My actual beginning

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I had just woken up in my new apartment in this city that I was unfamiliar with. I had came her to move with my brother, Yuno Sykk. I didn't know anyone else here but him so I was kind of in a lost position.

As of he moved right before I broke my phone and had to get a new one. It wasn't my fault these phones are fragile and I drop them a lot, I huffed just thinking about how many phones I've been through in the past two years.

I now have a new mission to find my brother and make new friends. I get up exited to start my day. I walk to my closet and grab all of my clothes that I would wear. This insisted of a grey cropped tank top, white cargo pants and a red beanie.

I went into my shower and did my shower routine. I got out, put my clothes on, grabbed my phone and keys and headed into the elevator. After I stopped at the lobby I realized I didn't have a car.

I mentally sighed at myself again because I didn't have any contacts from this city. I knew that there was a place to get jobs in a ally because Yuno has friends here and they showed us on FaceTime before we moved.

I saw a cop get out of his car. So I did the only thing any criminal would do. I ran to the cop and asked him to take me to the ally way. "Hihi my name is Ray Mond and I was wondering if you could take me to a ally way where I can get a job?!"

He looked at me like I was on literally cocaine. "You want me to take you to an ally way where you can sign up for a job?" He asked and I just nodded and smiled slightly.

"Ms. Mond is that a real place of are you fooling with me?" The officer asked confused. "No no no I swear it's a real place! My brothers friend showed it to me before I moved here!" I explained trying not to sound suspicious.

"Well then, my name is Officer Garry Berry! Nice to meet you Ray Mond!" Garry said sounding different than he did just a minute ago.

"I'm sorry to say but I am very busy right now with chases and things like that." He said with a apologetic look. I'm guessing he could sense my demeanor change.

"But I can find someone to take you! He said with a smile that reached his eyes. He looked around quickly before he told me to follow him. "Come with me for a second ray." He said as I followed him to a green car. "Hey! Hey green goblin guy!" He yelled softly knocking on the window of the green car.

The man let down the window. He had on a green smiley mask with a black and green hoodie and black pants from what I could see. "Hi sir, I was wondering if you can give this lady a ride?" Garry said to the man.

"Sure! Where do you need to go miss?" The man asked me. "I need to go to a dark ally way to a man who sells jobs or gives jobs!" I said excitedly. The man looked at me horrified. "What the fuck you telling cops for? You want me to kill you?" The man asked in a high pitched voice that was clearly not his real voice.

"No no no he's cool, right?" I said glaring at the cop. "Right?!" I said a little louder. "Is this a actually place you guys know about!?" Garry said with a confused demeanor. I metally rolled my eyes at the officer and at myself for basically getting caught on to.

"No I don't know" me and the man said in sync. As the man got in his car. "Okay then I'll follow you guys!" Garry said as he ran to his car, as I got into the man's car.

"Hi my name is Ray Mond!" I said. "Helloo~ are you an undercover cop?" He asked in a sing song voice. I noticed his voice was now a thick British accent. I knew it wasn't his real voice. I mentally smirked at that.

"Noo" I said laughing. "You sure, why the fuck am I getting chased?" He asked. To be honest I didn't know. "Oh wait." I said as I looked back. "He's actually following us?!" I said panicked. I immediately calmed down.

"Okay we have to kill this guy" I said to the man. "Oh say fucking less!" The man said exited. "He knows too much." I said looking at the man. "I'll stab him right now." He said with a smirk as he pulls into a some what to be a junk yard.

"Distract him and I'll stab him from behind." The man said looking at me with a faint hint of happiness in his voice. I obviously agreed to the plan and I got out to talk to the coo what had pulled up new to us.

"What the hell's this?" The officer said. "She wants to talk to you man" the man had said now going back to the voice he once was talking in. "What's going on ma'am?" The officer asked. "I need- I need a ride" I said nervously. "Yea that's what I got this green gobbling guy for" the officer said stepping out of the car.

Soon the man pulled out a knife and shanked him in the back. "You knew too much man!" He said. "Aaahhh I can't believe you did that!" I yelled wile running to the car.


We had an in counter with the officer again which led us to burger shot. There I meet a girl named Autumn who had already know the man. I also came to understand that the man's name is Randy and he was apart of a gang.

After we exited burger shot there was a man standing outside with a biker helmet on. I figured it was Yuno and I ran up and hugged him tightly.

To be continued~

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