chapter 3

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*a few months later
"This program should be able to crack the east side for a couple minutes. Talk about history repeating itself, tracking Lex down through these, it's just like Kasnia." Lena said, typing away at a computer with Kara hovering over her. They looked at each other for a minute before Kara turned away. "Please Kara, I'm sorry okay. I truly believed what I was doing was helping" Lena said as Kara walked away.

"I told you, I don't want to talk about the past." Kara said

"Oh come on, you can scream at me if you'd like. I know I deserve it. I know now that working with non-nachary was a mistake that working with Kex was a mist-'' Lena started, getting up to follow after Kara

"THIS ISN'T ABOUT LEX!'' Kara yelled as she cut Lena off "this is about Jonn and Alex and all the other people that could've been killed today, BECAUSE THEY ARE ON MY TEAM! Don't you understand that?" Kara asked

"Yes I do, of course I do." Lena said

"No you don't. You have never understood what it's like to share a secret identity with someone, how much danger that puts them in. y-y-you never even understood that I kept my identity from you because I wanted to protect you! A-a-and I know- I know I hurt you by waiting so long to tell you the truth, but what about all the ways you hurt me? You pretended to be my friend for weeks, just so you could manipulate me, you stole from me, you convinced me to steal for you, and then ha, you even used kryptonite on me. I made one mistake, one mistake that was only ever meant to protect you, and in return all you did was hurt me in every way imaginable."Kara said. Before Lena could say anything a blue portal opened kind of like the one from thanksgiving and a girl no older than 12 stepped out. In a blink of an eye, Kara turned into Supergirl and stepped in front Lena. Even if she was mad at Lena she was always going to protect her. "Who are you?"

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