Prologue (concept)

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Founder's Day was once again, upon the New Order Of The Stone. It was about a few months since the Admin incident, and Beacontown was just starting to go back to being as it always was, and has been; A fun, small, cozy little town. The incident that the town was recovering from, was something that shook the small community.

The time when the town was nearly bedrocked over.

Luckily, the hero/mayor of Beacontown, who goes by the name of Jesse, who is also the leader of the Order, saved the town, and once again saved the world from turmoil. Beacontown of course took a while to recover from what the Admin, or Romeo has done. After Jesse had saved the world again, Romeo promised him that he'll do his best to redeem himself.

There was no way that Jesse would've left him behind in that terminal space.

Just as Jack predicted, Romeo has now been doing community service ever since that day and continues to do work. The tower, that Romeo had put in Beacontown nearby the famed Order Hall, was now a part of the town itself, and a part of a project known as the "Beautification Project."

But despite Beacontown being a small town, and was nearly was being thrown into enslavement, there might be something deeper that lies in the heart of the town. 

Maybe, Beacontown is not what it seems to be.

There is a secret that lies around the land of Beacontown. There is something that had happened, even when the town didn't exist, or have been established yet.

It is not the Wither Storm or The Admin.

There is buried history in this land that not everyone knows about.

As the old saying goes...

There is more than meets the eye.

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