. Tweek still hadn't heard anything from his father, he had stayed with Craig. Together, they went to a coffee shop every morning, than school, the coffee shop again and to the park. In the evening, they'd go home and Craig would study.

Together, they had no problems. Like, the world evolved around them, no problems and no worries while they were together.

But there were problems. The moonlight was starting to dim, and the scent of roses faded.

Friday, at the park. They laid in their usual meadow, in their usual position.

"It's going to rain"Tweek pointed out.

"How do you know?"Craig asked, he sounded tired and uninterested.

"The air"Tweek moved his hand around over the grass. "It's thickening" he stopped when his hand touched Craig's and held it. He gave it a squeeze, but Craig didn't respond. Like, he didn't talk, and didn't move his hand. Instead, Craig pulled his hand away and placed it under his head. The blonde shrugged it off, and tried to stay positieve.

"How's the studying going?"he asked. Every evening, Craig would leave to another room and leave Tweek in his bedroom alone. Usually Tweek would try to wait, but it would take too long and he'd fall asleep, still fully clothes. The next morning, he'd wake up alone. Whenever he managed to stay up for Craig, they'd fall asleep together, but Craig would still act distanced. And still, Tweek would wake up alone. He didn't ask questions, he knew how important it was for Craig to get his degree.

Craig mumbled something. Tweek was sure it wasn't a word, so he didn't ask Craig to repeat it.

"We should look for shelter"Tweek sat up straight. He heard Craig getting up as well.

"Okay"Craig answered.

Craig got up on his feet and started walking away. Behind him, Tweek still sat on the ground. It took him a while to notice, his boyfriend was not going to help him. He whisteled between his teeth and felt Coffee press his nose against his fingers. He got up and stood there for a moment. He felt the first drop fell on his nose. Another one on his forehead. Another one, and soon, it was pouring all over him.

"Craig?"Tweek softly cried.

No answer.

"Craig? Where are you?"

Still nothing.

"Coffee? "he whistled softly. Coffee pressed his nose against Tweek's tight. "Did he...leave us here?"

The drops splashed all around him, making him shiver in the cold.

"Craig!"He yelled, a little louder. "Anyone?"tears welled up in his eyes and rolled down his cheeks, mixing with the rainwater.

In the distance, a loud rumble indicated that a storm cloud was on his way. Tweek, out of fear and misery, collapsed onto the ground. He felt the mud soaking through his jeans. Probably making big stains on his knees.

"Anyone!"He screamed again, on the top of his lungs.

No answer.

Now, realization. "I am alone. He left me. There is no one to help me"he softly cried. He let himself fell on his back in the grass and cried as hard as he could. No one would hear him over the loud sounds of the thunder and rain, not that there was anyone around to listen.

Accept for one person. Who stood only a few feet away, under a tree, watching the blonde boy cry out his eyes.  And it hurt him to look, because he loved him. Craig had no emotions in his face, as he stood under the tree. He felt drops falling from the tree's branches on his hair.

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