Episode 3: Unexpected Turns of Events

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"There are Pokémon performances here in Unova, just like in Kalos. If you want you can put the Unova Queen title into your own hands!" Ash told Serena the news. Serena gasped, thinking to herself. 'Since I lost the Kalos Master Class and Hoenn Grand Festival, why not I go for the title of Unova Queen? If that's the case, I'll be giving it my all!' She then gave a nod, smiling affectionately. "That must be why we're traveling in Unova together, so I can perform in showcases and have your support." Ash grinned widely, then gave out more information on the Unova showcases "Of course! However, the showcases here are different than in Kalos. Instead of winning princess keys, you win ribbons. There are also battle rounds." "I'd be happy to be a part of the Unova Showcases, Ash. I'm going to take performing to the next level!" Exclaimed a confident Serena. "That's the spirit, Serena!" Ash was proud of Serena's confidence. Serena hugged Ash tighter than ever, kissing him dearly. Off to bed the two lovebirds went.

The next morning came. Ash and Serena parted ways with Iris. They were walking around Striaton City, having a peaceful time together. However, "Gahhhhhhh! Help meeeeeee!!" Yelled a terrified voice. "Someone is in trouble. We need to go, now!" Ash was in a state of panic when he heard a familiar scream. "This way!" He pointed the direction of where the scream came from.

"Please! Don't get any closer to me!" A girl with blonde hair, with blue and pink highlights panicked as two grown men in black uniforms were about to pull a stunt. "We're not here for you, nitwit! We're here for that little Eevee of yours. Now, if you could kindly hand it over we'll leave you alone!" One of the men pointed at the girl's Eevee. "Giving you my Eevee would only be that last thing I'd ever do!" The girl shouted. "Well. I'm sorry, dear. But you leave us no choi-" "Pikachu, use Electroweb to trap the two smugglers!" Called a voice. The girl backed away in time for the Electroweb to trap the men, shocking them. "Curse that Pikachu!" One of the men cried out. "Ash! Thank goodness you're here!" The girl cried in relief. "I came as fast as I could, Risa. Officer Jenny is on her way to get those crooks!" Ash said. Just then, a siren wailed and Officer Jenny arrived at the spot. "You crooks are under arrest for attempted Pokénapping and harassment!" Officer Jenny put the men in handcuffs and lead them to the vehicle. "Thank you, Officer Jenny!" The girl, named Risa waved. "Always doing my job!" Officer Jenny waved back and left, taking the two men to the station.

Serena showed a look of slight jealousy, seeing Ash and Risa walking towards them. "So... I guess you, uh... saved her. Huh?" Ash nodded "Yeah! If it weren't for those smugglers, her Eevee would've been gone!" "Do you know each other?" Serena went off-topic, asking Ash suspiciously. Ash turned his gaze to Risa. "Sorry, Risa. My girlfriend gets suspicious when I'm around other girls." "Pika..." Pikachu shrugged. Serena walked up to Ash, punching his arm playfully. "Gee! What was that for?" Ash giggled. "I'm trying to ask you a question, Ash and you give me the brush off by talking to... uh..." Serena scolded Ash, but stopped herself because she forgot the girl's name. "Risa is my name. I'm from Fula City in the Johto Region." Risa answered Serena, extended her arm for a handshake. Serena kept her cool and shook Risa's hand. "That Eevee of yours is so cute!" Serena knelt down to Risa's Eevee. "Eevui!" Eevee jumped on Serena, licking her cheek. "That tickles! Hehe!" Serena goggled. She then thought of her Sylveon when it was an Eevee. 'Risa's Eevee is more playful than mine, but that doesn't mean I don't love mine!' "Earth to Serena!" Ash called. After five seconds of a lack of response, he picked her up, holding her bridal style. "Gahh! Ash?!" Serena turned bright red. Risa giggled, along with her Eevee, Ash and Pikachu as well. Serena ended up giggling! "Oh, Ash!" Ash gently put her down. He gave Serena a kiss on the forehead. "Oh, I forgot something! I'm sorry, Risa. My name is Serena, from the Kalos Region. I'm a Pokémon performer." Serena was distracted by the Eevee, which lead to her forgetting about introducing herself. "Don't worry, Serena! It's cool to know you're a performer. I've seen contest performances on TV, but never thought of performing myself." Risa responded. Serena nodded and threw out one of her Poké Balls. "Sylveon, come on out!" Out came Sylveon, Eevee's Fairy-type evolved form. "Sylvie!" Sylveon gazed at the little Eevee, smilimg. Eevee and Sylveon nuzzled their cheeks. "Wow, seems they're getting along already!" Risa exclaimed. She was in awe at the sight of Eevee and Sylveon. "Your Sylveon is so adorable!" "Thanks a lot, Risa!" Serena replied. "Loyalty is pretty much its personality!"

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