chapter 4

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"Who are you?" Kara asked again

"I'm Alexandra Amelia Danves." the little girl said. Lena looked at Kara and they both shrugged.

"How old are you Alexandra?" Lena asked peeking out behind Kara

"Lexie. And I'm 10"

"Do you have parents, Lexie?" Lena questioned

"Yeah.. they're right in front of me" Kara looked back at Lena as they both stared at each other.

"Wait. Pause. If we're your parents, then why do you only have my last name?" Kara asked

"Mom said it would cause me too much trouble in the future if my last name was luthor." Lexie said pointing to Lena

"I can see myself saying that." Lena said

"How did you get here? Why are you here? Don't you have to get back too? I'm sure we miss you." kara said

"I'm here because you guys are my parents and if you guys don't fix your relationship there will be no more me. Someone messed with the timeline, in the original timeline momma told you she was supergirl before you guys became best friends, and so you were never mad at her. But in this timeline she took a long time to tell you so you got upset with her, you guys got in a fight, never spoke again, and because momma felt so guilty for hurting you and betraying your trust she well.... She did something so she wouldn't have to feel that guilt anymore."

"I killed myself?" kara asked with tears in her eye

"..yeah." Lexie said, looking down at the ground. Lena turned Kara around and gave her the tightest hug she'd ever given anyone

"Please don't ever do that no matter how mad I am, please don't leave me." Lena said crying on Kara's shoulder

"I'm not going anywhere. I promise." Kara said hugging lena back tight but not tight enough to crush her

"Um, you know my sister right?" Kara asked turning back to face Lexie and she just nodded "okay um we're going to her house. Come on" Kara said walking out the door as Lexie followed and Lena followed behind Lexie

*at the Sanvers house
*Kara knocks on the door

"Hold on!" Alex yelled from inside. A few seconds later Alex opened the door and pulled Kara into a hug "Hey Kar"

"Hey Alex," Kara said, walking past Alex to give Maggie a hug as well. Alex looked at Lena wondering if she should give her a hug but decided against it not knowing if her and Kara were okay. Lexie looked from Alex to Maggie and ran to give Maggie a hug. Right when she wrapped her arms around Maggie she broke down. It looked as if she had been waiting for all this to happen. "Um hi? Are you okay?" Maggie asked awkwardly, rubbing circles on the little girl's back. At the sound of Maggie's voice the little one started crying harder "hey, you're okay, I'm right here. You're okay." Maggie reassured the little girl

"Who is that?" Alex whispered to Kara

"Uh.. my daughter?"

"Are you asking me or telling me"


"Well why is she crying on Maggie?" Alex asked suppressing a laugh

"I don't know.'' Kara said, "What do you know?" Alex teased as they both started walking over to Maggie and Lexie. "Hey what's wrong?" Kara asked putting her hands on Lexies shoulders

"I'm sorry. It's just that..Maggie's um- Maggie's dead in my timeline. She died on duty. She got shot." Lexie said, crying harder. Maggie took the little girl back in her arms and looked over at Alex who had tears in her eyes. Kara walked over to Alex and took her in her arms as Alex cried into Kara's arms. After their little crying sesh was over they were all sat down on the couch

"So what are you doing here..I mean not that I don't want you here!" Alex said before going any further "I just want to know" she whispered softly

"Um I'm here to try and fix my moms' relationship"

"But you can't force love" Lena said

"I know that's why I'm gonna let you guys do all the hard work. I'm just here for moral support. Also I hope you don't mind, I have a little sister and after I told her there was a chance she could meet Maggie she wanted to come really bad. She never got to meet you because she was born after know. So can I bring her through?" Lexie asked looking at Maggie

"Yeah sure, I don't mind," Maggie replied. Lexie pushed a button and another blue portal opened and a little girl no older than 4 ran through and straight to Alex "LEXXX!!!" the little girl screamed as she ran into Alex's lap.

"Hey baby girl" Alex said picking the little girl up and into her lap

"I missed you Auntie Lex" the little girl said resting her head on alex's shoulder

"I missed you too babe" Alex said, rubbing circles on her back, "but don't you want to meet your aunt?" Alex asked, looking up from Maggie to Lexie and then back down to see the little girl asleep in her arms.

"I'm sorry, she wouldn't sleep until she got here" Lexie said shyly "I can go put her down"

"Um, actually can I do it.. You know because.." Maggie started not really wanting to come to terms with her death.

"Yeah sure, go for it." Lexie said. Maggie walked over to Alex and picked up the little girl and into her arms. She walked into the room that her and Alex shared, and put the little girl in the middle of their bed. She laid a kiss on the little girl's forehead and started to walk out, before she heard a little voice.

"Stay?" the little girl asked. Maggie turned around and got in bed next to the little girl and right when she got into the bed the little girl cuddled into her side. Five minutes later they were both knocked out and Alex walked in and snapped a quick picture "Hey you guys come look at this" Alex whispered yelled, and everyone came to look at them, some snapped a few pictures, then they all walked out to let them have their rest. They all sat back down on the couch with Lexie's head on Alex's shoulder and Alex's arms around her.

"Lexie, what's your little sister's name?"

"Margaret.. Maggie for short, and Mags for even shorter" Lexie said with a yawn and snuggling into Alex. Alex picked her up and set her in her lap and put a blanket around her. Lexie relaxed into Alex's touch as Alex stood up.

"She should get some real sleep, do you guys want the guest room or are you okay with the couch ?" Alex asked

"we'll stay out here, goodnight" Kara replied

"Night" Alex said walking away with Lexie in her arms

Once Kara heard the guest room door close she turned to Lena

"So" Kara said awkwardly looking at the floor

"So.." Lena repeated

"Kids? really"

"Don't blame me, blame future us" Lena said

"We should get some sleep, do you wanna somehow share the couch or I can go squeeze in with Alex and Lexie"

"We can share the couch. If you want" the couch wasn't small but it wasn't big either

"you wanna watch something before we go to sleep?" Kara asked

"Yeah sure," Lena said awkwardly. Kara left for a minute to get blankets then returned to see Lena was half way asleep on the couch. Kara sat down behind Lena and lay Lenas head in her lap. Lena woke up from the sudden movement but kept her eyes closed. She could feel Kara's arms around her for the first time in a long time. A warm embrace never felt so cold.

The next morning, Kara woke up to the smell of waffles cooked by Lena. She looked around and saw both Maggie and Alex laughing at the island with Mags in Alex's arm and Lexie on the opposite side of the island, furthest from Maggie. Alex turned around and saw Kara, "Morning Kar"

"Morning, what time is it" Kara asked sitting up and wiping her eyes

"it's 11:30" alex replied

"Why'd you let me sleep so late?" Alex rolled her eyes and finished her conversation at the island.

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