Im nothing to you?..

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It's was the morning time around 10am. I had fell asleep on Randy last night so I was confused when I didn't see him. My head was hurting from the shots I took last night. I got up and walked over to the bar, there was smart water behind it so I just grabbed a bottle and drunk it.

I looked over to see a lot of people alsleep so I brought the water to them. I placed it on the table so they could have some when they woke up. I walked out of the movie room and I went to find Randy.

I walked into the kitchen and heard randy on the phone. "No.. I am sorry. It was for a stupid dare. She means nothing to me I swear. Yes Violet the kiss was stupid. It was literally for a dare, how many times do I have to tell you this. Yes violet I love you. Yeah.. see you tonight, bye." He said as he hung up. I didn't even know that there where tears in my eyes untill one hit my hand.

So the kiss ment nothing to him? Im nothing to him? Good to know Randy. Good to know. I turned around before he could see me and I walked back to the movie room. I'm not going to live with someone who dosent want me there, so I'll ask Vinny if I can move in with him until I get my apartment.

I gather my things and I put them all in a bag as what I heard kept playing back in my head. I wasn't going back with randy so I asked April if she could take me back to the cubby. She said she would since Ramee and her brought different cars.

We got into her LFA and we started driving. "So ray, what's going on?" She asked occasionally looking at me. I sighed knowing I would have to tell her eventually. "I walked in on randy this morning. He was on the phone with a girl named violet.." I paused feeling the tears start to roll.  "He told her that I was nothing to him. That our kiss meant nothing to him... that he loved her. Their going to meet up tonight." I said letting the tears fall right into my lap and letting my voice crack.

The car stopped and I looked over to April as she hugged me. I couldn't hold the emotions that I were feeling in. I don't even know what these emotions are.. me and Randy aren't even anything, but hearing what he said coming from him and his mouth just makes me feel some type of way. And who would Ray Mond be if she just let a guy talk bad behind her and a different way in front of her.

"April do you mind helping me get my shit out of Randy's apartment?" I asked wiping my tears away. "Of course I don't ray! Your my gorl and I'm going to help you as much as I can!" She said smiling at me as he hand came to my cheek. I leaned into her touch and her warm smile. "Thank you April! Your the best!" I said as I pulled her into another hug.

We got out the car and I pulled out my keys from my bag and unlocked the door. April and I got right to it. I grabbed all of my skirts, sweat pants, hoodies, shirts, underwear, socks, shampoo, tooth brush, shoes and all of my purses. I realized that I haven't called Vinny to ask him yet so I pulled out my phone and dialed his number.

"Hey Vinny! Hey dad! Pops!" I said trying to lighten the mood. "Hey Dahlin! What's up? Are you okay?" Damn he really is my dad huh." I thought smiling. "Yeah everything is alright but I was wondering if I could maybe move in with you.. just untill I get my own apartment in Seoul.." I said nervously slowly pacing. "Of course ray! But I thought you where living with randy?" He said curiously. "Binny I don't want to talk about it over the phone, I'll tell you when I see you later today okay?" I said trying not to show the hurt in my voice.

"Alright ray, the key is under the mat and there is a extra room for you to have! let me know if you need anything! See ya later!" Vinny said as he hung up. I love Vinny so much hphphp..

April and I got done cleaning the apartment back up and I placed my key randy gave me and we walked across from Randy's apartment to Vinny's and I grabbed the key from under the mat. I unlocked the door and let April and I in. "April I think my room is over here!" I yelled down the hallway. April showed up with my bag of shoes and she helped me unpack...

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