Chapter 3: Hunter

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A busy night at Ruby's was common. This night had Hope Swan-Jones on staff. Ruby shouted orders from the kitchen and Hope used her magic as a way to easily stay behind the bar and serve orders at the same time. A great way to practice her magic. Only thing different about tonight, everyone was asking her about her mom. Specifically, if she was found or not. Twenty-four hours and still nothing. 

"Hope! That order goes to table three, not four!" Ruby called out. 

"I got it!" Hope quickly moved the plates she placed on table three to table four with a simple turn of her left hand. A new customer sat in front of her at the bar. "Welcome, what can I get you?" 

"A hot chocolate, whip cream and cinnamon." 

Hope froze. "Ci-Cinnamon?" 

"That's correct! A Savior special right?" The customer laughed. 

Hope stayed still. Hardly any movement was seen from her. "Right. C-Coming right up." Hope turned to the kitchen. Ruby placed a plate on the kitchen window. 

"Grill cheeses for table four." Hope stared at the grill cheeses that emitted steam from the plates. "Hope? Hey." Hope snapped out of her daze. Ruby stood in the kitchen window with a white apron protecting her usual ruby red shirt and brown hair pulled back and up in a bun. The apron seemed to pick favorites since the shirt was untouched, but her black jeans were covered in flour, sugar, and cinnamon. "You okay? I asked if you needed the night off and you insisted-" 

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine. I need a Savior special for the customer at the bar please." Hope took the plates of grill cheeses from the window, careful as to not dip her black sleeves in the sauce next to the fries.

"Okay. No problem." Hope sent the plates to table four as Ruby watched her. 

Another customer came to the bar and leaned on it. "Hey, Hope. Anything about your mom yet?"

"No. Not yet." Hope continued to deliver orders as the customer continued to talk to her. 

"Man, a whole day has passed. I hope you find her soon."

Hope chuckled slightly. "Me too," she said half heartily. The customer walked away and Hope leaned on the counter. "I wish I could just disappear. In a puff of smoke. Like Regina does. Just whoosh." Hope then realized. She stood straight, closed her eyes and twirled her arms in the air like she's seen Regina do many times. When she opened them, she saw the diner. Still. Hope groaned. "It's brutal out here."

Ruby rang the bell and without a single thought, Hope sent the plates away with a wave of her hand.


Hope immediately looked up and saw the dishes heading straight towards someone coming out of the restrooms. She yanked her hand to the side and the dishes followed suit and went into the wall. Hope's hands retreated to cover her mouth. She then looked over at Ruby. "I am so sorry."

"It's okay. I'll fix up another and you just take a breather. I can handle things for a little while."

Ruby quickly made the order again and instead of ringing the bell and placing it on the window, she exited the kitchen and took it to the booth it belonged to. Hope leaned on the counter and began to breathe deeply. Ruby placed the plates on the table and took a glance at Hope. Ruby then went over to the phone that hung near the wall by the bathrooms. She dialed a number and waited.

When someone picked up, she immediately said, "Hey. She's having a really hard time. You may have to come and get her."

Hope stared at the floor before deciding to try and teleport again. She closed her eyes and twirled her arms like before. Her eyes opened and she was still in the diner. She tried again. Still in the diner. She tried again. Still in the diner. Frustrated, Hope threw her arms down, causing all the tables to smash into the ground. When the tables fell, Hope did too. Down to the ground she went, and she leaned against the bar as she tried to catch her breath. She felt like she was crying and yet she wasn't. No tears formed and no tears fell. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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