Chapter 1 (Concept)

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"Despair gives courage to a coward." -Thomas Fuller

It was about three weeks before Founders Day.

Lukas was just at his old log cabin, gathering things to head over to Beacontown. He was grabbing the last of his belongings to head to his new home.

Lukas remembers what he said to Jesse, the time when Petra was leaving Beacontown.

"I think I'm closing that chapter of my life for a while. It's time to settle"

Lukas smiled to himself. It was at the thought that he finally can see his friends again, after isolating himself in the woods for about six years. On top of that, Lukas was for sure going to miss this place. He is going to miss the quiet breezes, the rush of the river that is nearby, and the big space.

This was another reason why Lukas was moving.

It was getting a bit too lonely out here.

Lukas finally gathered what he needed to grab, and then made his way toward the front door of the cabin. As he opened the door and proceeded to go outside, Lukas turned his head to look behind him in the vacant space of what is now, his old cabin.

There was a few mere seconds of reminiscing before Lukas then turned his head back forward, and then proceeded to continue.

Outside, Lukas' horse was tied to a post right next to the cabin. On the brown horse, there were saddlebags attached to the saddle seat. Lukas proceeded to walk on over to the horse, but the last of his things in the saddlebags, and untied his horse.

As Lukas was now going to hop onto the saddle seat, he patted the brown horse's snout and then got on. After doing so, Lukas proceeded to grab the reins and turned his horse around in the direction in which he came to get to the cabin.

The direction to get to Beacontown.

Lukas then looked back at his old cabin once again for a few seconds before he turned back to look ahead, and spoke.

"Alright ol' girl. Let's go. Hah!"

The Brown Horse proceeded to start galloping after Lukas commanded her to move. Lukas was now making his last trip from his cabin and making his journey back to his new home, Beacontown.


It was a bit of a ride, but the horse went as fast as she could. Lukas still held onto the reins tightly. All Lukas was thinking about was finishing his goal, which was making it to Beacontown, and finally settling down. While seeing his friends of course.

Lukas felt the wind that was surrounding him. It whipped past his ears, it was hitting his warm face, and he could feel it running through his blond hair. Of course, the wind made it a bit cold, which caused Lukas to tug his new brown jacket closer to himself. But his horse still ran on.

It didn't take long for Lukas to eventually see Beacontown in the distance and find that cobblestone road that leads up to the town. There were nearby trees scattered across the grassy fields, and Lukas was trying to be careful not to run into them. Lukas eventually made his horse get on the straight, cobblestone path. The town was finally closer now by this point.

Besides the sounds of the winds gushing, whistling around, and the noise of the horse's gallops on the cobblestone ground, Lukas was lost in thought again. His mind was focused on what his goals were, and thinking about what to do next after he moved in.

Suddenly in a quick second, something went onto the cobblestone road. A fox was scattering across the stone path. Lukas was too lost in his thoughts, and it only took his horse to get startled, and freak out at the sight of the fox.

Lukas snapped back in reality as he felt his horse raise on her hind legs. Lukas tried to hold desperately on to the reins, but it wasn't a tight enough grip.

With a yelp, Lukas fell off his horse, and then landed on his back.

It knocked the wind out of him and caused him to also hit his head.

The impact of his head on the cobblestone ground was enough to knock him out.

All that Lukas could see now, was darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2022 ⏰

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