chapter 2

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At the pulitzer event*

"She's up there, go talk to her,'' Alex whispered to Kara. Kara looked up and saw Lena standing at the top of a staircase, staring down at an ipad. She contemplated if right now was the right time to tell her bestfriend -and love of her life- she had been lying to her for four years. All she could do was hope and pray to Rao that Lena understood that she never meant to hurt her and that she only lied to protect her. But Lena's stubborn, so she knows this could go one of two ways. Kara took a deep breath and walked up the staircase to find Lena talking to a man. As kara approached them, the man left and it was just Lena and Kara  "Lena" Kara called out, walking up to her, "what are you doing back here" Kara asked

"Okay you caught me, it was supposed to be a surprise, but I'm the one who's going to introduce you." Lena said with a big smile "I couldn't miss an opportunity to tell the world how great you are."

"No, no, no,no" Kara said under her breath facing away from Lena, "Lena, I can't let you do this, I don't deserve it"

"Are you kidding me, me more than anyone knows how much you do deserve it. I saw how you risked your life to expose lex's crimes I-" Lena started before Kara cut her off

'It's now or never, Kara, just do it.' Kara thought to herself, "I'm Supergirl," Kara blurted out. Lena looked at her confused and hurt. Kara took a deep breath and removed her glasses. "I've always been supergirl." Kara paused for a second waiting for lena to respond, when Lena didn't say anything, Kara decided to keep going "I should've told you so long ago, I know that, but I just kept making excuses, because you've been hurt so many times, and I convinced myself that I was protecting you, and then one day you were so angry with me- with supergirl, but you still loved Kara. I just kept thinking if I could be Kara- just Kara, then I could keep you as a friend. I was selfish and scared and I didn't want to lose you so I kept pretending, and I never stopped. Everytime I kept my secret from you, I wasn't protecting you, I was hurting you just like everyone else, and I am so sorry. I am so sorry.'' Kara finished with big crocodile tears in her eyes. She was looking Lena in her eyes. They weren't the normal emerald green, they were red, and.. empty "Lee. please say something"

"Ms.Luthor you're on in two minutes" the man from before said and then left again. Lena looked at Kara then walked past her without saying anything. When Lena left, Kara let her tears fall. She took a deep breath wiped her tears, and went back to find Alex in the crowd

Lena walked up to the poutum and looked down at her ipad as she heard Hope "Ms.Luthor, it's almost 9pm should I upload the file to catcos server?"

Whereas Andrea was sitting at Catco waiting for the file, Lena had promised her, exposing Kara as supergirl. Lena thought about it, her finger was right above the 'yes' "Ms.Luthor?" Hope asked and Lena ignored her and started talking to the crowd.

"The world is full of liars. People who hide things from others. People who manipulate and control others. I should know. One of the best liars in the world are a part of my own family, but in my life, there was always someone who always told me the truth. And she is the person we are here tonight to celebrate. Kara Danvers." Lena paused as everyone started to clap. "The truth isn't always easy" Lena continued "And certainly not for the faint of heart. But it is something that Kara as a journalist has pursued relentlessly everyday, and because she's so good at it, she makes it look easy. We sometimes forget she's just like us. That forging a line to the truth isn't a piece of cake, it's more like climbing a mountain arduous and painful at times. And just like us, Kara can sometimes slip, but she always gets back up, and pulls through in the end. And we were always better for her efforts, so thank you Kara. For reminding us that the truth is important, even when it's not always easy to accept." Lena finished. The crowd once again clapped for Kara as she walked up to the poutum right in front of lena. Lena put her arms on Kara, as Kara put hers on Lena. "Kara, you will always be my best friend," Lena said as she gave Kara a hug. All was well. She didn't have to lie to Lena anymore and that made Kara the happiest person on the planet.

But since then, their friendship was nothing but chaos for instance at the fortress of solitude. After Kara and Lena had defeated yet another criminal,  "Lena?" Kara called out, no answer "Lena?" Kara called out again and when she got no answer she decided to look for her. "Lena." Kara said when she finally found her "why do you have a myriad?"

"Well you caught me" Lena said holding myriad "I'm using you" Lena said then took another pause "like you used me"

"I never used you" Kara defended

"You remember when you finally told me you were Supergirl?" Lena asked, walking towards Kara "You were weeping, big crocodile tears while I wept real tears, bitter tears over you weeks before"

"What? I thought- how long had you known?" Kara asked with tears in her eyes

"I found out the day I killed my brother."

"Lena, you didn't kill Lex, that was me i-i-i watched him fall-" Kara started before Lena cut her off

"You watched him fall, but did you see him land? Did you see him die?  I did, and let me tell you it wasn't pretty"

"That's impossible"

"Anything is possible when you're a Luthor. Lex used his transmatter portal watch. I knew exactly where he'd go. The cabin we loved when we were children, so I went there and waited for him. I had the gun ready, I could feel the weight of it in my hands. Every fiber in my being rebelled, I didn't want to do it, but I knew I had to because if Lex lived, the world wouldn't be safe. My friends wouldn't be safe, so I forced myself to pull the trigger. I shot my own brother in the chest. His final words to me were that I was a fool. That my best friend, that every friend I had, was lying to me. With his dying breath he told me that you were Supergirl"

"Lena you have to believe me, I never meant to humiliate you-." Kara said as Lena cut her off

"No, when I came to this city, I promised myself that I would never trust anyone again an- and then, I met you and you chipped away at my armor, with your warmth and your earnestness. You convinced me to trust in people- trust in friendship again, and against my better judgment I did. All the while telling you about my achilles heel. I confided in you, how everyone in my past betrayed me, and about how much it hurt to have someone you love, lie to you and betray you. I spelled it out to you over and over again, essentially begging you not to violate my trust, begging you not to prove that once again I was a fool. You reassured me that you would never lie to me, and you'd never hurt me and all the while there wasn't a single honest moment in our friendship."

""No, no Lena, that's not true."


"When you found out why didn't you come to me, right away so i could explain-"


"If you hate me so much, why not out me at the Pulitzer party... Why pretend to still be my friend for this long?" kara asked with tears threatening to fall down her face

"Because I wanted you to experience what you did to me. Feel what I felt." Lena said, staring Kara straight in the eye as Kara took a deep breath

"I understand your pain and fury and you're right, I made a big mistake. It may be the biggest mistake of my life, but please Lena, please don't leave the fortress with myriad please don't let my mistakes push you into something terrible. You are a good person"

"No you dont ever get to tell me who or what i am ever again" lena said walking back

"Intruder, intruder," Kelex said as smoke laced with kryptonite formed an ice box around Kara. Kara grunted feeling weaker because of the kryptonite "did you program the defenses to attack me?" Kara asked feeling a wave of hurt. Both emotional and physical.

"Yes. I rigged it to answer to this button in my hand." Lena said with no emotion behind her voice

"Are you going to try and kill me?"

"No Supergirl, I'm not going to try and kill you. I'm not a villain. You shouldn't have treated me like one." Lena said as she opened a portal and walked out, leaving Kara in the fortress.

(obviously most of this dialogue was from the actual show and i do not claim credit for it)

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