1.Chapter - The New Kid

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1.      Chapter The New Kid

“WAKE UP ZAYN! Why do I have to wake him up every morning?!” I heard my sister mumble probably wearing her pink pajamas and slippers like in the girly movies.

I did not want to leave my bed, but I had to, since it was my first day at the new school. I opened my closet and pulled on blue jeans, a black shirt and black converse. I wanted this time to be different, because I usually was never accepted for being half English half Pakistani and that was a huge problem for me since it was difficult to fit in anywhere. “Zayn you are late for school!” My mother shouted, so I hurried and went down the stairs, took my backpack and went off to school.

The sun was shining, but there was a cold breeze which was pointing at the arrival of the autumn. I was lucky that my mother wanted to drive me to school at my first day. My mother took the car for a short run to the school, so I would not be late for the first lesson.

When we arrived to the school I could see the big sign, which informed me this was Tong High School. My mother stopped the car and the same second as I got off the cold breeze of the autumn hit me in the face. I convinced my mother to drive off, since I did not want to start my first day with my mother ‘following me to my first lesson’. So I went inside Tong High School and asked the first teacher I saw about where I could possibly find room 1:05, which I had been informed would be my new classroom. As the teacher showed me where the room was, I latterly wished that I was home instead of being the new kid.    

“Okay… this is it” I said to myself. My new classmates were sitting behind this door which actually looked just like the rest of the doors in the school hallway except the gigantic door, which I guessed lead to the cafeteria.

“Well students, today we are welcoming a new student,” my new English teacher said with a very friendly voice as I entered the room. “What is your name?” The teacher asked me, I looked nervously at the class and answered; “Zayn, Zayn malik. “

It sounded like I was out of breath, but the teacher smiled and the classmates were quiet, so I thought it was a good sign until a boy shouted “Paki boy!” Afterwards he laughed.

The classmates looked at me, as I fired up and responded; “Got a problem with that?” He stopped laughing at the same time as my new teacher sent him a warning look not to say another word and told me to take a seat. I looked around, quickly locating a free spot next to a girl with long hair. I could not see her face since she was drawing and looking down. As I walked towards the free chair I tried to play it cool. A boy with a dangerous appearance tripped me up as I passed his table making me fall on the ground. The rest of the class was laughing out loud. I went to my seat without saying a word - embarrassed and I knew it was a bad way to start. Why did it always start like this?

I looked at the girl with long hair, who was so concentrated with drawing patterns on her book. Suddenly she turned her head and looked me straight in the eyes.

 “My name is Louise,” she said with a cute smile, and I could not help but beam back at her. “Nice to meet you Louise,” I said as we shook hands. She was confident, but she did not seem to be spoiled and I knew she was different from the rest of the class. Louise was the only one who obviously had not laughed at me.

The only thing we did in the first period was listing to each other’s stories about the summer vacations. The survival of the first lesson was easy, but it was the second class that was hard, because we had English and we already had to work in groups. It was not really the subject that was hard, English was my favorite subject. But working in groups was like hell, because I did not want to sound smart and become the new nerd in school, so I was very careful with what I said.

When the bell rang we were all happy, because it was finally lunch and we were dead hungry. But I knew that I should be focusing on how I could get around the school without getting lost.

I saw a girl with tight jeans and black shirt holding a book with all of the patterns she had drawn. It was Louise who was heading towards the gigantic door, so I went over to her. “Can you guide me through the school?” I asked her very nervously and looked down at the floor. I was an idiot, how could I just start a conversation like that?

“Sure why not!” she responded fast. I smiled at her totally surprised and thanked her, as she insisted on me sitting with her in the cafeteria. When we entered the gigantic door I saw about five hundred student, some of them sat down around the round tables and ate, because they had lunch from home, while the rest of the students were standing in line to buy some food from the cafeteria. Luckily my mother made lunch to me, so I sat down next to Louise and observed the students gaze.

 It was very strange, when I sat down next to Louise everyone stared at me and gave some kind of a gaze that indicated that I should not sit next to her. But I did anyway, I could see the students were looking at me and sending me weird looks. “Why do they look at me like that? I feel like a monster!” I said to Louise who laughed

“They are surprised that someone like you would hang out with me,” she said with a smile. I could not figure her out. She said it with a sad tone, but kept the smile on her face, which confused me. “Why? I mean you seem to be a nice person.” I said friendly as I was totally puzzled. “Well… they don’t like when you don’t care about them and when you are not afraid of them.” She said confidant. “What do you mean, when you say ‘they’?” I asked curiously. She looked at me and turned her head slightly to indicate whom she was talking about. I followed her gaze and that was when I saw them.

Liam’s pov

“Zayn, what does that have to do with the truth about you?” Niall interrupted. “Shut up Niall, we want every detail!” Louis shouted to show his interest in Zayn’s story. It was hard for Zayn to let the words come out, but when they did come out he looked relived. Zayn’s room was totally messy, which was a surprise for the lads and me to see how he actually managed not to clean his bedroom. Zayn was like the best and closest friend I had, we understood each other and I knew that he clearly needed to talk about this – whatever it was. “Please continue with your story, we are curious!” I said and looked him straight in the eyes so he knew that I meant it. Zayn looked as us, took a deep breath and said “Okay then.”  


I’m from Denmark, so I’m sorry for my bad English. If you find some big grammar mistakes or anything like that, please feel free to write in a comment below. If you liked my story comment and vote ;) Thanks for reading! :-*

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